All new developments, dates and contacts are announced on the Antiracist G8 action and event calendar you will find [here...] Call out for No Border Camp in Ukraine 2007 The camp will take place from the 11th to the 20th of August 2007 in the main region of transit and labor migration in Ukraine: Transcarpathia... This year our international movement makes a major step forward, as the camp in Ukraine will be first ever organized on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Some of the aims of this camp are... [more...] 19th of May: Caravan tour starts in Neuburg! TO ABOLISH ALL REFUGEE CAMPS - AGAINST DEPORTATIONS TO AREAS OF CONFLICT OF THE WORLD ! ![]() 19th of May till 4th of June: Anti-G8-Caravan from Neuburg to Rostock: "We are here because you destroy our countries" Tourstart in Neuburg, Action-camp at Brandl-lawn: 19th-21st of May From 19th of May up to 4th of June 2007, the Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants is travelling from Bavaria via Thuringen, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalia, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), and Berlin towards Rostock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. [more...] Migration-Related Activities during the Anti-G8 Mobilisation in Germany Here is an overview of the migration-related activities that wil take place before and during the g8 summit in Heiligendamm (northeastern Germany) in the period from Saturday the 19th of May until Friday the 8th of June 2007.[more...] STATEMENT We met today on the 14th of april, we are people of differents territories and countries of Europe. We participate in the third Action Conference against the G8 Summit in Rostock. Several of us took part in the Global Meeting organized on the 31th of march in Venice, where we began to coordinate on an european level. Facing our committements to participate in the protest and actions against the G8 summit, we want to share some agreements about borders control and freedom of movement. [more...] Call out for No Border Camp in Ukraine 2007 The camp will take place from the 11th to the 20th of August 2007 in the main region of transit and labor migration in Ukraine: Transcarpathia. [more...] CROSSING BORDERS movements and struggles of migration transnational newsletter, 2. Ausgabe, January 2007 to our sisters and brothers in Africa - a common struggle for the freedom of movement and the right to stay transnational newsletter, 2nd Issue, January 2007 Intro: This 2nd issue of Crossing Borders appears at the same time as the World Social Forum takes place in Nairobi. As with the last European Social Forum in Athens, we believe that migration must be recognized as an own thematic axis. Nairobi is another opportunity to continue not only the euro-african political communication (page2), but also to shift the migration related networking process to a global level. To foster transnational communication is the aim of "Crossing borders". The first issue was published on the 7th of October, the transnational day of action (page 3/4). It was distributed during the demonstrations, and the initial response was good. To accompany transnational mobilisations will continue to be our aim. Further issues will come for an europeanwide legalisation-campaign (page 2), the next 1st of May and migrant-workers activities, and for the coming Anti-G8-campaign in Germany in June 07...[complete text as PDF] Invitation for the next migrationrelated Anti-G8-Meeting from 5th to 7th of January 2007 in Berlin Meeting-place: We will meet in the rooms of AGIF which are located at Silbersteinstraße 96 in Berlin. This is close to S-Bahn / metro line U8 Hermannstraße.(read more...] CROSSING BORDERS movements and struggles of migration transnational newsletter, 1. Ausgabe, Oktober 2006 European-wide Legalisation - or why the European space has to be turned into a battlefield for the rights of migrants... From Brussels via Paris to Barcelona, from Gothenburg via Hamburg, to Rome and Athens, nearly everywhere in Europe today we see strong struggles and campaigns by migrants and refugees for their legalisation, for their right to stay. It is 10 years ago now, since the sans-papier-movement in France came up with the slogan "papers for all", obviously the starting point for a new cycle of increasing struggles. Certainly the conditions are still different in the various European countries, as well as between the various subjects... [complete text as PDF] nolager bremen: input-paper As most of you probably know the Anti-G8-Camp “Campinski” has taken place from 4th to 13th of August in a little village 1 hour from Rostock. The main aim of the camp was the preparation or developement of the resistance against the G8 which is going to be hold next year in Heiligendamm close to Rostock (6th 8th of June 2007). [read more...] Autonomous rear Entrances to Fortress Europe?! Antiracist Perspectives in regard to G-8 Summit 2007 For years there has been a deep divide in the (antiracist) Left when the issue of flight and migration comes up. While one side is talking about "Fortress Europe" and mainly concentrates on attacking the ever more sophisticated regime of borders, camps and deportations, the other side favors the concept of "autonomy of migration" as the archimedial reference point. According to this concept one should not fortget that despite all efforts to close the borders each year hundreds of thousand people enter the European Union on an irregular basis who organize their survival under self-determined, however rather precarious conditions. Migration therefore should be deciphered as "social protagonism", i.e. resilience; it could even be termed the "most successful social movement"... Global Freedom of Movement and Equal Rights for All A first call to mass action, under the slogans: ‘For Global Freedom of Movement’ and ‘Equal Rights for All’, in the context of the mobilisation against the 2007 G8 summit in Germany. "We are here, because you are destroying our countries." This central slogan of the ‘Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants’ explicitly links capitalist destruction on the one hand to flight and migration on the other. The G8-governments - as well as the WTO, IMF and World Bank - are not only responsible for neocolonial relations of exploitation; they also increasingly rely on and further the intensification of processes of selection and exclusion in the Northern parts of the globe, the intensification of legal, social and political hierarchies. It is these and other developments - whether in the North or the South - that lead us to speak of a system of global Apartheid. [read more...] [PDF-Version] |
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