Video-ActivistsKurzfilm über den Schriftzug NO G8 an der uk.indymedia.org 17. Mai 2007 Announcing Flash Radio G8 2007 Podcast ![]() Flash Radio is a podcast from and about the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm Germany. Subscribe to our podcast about the actions against the G8 or listen to it online. From the 2nd June through till the 10th our 30 minute podcast will contain selected material recorded by our embedded citizen reporter teams.[more...] ![]() Call for worldwide public screenings of current video reports about the protests against the G8 summit 2007 We are a network of video activists from Germany. Together with video groups from other countries we will offer daily several video reports and a live-show to download from the new internet-platform http://g8-tv.org in the context of the protests against the G8 summit 2007 in Heiligendamm starting in the beginning of June.[more...] la gran accion global - the great global action - die große globale Aktion - la grande azione globale - a ação grande 2007 global - la grande action global don't hate the media - become the media DIY not Consumerism www.videoactivism.de Concept of Netzwerk Videoaktivismus ('Videoactivism Network')for mediawork around the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm... [read more...]
block g8 2007 in Heiligendamm call for blockades against g8 in 2007 from attac, Revolutionäres Bündnis and x1000 mal quer. Part of discussion at camp insky, august 6th 2006. [with english subtitles dsl (8.5M)...] Anti-G8 2007 - Proposals for actions in the run up by freundeskreis videoclips | www.videoactivism.de Germany, Bremen, 21.1.07 - Anti-G8 2007 - Dissent!+X – meeting - Proposals for Actiondays in Germany: 19th and 20th of March: Anti-War Day, 17th of April: Global Agriculture Day, 1st of May an around: Social Question(?). Duration: 0:07:45, File Size: 65.89 MiB Call for alternative G8-radio-coverage! Global Invitation to: movinG8-RadioForum Bundesverband Freier Radios On the occasion of the G8-summit 2007, various counter-events and actions are scheduled to take place in Northern Germany. At the start of a week of protests (2nd to 8th June) approx. 100.000 people are expected in Rostock and the surrounding area of the official venue of the summit (Heiligendamm). This will include a large number of journalists and media activists.[more...] |
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