August 2007
Summer of squatting in Finland
August 28 2007
During the summer 2007 squatting activity has spread all across Finland. In Helsinki there have been six different occupations. In Turku two houses have been occupied, but both of them have been evicted. In Tampere one social center has been created and is still functioning. The occupations started in Helsinki in May, when a house was occupied for a social center in the Katajanokka district in the center of Helsinki. [
There are too many Bundeswehr vehicles
indymedia - 27. August 2007
Worldwide people continually are trying to put military institutions and war equipment out of use, in Germany as well. [more...] |
Montebello is Fortress North America
jbs, 19.08.2007
Today, with politicians and corporate leaders hiding behind police and 10-foot steel fences, and the rest of us excluded on the outside or forced into useless protest pens -- Montebello is Fortress North America.
Montebello, Quebec (August 19-21, 2007) -- George Bush, Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon are meeting behind steel fences and thousands of police at the Chateau Montebello, as part of the so-called "Security and Prosperity Partnership".
They talk about "security" and "prosperity", but their agenda really means insecurity and misery for working and oppressed peoples in the Americas. [
Solidarity actions against police raids
Fight against repression!!!
On the 20th of August unknown offenders burned a luxury Mercedes Benz in the posh part of Bonn. The car burned out completely. The Antifa mentioned the deed in form of banners hanging from bridges three days later. The slogan
"For each new razzia a Benz will burn" they referred to the police searches of the 16th of August by which the G8 repression machine victimized another person of the left scene.
Climate Camp To Target Heathrow
Camp for Climate Action, 14th - 21st August 2007
See UK Indymedia for info about very successful Climate Camp:
Last summer, over 600 people converged outside Drax coal-fired power station for 10 days of sustainable living and collective education, culminating in a day of mass action against Drax. This year, the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents near Heathrow airport.
There will be a day of mass direct action aiming to disrupt the activities of the airport and the aviation industry, but in the interests of public safety there will be no attempt to blockade runways. [more...]
Militant actions against nuclear companies
indy germany, 14.08.2007
The last days several militant actions against nuclear companies like e.on, DB and siemens were staged in northern Germany and Berlin. [more...]
Arson attack on a car of the Federal Constitutional Court
derkampfgehtweiter 3rd of August 2007
In the night of the 2nd to 3rd of August we burned a car of the Federal Constitutional Court in Schönhauser Allee. By this we explicitly want to express our anger about the unspeakable militant-group-construct of Federal Criminal Police BKA and political police that lead to the arrests of Tuesday. By the outrageous arguments of the Federal Chief Prosecutor every radical left who had studied political science or sociology and is interested in certain topics is turned into a potential member of the "militante gruppe".
July 2007
Mexico Confirms Attacks on Gas Pipelines
July 10 2007 - MEXICO CITY
Mexico's government on Tuesday called a series of gas pipeline explosions a threat to the nation's democratic institutions and vowed to step up security after a guerrilla group claimed responsibility for the blasts. [
June 2007
Friday 15 of June 2007
G8 to Atlantica, Resistance is Global
21 arrested in Halifax, Canada, during demonstration against Atlantica economic conference. Hundreds Confront Atlantica, Keep Cops Running
by IMC Friday, Jun. 15, 2007
Early reports indicate 16 confirmed arrests
A noon-time march drew about 400 this afternoon starting from Victoria Park. Organized as the largest anti-Atlantica event this weekend... [more...] |
tuesday 12.6.
helsinki: 10 comrades block the entrance of the german embassy for about an hour
sunday 10.6.
halberstadt: soli banner at a street +++ berlin: demo against repression and a mercedes on fire
saturday 9.6.
stuttgart: some dozens of activists form a short but intense demo to support prisoners and resistance against the g8 +++ leipzig: stones and barricades on a spontaneous demo against police repression +++ leon/spain: solidarity action in the city +++ kühlungsborn: final bathing action of the wichmannsdorf camp. efforts of the police failed to keep them away from a ndr live tv talkshow, "we are all 129a" slogans are shouted, and a fashist gets a bit in trouble +++ bochum: 150 demonstrate their solidarity. the summit might be over, but resistance continues
friday 8.6.
climate action day so far: a jet petrol station blockade in norwich, u.k., a super-glue action at cheap flight specialists's hq in london, a 70-strong shell petrol station blockade in evershagen [] +++ rostock: 500 carry their protest against repression to the cages of the gesa +++ greece: at one o´clock at night in athens three bombs explode at branches of mercedes and opel and in a bus of a greek-german school. the same time in thessaloniki five bombs cause damage to a lidl market, a miele shop, three cars in two mercedes branches and a toyota dealer +++ san francisco: environmental and global justice activists cycle throuth town to demand an end to the g8´s ravaging of the planet +++ lübeck: nightly soli jail demo of 35 comrades +++ kiev/ucraine: solidarity march to say "gute nacht g8" to the german embassy. on banners and leaflets people speak out against authority claimed by the g8, privatization and borders +++ berlin: reclaim the streets with some 600 anti-g8 activists +++ milwaukee: the uncontrollables drop banners with the messages "solidarity with anti g8 prisoners" and "can´t stop kaos - fuck the g8" +++ moscow: anarchists block the german embassy for an hour with lock-ons +++ heiligendamm: 20 take a bath in the forbidden zone telling the g8 to piss off now +++ waldkraiburg/bavaria: anti g8 banners carry the protest to the inner city and call for social revolution +++ hannover: some banners as well +++ berlin: 12 cars destroyed or on fire, burning tyres on a street, 13 windows of a bank and some more windows of a jobcenter smashed +++ sydney/australia: soli action at the german consulate +++ mannheim: soli demo of 40 +++ venezuela: the social movements send a note of solidarity
thursday 7.6.
more blockades around heiligendamm +++ frankfurt: "we are the chaots" 40 activists block a central street for about an hour, bypassers sponteinously join +++ leipzig: 100 engage in making capitalism history with a demo +++ detmold: roadblock and demo against g8 +++ oldenburg: 150 on the streets against g8 as a whole +++ braunschweig: 150 sponaneously walk through the city. to them compared to the victims capitalism produces each day cobble stones are peanuts +++ neuruppin: dezentral street blockade of the g8 +++ westerwald: 20 anti-g8-antifas proof with a mini demo that there will be no quiet hinterland +++ offenburg: demo in solidarity with all forms of action +++ wien: soli demo brings 150 people on the streets +++ plauen: a dozen opponents of the g8 block the city train tram +++ san josé/costa rica: the collectivo autogestion libertario (CAL) protest in front of the german embassy in explicit solidarity with all forms of protest. a road is blocked before a little demo enters the city, accompanied by spray paint slogans +++ chemnitz: 4 members of the black block stroll through the city telling "we are your paranoia" +++ demmin: activists put lots of info stickers on products in the villages supermarket to inform about realities of globalization +++ wiesbaden: 150 protesters march and block some crossroads in solidarity with the people in heiligendamm +++ amsterdam: 11 cash mashines are put out of order. stickers read "the g8 is redistributing the wealth of the world. maybe you don´t get any this time" +++ car of russian delegates gets deflated, their belongings are taken off the boot. after driving into the crowd, people smash the rear window +++ sao paulo/brasil: 200 march against g8, clowns break the windows of mcdonalds and some banks, and dance between tear gas and ruber bullets +++ reutlingen: 30 activists block some streets and demonstrate in solidarity +++ santiago/chile: 40 social fighters attack the police with rocks and molotovs, built barricades and spray graffities against the g8 +++ hinter bollhagen: after the blockades some people close a police all around with gaffa tape and deflate the tyres, another cop car arriving looses sirens, plates and megaphones when people started to dance on it. some trees on the street continue the action +++ wellington/newzealand: the "tour of eeeevil" on their way to the u.s. embassy focusses on climate change, while later on in front of the british embassy they tried to tighten capitalism on the tracks of history +++ quito/equador: 100 activists block the entrance of the german and british embassies for about two hours in solidarity with the comrades blocking the g8 in germany, and in general for the peoples fighting for liberation and against capitalism +++ thessaloniki: soli info action at the goethe institute +++ berlin: one mercedes and a jaguar on fire; 17 cars of the telekom smashed in their own yard +++ barcelona: 200 anticapitalistas march through the city and block some roads
wednesday 6.6.
rostock: molotov attack against caterpillar. on the wall it reads "organize social war - increase direct action - anarchy" +++ blockades encircle heiligendamm +++ seoul/korea: a roaming anti g8 bike tour cruises through the city, waving anti g8 flags +++ schinkelkade: the nightly brickbrigade attacks the international organization for migration IOM with paint and stones. the locks are glued, slogans in solidarity with refugees are left behind +++ federal street near hannover: soli banner "no g8" +++ blankenhof: 2.5 ha of genetically manipulated corn destroyed +++ bremen: 400 try their best to dance away g8 +++ darmstadt: 200 protest against g8, police violence and permanent social cuts +++ berlin: mercedes in flames +++ copenhagen: 500 march on the embassies of the g8 states in solidarity with the blockades and the köpi
tuesday 5.6.
rostock: demo to caterpillar, eads and other profiteers of global war +++ salzburg: a banner drop follows an info event three days ago +++ dresden: several banners contribute to the actionday against war, militarization and torture +++ wildberg: around 5000 squaremeters of monsanto gm corn now inhabit the field horizontally +++ berlin: daimlerchryslercar burns +++ laage airport: after the arrival of george bush some delegates are blocked
monday 4.6.
dresden: paints bombs on foreigners office +++ bern: soli demo to the german embassy - free the g8 prisoners +++ rostock: the migrationdemo moves on despite massive police repression +++ german border: after being stopped polish comrades occupie a train +++ rostock: 12 japanese activists enter the hotel of the japanese delegation to protest against precarity and the strategy of global war of the japanese empire +++ zürich: arson attack on a new mercedes in front of daimlerchrysler for exploitation and dismissal of workers. freedom for the g8 prisoners is demanded +++ berlin: chrysler voyager on fire
sunday 3.6.
amsterdam: banner drop from the big crane right across the central station "stop the g8" +++ rostock: manifestation against industrial agriculture +++ hansfelde: activists trample down 1000 squaremeters of monsanto gm corn +++ rostock: clown army global food war blockade of mcdonalds +++ 3.6. groß gerau: make capitalism history soli demo
saturday 2.6.
rostock demo +++ hamburg: soli ralley of 80 +++ munich: 400 on street party against g8 +++ groß gerau: soli banner on the highway +++ marburg: flash mobs protest against g8 and remind of the murder of benno ohnesorg 40 years ago +++ porto/portugal: anti g8 info and protest action with big pictures on main street []
friday 1.6.
robin wood activists block two main roads to heiligendamm with air-walks for 3 hours +++ wendisch priborn: liberate! paint action against an animal farm to scandalize industrial soya-pig-production [] +++ berliner: burn land rover burn +++ kyritz-ruppiner heide: settling of the bombodrom and pinkening of a former command tower with heavy clown army support +++ kaiserslautern: banner from the old city hall "no nato! no g8! together against torture, war and exploitation"

Graffiti in Kreuzberg
May 2007
- thursday 31.5. rostock: banner drop at the bureau germans biggest arms trade company eads "armament exports are no aid to development. stopp eads and g8"
- 30.5. near rostock: activists of robin wood block two streets to rostock with rope-bridges. the climbers protest against the "allgemeinverfügung" bans which are put in effect today
- 29.5. bielefeld: colour to the bertelsmann company because of its manipulative role in transforming public education into a place where invisible chains were produced to force people into economic slavery. the group demands free education and calls to attack g8
- 29.5. berlin: fire demobilizes two bigger mercedes cars
- 29.5. "we won´t be silent" - 30 people form a spontaneous march to the higher administrative court. with banners saying things like "away with the fences" they scandalize the bans of demonstrations and repression against g8 protests.
- 29.5. hildesheim: the bike caravan "cyclefront" confronts consumers in the local department store galeria kaufhof with subversive theatre.
- indymedia Scotland 28. May 2007
Riots at EU/Asia economic meeting
We declare war on the leaders of the world...
Rioting took place on the chaotic streets of Hamburg as the EU and Asian leaders met. After the official demonstration was over the real action started as the Black Bloc took on the cops. Bottles, paint bombs, bangers and fireworks were hurled at police lines.[more...]
- 28.5. oldenburg: the euromarches meets with the caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants for a demo - 500 protest that day against the unjust world economic order, against eu migration policies, against the abolishing of social rights and for a strong mobilization to the g8 protests in heiligendamm
- 28.5. berlin: 100 people protest against the ban of the moscow pride gay march at the russian embassy
- indymedia 28. Mai 2007
Ticker-HH 28.05.07 english
Today is the day of the international demonstration against the ASEM summit in Hamburg. After a wide international Mobilisation and Court Appeals against the route and the organisers the demonstration starts fom Millerntorplatz , moves on along Reeperbahn, St. Pauli Fischmarkt, Hafenstraße, Baumwall to the Rödingsmarkt. The police protects the city centre with massive presence, media reports that appr. 4000-5000 police are in Hamburg today.[more...]
- 27.5. mittenwald: some 400 activists took some days off mobilizing against the g8 to protest against the anual celebrations of old fashists and young soldiers of the gebirgsjäger troops that are responsible for docens of massacres during ww2. as the nazi elite "mountain hunters" unit still exists today, people are successfully disturbing their continuity celebrations for some years now
- 27.5. giessen: under the banner "hör mir uff mit deutschland" (~give up germany) 200 anticapitalists demonstrate for left structures and autonomous spaces. they ask everyone to join the "...ums ganze" (~ for all of it) block on the 2nd of june demo in rostock
- 27 5. hamburg: the reclaim the streets party takes off on three routes through altona with three sound systems. unfortunatelly 65 people get temporarily arrested.
- 27.5. berlin: two more cars on fire in kreuzberg
- 27.5. göttingen: locals support the "cyclefront" with a critical mass & a visit of mcdonalds
- 26.5. lindau: 200 anti-g8ers, punks, amnesty international, antiracist groups and comrades from argentina protest and inform in front of the town hall about the effects of capitalist globalization and the social movements encountering and fighting it.
- 26.5. nürnberg: 500 demonstrate "together against g8 - another world is possible and necessary". due to a colour attac on the pharma company novartis some weeks ago the police prohibited the demo going there. novartis is critzised for causing death and avoidable suffering by preventing cheap medicine to be produced, as they protect "their" products with intellectual property rights
- 26.5. berlin/hamburg: 1700 demonstrate against the education policies of the g8
- 26.5. weil am rhein/otterbach border: the european marches 2007 protest at the deportation prison against the swiss asylum politics. banners read "no caging of refugees" and "noone is illegal". on the following border crossing action the slogan "no border - no nation - stop deportation" is enacted [the slogan can nicely be chanted in alternation with "no nation - no border - fight law & order"]
- 26.5. göttingen: infotables and street theatre on the central square gänseliesl attract a lot of public attention
- 26.5. moscow: 100 activists participate in a critical mass and street party in solidarity against g8 and repression
- 26.5.konstanz & singen: in a street theatre action the g8 top fucking leaders of the world distribute flyers and information and try to domesticate a big world balloon rolling around them. in vain - the people take it back!
- 25.5. bonn: public blockade training in front of the university prepares activists of all ages for the streets of heiligendamm.
- 25.5. berlin: a dodge and a mercedes fall victim to the flames.
- 25.5. hamburg: critical mass to get started against the ASEM-meeting 350 enthusiatstic anti-g8-bikeriders slow down after work traffic. in the beginning they are only followed by some police which close off traffic behind them. after a while this changes as more cops arrive on motorbikes and in vans: they jump out and arrest around 20 people. the rest at first manages to escape to the park "planten un blomen", but quite a few are arrested later on. cops throw people off their bikes and drive with high speed in front of them to force them to stop. but anyways, most of the people get released again later on (indymedia quotes the legal team knowing of 5 rrests), and the action disturbed traffic in the city center. as a comrade writes on indymdia the cops were completely confused and sometimes blocked by the traffic jam. it is reported that people passing gave spontaneous applause to the activists, and that those bikers returning after the action summarized "nice to see that we can lso win sometimes!"
- 25.5. berlin: just another car...
- 25.5. berlin: critical mass is troubled by police right from the start. despite controls and an arrest some manage to move on.
- 24.5. würzburg: the street theatre "maulauf" (~open your mouth) visualized the problem of 1.4 million people in the global south: not aving access to enough clean water. the group walks through the city with a glass of water and stage the scenario of people dying from thirst in 12 places. unfortunatelly the people walking by always started to intervene or ask for reasons too late, when the actors were already on the ground.
- 24.5. düsseldorf: "the superfluous" enter the job agency in their red hoodies and white masks and call to participate in social struggles and the protests against the g8 [].
- 24.5. berlin: fire to a van of the energy company vattenfall.
- 24.5. berlin: three men escape from deportation prison.
- 23.5. berlin: two more cars burning.
- 23.5. münchen: 200 demonstrate against the g8 meeting of ministers of the interior and justice. banners tell "freedom dies with security - fight international police terror - shut down g8!" and "global resistance against war and capitalism".
- 23.5. hamburg: colour and stones to the house of karl-heinz warnholz of the local conservative party cdu and manager of a real estate company.
- 23.5. berlin: two mercedes burn down, windows of a lidl market get smashed, "no g8" is written on the wall.
- 22.5. freienbessingen: the caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants protest at the local deportation camp.
- 23.5. frankfurt/main: the caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants opens up a wholeday "market place of global solidarity" in the city center.
- 23.5. berlin: stones on a police car
- 22.5. berlin: after some huzzles about noise at the trailor place "x-dorf" near the convergence space bethanien, the police attacks the place with batons and gas, but is chased away with bottles and stones. the following evening a demo demands to set free the 11 people arrested.
- 22.5. hamburg: fire to the mercedes of kai diekmann, editor in chief of the newspaper bild
- 22.5. berlin: another expensive car burning
- 21.5. jena: demo of the caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants on their way to heiligendamm.
- 21.5. kiel: the group "soli-group we are all §129a distributes fake letters of the ministery of the interior announcing city-wide camera surveillance and curfews to prevent attacs of the radical left.
- 21.5. gatersleben: 400 activists protest against gm outdoor experiments with peas and wheat immidiatelly next to the seed bank, that has the task to collect and preserve old plants.
- 21.5. gießen: anti gmo activist root up most of a gm maize test field of the university, which will declare some days later, that the action stopped the test.
- 21.5. public blockade trainings in berlin, düsseldorf and essen.
- 20.5. berlin: the "hedonist international" together with 100 activists does a spontaneous rave in front of the german parliament reichstag to protest against g8 and repression. demonstrations near parliament are forbidden in germany []
- 20.5. göttingen: fire destroys two vans of the federal police after a demonstration against g8 and repression was harassed by the police.
- 20.5. lüneburg: anti-g8 banners cross the route of the nuclear transport
- 20.5. hamburg: some masked statues in the district of ottensen tell "beware! - plan b"
- 19.5. neuburg/bavaria: the karavan tour for the rights of refugees and migrants starts their tour to heiligendamm, which will leed them to 16 places of institutional racism that need to be reminded that "We are here because you destroy our countries" []
- 19.5. karlsruhe: more than 700 people demonstrate at and against the bureau of the Chief Federal Prosecutor responsible for the police raids 10 days ago.
- 19.5. göttingen: 500 demonstrate to express "göttingen is not heiligendamm - we don´t care! smash capitalism! fight the g8 summit!"
- 19.5. halle/saale: 70 antifashists protest against an anti-g8-infotable of the npd/jn
- 19.5. hannover: 700 demonstrate against g8, repression and the local yellow press
Time May 22th 2007
Militants target editor in ‘G8 rehearsal’
The private Mercedes of the Editor of the mass-circulation Bild newspaper was set ablaze yesterday, apparently by militants gearing up for violent clashes at the G8 summit next month.
The arson attack on Kai Diekmann’s car has sent a ripple of panic through the political class as Germany seems to be hurtling towards a showdown between the antiglobalisation movement and police trying to shield the world’s leaders, who gather at a Baltic spa in the first week of June.[more...]
19.5. malmö
street party against the G8
that was held in Malmö saturday evening: Three hundred young people took over the centrally located spot Triangeln and placed a great party right in front of shopping avenues and luxurious hotels. [
- 19.5. berlin: fire to a bmw and a car of a telephone company
- 18.5. hamburg: colour and stones to the private house of august wilhelm henningsen, boss of the lufthansa technic ag.
- 18.5. berlin: banner dropped from the siegessäule “i hate capitalism and war – i hate g8 – start to stress the summit at the 2nd of june.
- 18.5. berlin: fire to two police cars, a chrysler voyager, an audi and a car of the deutsche bahn railway company. unfortunatelly one person got arrested.
- 17.5. berlin: fire to a daimler-chrysler
- 16.5. schwedt: the shake g8 bikeride dances down the german border, only the traktor got stopped by the police.
- 16.5. berlin: activists cut out the hansanet-advertising-icon "alice" in one of these commercial mega-banners covering the charlottenburger tor. another banner now explains: "alice goes g8".
- 15.5. berlin: colour and stones to two shops of the coffee-company tschibo, supposedly for bad conditions in the production of some of the things they sell.
- 14.5. berlin: fire to the building of the right wing students union rcds.
- 13.5. berlin: fire to a deutsche bahn car.
German Consulate Attacked!
Copied from Indymedia Scotland:
As a show of solidarity with the victims of police repression in Germany, the German
Consulate in Edinburgh has been redecorated in lovely yellow.more...]
Huge "No G8" slogan visible from German summit site
Boergerende, Germany - Critics of globalization confirmed Tuesday they had painted a huge red 'No G8' slogan on a building that will be visible from the venue of this June's summit of eight leading nations in Germany.
The red letters, painted three storeys high on a 50-metre-long unused vacation boarding-house at the seaside resort of Boergerende, are visible 3 kilometres away. |
A group which named itself the Easter Painting Holiday Group admitted responsibility for the graffiti, which went up over the Easter long weekend that ended in Germany Monday.
Demonstrators who oppose the policies of the G8 (Group of Eight) policies are planning to get as close as police will allow in June to the summit venue, the elegant beach resort of Heiligendamm on Germany's Baltic coast.
The painted 'No G8' slogan can be seen across a steel-mesh security fence which has been erected right around Heiligendamm.
- 11.5. salzburg: colour to german consulate
- 11.5. stuttgart: black colour to ministery of interior
- 10.5. dresden: colour & stones against the commerzbank in support of the köpi.
- 10.5. edinburgh: german embassy is attacked with lovely yellow colour by the black bloc of scotland
- 10.5. tübingen: pro-köpi-anti-g8-colour to commerzbank
- 10.5. lübbecke: arson attack on mcdonalds by "no-g8-elf"
- 10.5. nürnberg: soli colour attack against novartis
- 10.5. amsterdam: colour and stones to german consulate
- 9.5. police raids in germany unite the different factions of protest against g8: numerous press releases and spontaneous demos in more than 20 cities proof that we are more powerful than we imagined ourselves
- 6.7.8. may, france: 1000s of angry people, barricades and more than 700 cars burned after sarkozy got voted president []
- demo and solidarity squattings against the sale of the köpi
- 3.5. managua, nicaragua: spray paints the wall of german embassy - "no g8"
- 2.5. ruhr area: stones and colour to five police stations
- mayday in ghent: anti-g8-bikers of the western gr8chaoskaravaan enter the socialist demo and stage and present a fiery speech about the revolutionary tradition of mayday and the need for solidarity with the struggles worldwide []
- mayday worldwide: to mention some would leave out too many...we are not only everywhere, but sometimes even somewhere together - and determined, even if the state tries to crush all like in istanbul[]... a look at zürich will warm your heart []
April 2007
- 30.4. rostock: anti gm slogans close to the lüsewitz test fields
- 29.4. kopenhagen: more riots around "ground 69"
- 29.4. heiligendamm: 21 years after tschernobyl some hundered activists protest against nuclear power and the g8
- 27.4. berlin: "parcours global" runs and rolls through the inner city to companies like unionist-killer coca-cola and landmine-producer rheinmetall
- 26.4. bonn: clownarmy protects the meeting of g8-sherpas from democratic ideas []
- 26.4. berlin: "money or life" drops banners inside and on top of the german parliament, adjusting the german constitution to reality, which now reads "the wishes of german economy are inviolable" []
- 23.4. malandrinon, greece: jailhouse rock after an imprisoned anarchist got beaten up. one day later the revolt spreads to 8 more prisons
- 21.4. aachen: a demo visits jagdfeld, the owner of the hotels in heiligendamm in his private villa
- 19.4. berlin: a laptop with information about the setting up of the g8 press center in kühlungsborn gets stolen inside the house of representatives
- 18.4. lüsewitz: colour bags on the gm-science-center "agrobiotechnikum" accompany the destruction of a gm-potato-test-field. "gentechnik stoppen" is written on the wall
- 14.4. hamburg: colour and stones to "hanse gate" - the building of a shipping company well known by sailors and harbour workers for low wages and bad conditions [interim 654]
- 12.4. lüsewitz, near rostock: anti gm activists are hindered to erect a 17 meter tripod on one of the most expensive gm fields in germany []
- 7.4. börgerende, baltic sea: "easterpainters" write "NO G8" all over the front of a huge empty appartment house easy to see from the summit place three kilometers away
- 4.4. budapest: start of the eastern bike caravan []
- 4.4. berlin: antinuclear fire to a siemens car
- 2.4. clownarmy occupies the kempinski hotel in halle
March 2007
- 31.3. faslane: 25 activists from belgium, portugal, germany and finland block the gate to the scottish nato-submarine base for three hours with lock-ons []
- 29.3. chile: on the "day of the young fighters" 42 demos in 21 cities demand justice for people killed under pinochet, but also strive for better education and public transport. in santiago, as in 7 other places people build barricades and attack the police []
- 27.3. paris: fights with the police, smashed windows and proletarian shopping at gare du nord []
- 25.3. berlin: the demo against the 50-years-eu summit scandalizes the neo-colonial, militarist and imperialist policies of eu and g8
- 24.3 berlin: eu-promotion-bus in flames, accompanied by the call to "fight g8" and "smash capitalism"
- 24.3. brussels: international anti-nuclear activists protest against 50 years of atomic subsidaries granted by the euratom-treaty
- 22.3. altleiningen, germany: fire destroys a bar where fashists of the npd used to meet
- 18.3. basel: colour to the italian consulate to support the revolutionary movement attacked by the state
- 18.3. berlin: 10 renault vans on fire create a six-digit damage to support activists of action directe imprisoned in france
- 17.3. winterthur, switzerland: protesters against the economic forum wifo and g8 say: "globally or locally - delete the elite!" []
- 17.3. potsdam: as g8 ministers of environment confirmed the continuity of destruction on their meeting, a demo of 600 activists offers unlimited support in killing off the planet.
- 16.3. berlin: the "militant group" sets fire to a building of commerce in solidarity with political prisoners in italy and turkey
- 13.3. kühlungsborn: anti-g8 graffitis in toxic green from town-hall down to the sea
9. April 2007
zaandamm, netherlands:
Just before the official opening of the new detention boats in Zaandam, around 90 activists made a start opening the fences with bold cutters. [
- 11.3. athens: as a reaction to police repression of the students demontration against the privatisation of universities two days before, the bureau of the conservative government party and a bank are attacked with molotovs, a police squat gets beaten up []
- 8.-14.3. america latina dice fuera a bush! massive protests accompany the u.s. president on every step of his south america tour. in montevideo cracking glass and fire greet welcome, in mexico riots push towards the embassy []
- 8.3. berlin: autonomous groups set on fire a dussmann building, protesting against the inhumane catering the company provides to asylum-seekers in a local camp. They call to "Fight Fortress Europe - Fight G8"
- 8.3.oaxaca: women hold the first rows of the manifestation of 100.000 to demand freedom for the prisoners of the uprising 3 month ago
- 8.3. nürnberg: colour to sex shops in nürnberg on feminist action day
- after 1.3 copenhagen: no peace no more. riot after riot responds to the eviction of ungdomshuset, supported by solidarity actions all over europe. firms involved in the eviction loose cars in flames of revenge []
February 2007
24. February 2007
bilbo, euzkadi:
despite brutal attacks of the police thousands demonstrate and build barricades in solidarity with the political prisoners and for the release of Inaki de Juana Chaos, who is on hungerstrike for 112 days at that time
24. February 2007
big anti war demo in london []
23. February 2007
four cars of the catering company dussmann melt away in fire as a contribution to the militant campaign against the g8. dussmann is profiting from selling bad food to asylum seekers
23. February 2007
bil`in, palestine:
1500 activists celebrate the 2nd anniversary of resistance to the wall in the village with a demo. some manage to cut the fence, 4 activists get severely injured by teargas projectiles, rubber bullets and concussion grenades []
22. February 2007
big fat riots in athens after a demo of 25.000 against privatization of universities and to defend the right that campuses in greece are no-go-areas for police []
20. February 2007
100 antimilitarist no-g8-jesters embody the deadly cynical self-righteousness of those in power under the motto "g8 - we burn out the world" in the traditional carnival procession. in rostock and heiligendamm the group carnevala spreads propaganda-sweets and holds holy-lympics at and through the fence
17. February 2007
"burn berlinale, burn" posters ridicule intellectual property rights []
17. February 2007
vincenza, italy:
100.000 demonstrate against the extension of a nato military base
14. February 2007
santa rosa, argentina:
the "pueblo naciòn mapuche" takes back the land stolen from them by the benetton-group before []
12. February 2007
padua, mailand, turin:
after raiding more than 80 places police arrests 15 people for reactivating a wing of brigate rosse +++ 12.2. berlin: fire on a police building
7./8. February 2007
stone and colour attacks on catholic military bishops office, the software company sap, bertelsmann foundation and the house of a consultant of the ministery of defense. the group "autonomous antimilitarists" protest against the profiteers of war and arms trade and mobilice against against the g8 [interim 651]
6. February 2007
activists welcome the atomforum meeting in berlin with stones on the nuclear company vattenfall & call to attack g8 [interim 651]
5. February 2007
70 activists enter the tv-tower with a sound system and call to boost away g8
January 2007
26. Januar 2007
“revolutionary anti-militarist activists” burn the mercedes of a top-armament-manager of blohm & voss maritime systems and throw colour bags on the house of another one. they write “attack the nato-war-conference in munich – paralyze the g8 meeting in heiligendamm”
24. Januar 2007
more colour and rockets on a bank, the indian embassy, the inland intelligence service dap and the swiss state work agency seco []
24.Januar 2007
more colour and rockets on a bank, the indian embassy, the inland intelligence service dap and the swiss state work agency seco []
20. Januar 2007
in different cities demos started this years dynamics against the world economic forum in davos, in zürich the bureaus of the consulting firms ernst&young and kpmg were covered with red & black colour. also turkish airlines was attacked as representative of the turkish torture state
15. Januar 2007
the militant group (mg) puts out of use two cars of federal police - which they describe as central organ of persecution and deportation - by making them go up in flames. the mg directly relates their action to the militant campaign against g8 and calls for further attacks
15. Januar 2007
jemnitzschleuse & heiligendamm:
the "actiongroup fence inspection" explores the first parts and demands to fence in capitalism
11.Januar 2007
nuclear transport route:
the group "hook in for withdrawal" puts several socalled hook-claws in the overhead contact line in front of the castor train. they call to shut down nuclear power plants and tear down g8 - they claim that energy politics is negotiated in action [interim 648]
9. Januar 2007
dessau & berlin:
after a weekend of preparing antiracist actions during the G8, two demonstrations remember the murder of oury jalloh, who burnt alive in a german police-cell two years ago. clarification, justice and restitution is demanded
6. Januar 2007
a molotov sets ablaze the storeroom of a mcdonalds stuffing shack, while the writing on the wall says "mcdonalds kills" and "smash capitalism" - refined by an A in a circle
3.Januar 2007
to critizise miserable working conditions in global factories producing for companies like adidas a group smashed each and every big window of the central company store in the city centre []
December 2006
31.Dezember 2006
some hundered anticapitalists celebrate new year on a revolutionary silvester-demo. rumours tell of a smashed bank and police station []
international meeting to prepare the next intergalactico against neoliberalism and for humanity []
Protesters Carry Out Series of Attacks Ahead of G8 Summit
Spiegel Online
December 29, 2006
Protesters in Germany have attacked a luxury hotel where the next G8 summit will be held in June. The action comes just days after an arson attack on a politician's house. Meanwhile politicians bicker over who will pay for the massive security operation... [
read more...]
"we marked next years target" say some enemies of the g8 throwing red and black paintbombs on the kempinski hotel in heiligendamm - announcing that there won´t be peace and quiet in the time before the summit []
the "ag kolonialism and war" sets fire to the car of state-secretary of finance thomas mirow in front of his house, which also got damaged by heat of flames and blue paintbombs. he was chosen as target for preparing the g8 spectacle of imperialist reign and being at controls of several strings of power. the group demands reparations for the crimes of colonialism and unconditional cancellation of all depts
before christmas 2006
in berlin, essen, dresden & bremen:
anti-copyright-sant@s distribute illegally burned music-cds to protest against the monopolization of knowledge, called intellectual property rights, and patents also in agriculture and medicine. they call to participate in the protests against the promoters of this policies, the g8, next summer []
december 2006
for profiting from deportation camp system anti-g8-ers colour walls, glue locks, smash windows and leave anti-racist slogans at the federal bureau of the "charity" organization awo [interim 647]
start the riot
solidarity action for ungdomshuset
dissent belgium takes action in the shopping district against blind and sexist consumerism. [movie:]
window rock/navajo nation:
on the "indigenous world uranium summit" delegates of native communities from all over the world shared experiences and spoke about strategies to resist the "nuclear renaissance" promoted by the bush administration [and the G8 in russia this summer, coll.coll.] to put an end to uranium mining, weapons tests, plans for nuclear waste dumps - the whole nuclear fuel cycle []
November 2006
many places:
global action day for education
immigrants protest being locked up in a immigration detention centre by spilling out of their rooms and lighting fires to draw attention to their plight
stop g20 activists confront the meeting of finance ministers, reserve bank governors and heads of the world bank with a carnival, occupations of companies profiting from war and an army recruitment office, as well as militant protests - the arterial bloc celebrated its birthday by smashing a police van []
la hague to gorleben:
activists stop the nuclear castor transport many times, trying out tactics of blockade for the summit next year []
coimbatore, india:
200 farmers uproot and destroy plants in a genetically engineered bt.rice field trial of mahyco-monsanto. activists also did direct actions in karnal and gorakhpur in north india []
October 2006
after 27.10.2006
many places:
solidarity actions with the struggle in oaxaca, where the mexican police killed 5 people storming the autonomous parts of the city. []
the headquarter of DAL, the German Africa-Lines is set on fire to remind of the colonial roots of todays global rule and exploitation, and to demonstrate against the continuities of german colonialism in everyday racism, as well as in the militarist and imperialist policies of the german government - reparations are demanded. the group calls to integrate the colonial background into the campaign and mobilization against the g8 (in german:
anti-nuclear activists block the german embassy and demand to stop uranium transports to russia. the host of the g8 for sure won´t talk about the 400% extension of its uranium enrichment plant in gronau while presenting itself as spearhead of ecology, reason & peace next year
After hooded activists emphasized their opposition to the restructuring of the city by throwing paint, stones and flares on the Museum of Contemporary Art, the government puts off the European summit of housing policy ministers to prevent violent demonstrations by radicals and no-global groups.
many places:
3rd day of migration related actions []
rotterdam activists
climb on the floating deportation prisons in the harbour of rotterdam and blockade the entrances by locking themselves to the gate
to contribute to the international actionday on migration and to support the idea of an antiracist focus of militant actions before and during the g8 summit, an unnamed group throws colourbottles on the "charity" organization awo, which runs deportation camps not only in berlin [interim 643]
the refugees in the local deportation camp start a strike supported by several demos and an autonomous visit of the camp director´s house. the refugees still refuse the cantine feeding and 1€-Jobs, a low-paid type of forced labour.
the no name chaots burn several cars of companies involved in nuclear energy as well as some expensive others to protest against the nuclear transports and the g8 [interim 644]
September 2006
protests against the meeting of the g8+5 meeting - alternative summit for climate justice & convergence against g8 []
same time, arizona side of the border:
indigenous groups gather at the "border summit of the americas" to protest against the border politics of the u.s. government - the planned extension of the fence/wall to mexico will cut through their lands and already militarizes their lives (]
end of september 2006
The "unholy dam-bursting alliance" sets fire to the car of one of the bosses of the hermes credit insurance germany and colours the the house of another. hermes organizes financial guarantees that the german government gives to company investment in other countries, often following imperialist instead of social or ecological guidelines. soon it will be decided whether such a guarantee is given for the construction of the ilisu-dam in turkey. the group calls to flood the g8 instead [interim 643]
schwerin and greifswald:
at least some hundered people protest against the neo-fascist party npd, that entered the parliament of mecklenburg-vorpommern with 7.3% in the provincial elections.
autonomous groups put the arson attac they attempted against a company dealing with genetically manipulated corn in the context of anti g8 protests [interim 641]
August 2006
a town near schwerin:
the peuple de seattle (p.d.s.) wake up the prime minister of mecklenburg-vorpommern harald ringstorff with paintsbombs and stones. they critisize him for hosting the g8 while enforcing deportations and tolerating bad living conditions of refugees [interim 641]
camp inski
[see article in news from the fields and beyond]
Juli 2006
the autonome anti g8 sports league sets fire to 6 fiat cars and attacks a police station with paintbombs and stones in memorial of carlo giuliani killed 5 years ago during the protests in genoa [interim 640]
international day
of action for climate justice, and against climate change and the g8 []
global action day
in solidarity with the anti-g8-protests in st.petersburg/russia []
near heiligendamm: hundreds of people demonstrate against the visit of george w. bush and the g8
actions before this day will be supplemented soon...