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DISSENT! - Retecrash! again... non ci fermerete mai! VERSO IL 6 OTTOBRE: Alle 6.45 del 20 Agosto 2007 un atto militare tenta di fermare l'esperienza del Laboratorio Occupato CRASH! Le ruspe cofferatiane entrano nello spazio per demolire tutto quanto costruito e vissuto in un anno e mezzo di occupazione di un vecchio edificio dismesso, a cui si era data nuova vita. Nessun preavviso alla vile delibera a porte chiuse agostana. Lo stabile torna vuoto e chiuso per le volontà dell'amministrazione Cofferati: l'ennesimo scempio di quanto Bologna è ancora in grado di produrre dal basso al di là delle ordinanze proibizioniste, della negazione della socialità, della mercificazione culturale. Un Laboratorio largamente attraversato, catalizzatore di desideri e bisogni di decine di migliaia di persone a Bologna, che ha visto prodursi e riprodursi al suo interno reti sociali in cerca di spazi di vivibilità. ![]() Collective Radar G8 2007: Help Build the Action Map! Resistance to the G8 in and around Heiligendamm was as massive as it was multiple and diverse. To show this, the facilities to build a collective action map depicting all of the actions that happened, are being put together. The map will have icons that indicate where what kind of action took place. The individual icons will be linked to texts, films or pictures about the actions. You will also be able to view a brief summary while scrolling with your mouse. [more...] Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee” Cassius Clay, alias, Muhammad Alì by Miranda
People who have been arrested during the G 8, please, note the following: The legalteam/EA has remarked that many arrested people have spent unjustified long time in the detention centres and even after the order by a judge to be immediately released they were kept in the prison. In order to assess the conditions of the detentions and to start a complaint, we ask you to fill out the form and to send it back by fax or e-mail. [PDF-Form...] An Open Letter to the Press Lettera aperta alla stampa. Rostock, G8 2007: Qui c'è un terribile malinteso Qui in Germania, come per la maggior parte delle proteste contro il G8, la stampa internazionale non guarda a tutta la storia della battaglia - al massimo una storia parziale - e chiede quanto o perchè è successo. Summit dopo summit, abbiamo notato nei media il solito modello. Immagini di manifestanti vestiti di nero che lanciano pietre contro la polizia, storie di teppisti senza senso - questi che il governo dice di voler punire e rinchiudere lontano. [continua...] La battaglia di Rostock. Plan B is started: join to the battle of joy! In alcuni momenti, non sempre e mai per calcolo, crediamo sia giusto prendere la parola e parlare a tutti e tutte in modo semplice e franco. Bene, questo è uno di quei momenti.[continua...] our internet-work is over... it's time for action to smash G8! we are on the way...
See you in the streets and fields! I m p o r t a n t ! ! !
Coreografia go directly to...
and every evening... at 8 PM
we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets Thursday, 31 May 2007Friday, 1 June 2007
Information about the Bombodrom action day...
on June 1st, 2007
Squatting the Bombodrom (a planned military training territory)
Saturday, 2 June 2007]![]() Call to International Demonstration in Rostock, Saturday, June 2nd 2007 Another World is Possible!
Stop the nazi demonstration - 2. June 2007 Schwerin
and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Protest march from the University Rostock to the New Market
Rally from Rostock to Gross Luesewitz
international networking meeting of migrants in rostock rally with stops on supermarkets, laboratories for genetical modified animals and crops on bikes, skaters, cars - east of Rostock and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
Monday, 4 June 2007
Actionday 'Escape and Migration'
Antiracist G8 action and event calendar you will find [here...]
and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Actions Against Militarism, War, Torture and the Global State of Exception decentral blockades and antimilitaristic action in Rostock ![]() In memory of the victims of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land since the War of 5 June 1967
We are gathered together on the 40th anniversary of the war between Israel and its Arab neighbours to commemorate the Palestinians and Israelis, who have died as a result of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. [more...] and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
6 June 2007 Rostock-Laage Airport Action Day against war, torture and militarism! decentralized blockades - blockade of rostock laage airport - "Block G8" move, block, stay
“Welcome to our last demonstration in Heiligendamm 2007. With a bewildered gaze we are looking at the sea, the hotel isn’t obstructing the view anymore. The revolution has started. Though there are a lot of things to do now – let’s look back for a moment. While we were waiting for the Air Force One and the other bosses of the world, we blocked and smashed the military airport at Rostock Laage. Now we know – because of the massive demonstrations all over the world, the bosses had to stay at home. Some of the delegates had tried to get through our street blockades but they failed. Nevertheless there was enough time to discuss the issues of the counter-summit and destroy the genetically modifi ed crops, because the cops most time blocked themselves. The genetic companies are smashed, the hotels are open to everyone. Allover Germany the quarters of the rich and the fi nance centers are burning – the people who stayed at home weren’t idle. Some of us are now recovering at the Bombodrom, where some built up a revolutionary, international camp. Because it is now that we are really getting ready to rock.” [read more...]
Call for Action - 40 Years of Occupation in Palestine - June 6-12
and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
Thursday, 7 June 2007
decentralized blockades - blockade of rostock laage airport "Block G8" move, block, stay and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
Friday, 8 June 2007
friday 8th June 2007 International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8.
Direct Action for Climate Justice – Resistance is Self Defense!
![]() Blockade Party auf der MS Stubnitz in Rostock... and like every evening... at 8 PM we see us in Rostock at "Neuen Markt" or in Kühlungsborn at "Seebrücke" to stroll, discuss, amuse, juggle, dine, hotel walking... let's have fun in the streets
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