Collective Radar G8 2007: Help Build the Action Map!
Resistance to the G8 in and around Heiligendamm was as massive as it was multiple and diverse.
To show this, the facilities to build a collective action map depicting all of the actions that happened, are being put together. The map will have icons that indicate where what kind of action took place. The individual icons will be linked to texts, films or pictures about the actions. You will also be able to view a brief summary while scrolling with your mouse. [more...]
From the 10 to the 15 of August will take place the second edition of the free and alternative camping in the social center Mezza Canaja, in Senigallia (AN) on the italian Adriatic coast.
The place is 5 meters from the Adriatic sea beach and is an autonomous and squatted social center.
After our participation in the protests against g8 in June in the frame of the Global Meeting Network we want now to open another space for sharing, discussion and having fun together. On the thirteenth of August we will talk about the last G8, for valueing the future prospective concerning on European movement. |
We invite all the collectives, groups and individuals that want to share with us some days to continue together the construction of radical and rebel anti-capitalist movement in Europe .[more...]
international meeting
of 26th july - 29th july 2007 at Limoge - France!
the next international meeting will be taken an the weekend of 26th juli - 29th july at Limoge/France.
- Evaluation of G8 and
- Outlooks to a possible networking in future
Legal Team Telephone Number for the G8 summit:
0049 - (0)3820 - 4768111

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