tries to collect all the information about the repression around the COP15 Climate Summit that took place in Copenhagen in December 2009. Everybody who suffered legal repression is asked to contact, so that the documentation is as complete as possible. The blog will report about the court trials as far as people concerned agree, and is also open for colaboration with those people. If you want to add any information about your case, then the blog will be open for you. Information on this blog can generally be in your preferred language. People eager to help out with some translation work (especially from Danish!) are also asked to get in touch, and to contribute to the success of this blog.
A public newsletter was established and can be subscribed on the blog, as well as following this link:
Donations for the court expenses can be made to a German bank account:
Spenden und Aktion
Konto-Nr: 928 818 06, BLZ: 513 900 00
Key word (important!): COP15
Within the EU bank transfers are easy and free of charge. You only need the following information:
IBAN: DE29 5139 0000 0092 8818 06
Key word: COP15