On the 16th of December hundreds of people, who were accredited delegates and civil society observers at the UN-summit COP15 tried to leave the ground of the conference center to meet with protesters outside. They were met with police batons and were beaten by the Danish police in their attempt to join a “peoples assembly” happening nearby.
On behalf of a long list of NGO´s, grassroots networks and Indigenous Peoples groups, these delegates are today sending an official compliant to the UN about how they and the Danish police handled protests on the 16th, and the violence they perpetrated on peaceful demonstrators.
Joshua Kahn Russell, Rainforest action network says:
“The actions of the Danish police were an unacceptable move to silence critical voices in the talks. Article 6 of the UNFCCC requires Parties to promote and facilitate public participation in the conference. The actions of the Danish police in using such disproportionate force in Copenhagen to silenced the voices of civil society, is compromising the democratic process.”
Furthermore an independent investigation is urged for.
Joseph Zacune, Friends of the Earth International Climate and Energy Program coordinator says:
“We urge an independent investigation into the police tactics. The UNFCCC should disclose what cooperation took place between the UNFCCC and the Danish police and should also publicly condemn the actions of the Danish police.”
For comments and response, contact spokesperson:
Joshua Kahn Russell, Rainforest action network
Telephone, US number: 1-415-568-6591
Mail: josh@ran.org
The official complaint is attached.
Source: email