The first thing you can do is to support the people who still imprisoned by sending them emails, letters, drawings and packages. Emails can be sent to info[at] or retsgruppe69[at]
Letters, drawings and packages can be forwarded through:
Anarchist Black Cross (ABC)
Postbox 604
2200 København N (Denmark)
ABC goes to the prison with letters every day.
If you prefer to write directly to the prisoners, you can use the following address:
[name of the prisoner]
Vestre Faengse
Vigerslevs Allé 1D
2450 Kobenhavn SV (Denmark)
The prison only allows to deliver things like letters, drawings, originally sealed CD’s, money and clothes. ABC cannot forward books, fanzines or food to the prisoners. You can make copies and send such things directly to them as this sometimes works!
These are the names of our friends we know are still in jail (and in brackets, the languages you can communicate with them):
If you have the names of other people or more, relevant or updated information about them (full names, languages they speak, particular needs or wants), please contact us.