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Climate Justice Action spokesperson Tadzio Müller released

Climate Justice Action

Press Release

Saturday 19th December 2009

Today spokesperson from the Climate Justice Action Tadzio Müller was released. He was arrested Tuesday on the 15th of December, when he left Bella Center after a joint press conference between Climate Justice Action and Climate Justice Now.

After the release Tadizo stated:

"In the last two weeks in Copenhagen,we witnessed one abject failure, and one resounding success. The obvious failure is that of the COP15: not only did the summit not deliver the drastic and just emissions reductions that are necessary, it in fact failed to deliver anything at all. The success is that of the global climate justice movement, which organised spectacular, large and inspiring actions, where activists from all over the world came together and created a new common ground on which to continue the fight for global justice. Finally, the failure of the COP highlights the importance of social movement, pressure from below, and civil disobedience in the face of the climate crisis".

CJA's spokespersons have openly explained the purpose of the action and told about the non-violent basis and still spokespersons are now facing charges of planning violence. This is absurd. Tadizos reply to his arrest was:

"The Danish government's appallingly disproportionate reaction, the political policing used to jail some 1800 activists for nothing at all, targeting of media spokespeople; using tear gas, pepper spray, mass cages, baton charges and mass preemptive arrests; sets a precedent dangerous not only for Denmark, but for the future of the world."

The release shows that the purpose of the arrests were meant to silence the critics of the COP-15 process. The imprisonment of our spokespersons are an attempt to criminalise a broad and global opposition. CJA have always been open about our plans. We have had dialogue meetings with the police, we have stressed that we would be non-violent and we have stood up with face and full name, yet we are treated like criminals.

CJA hope that this will lead to the release of Stine Gry Jonassen and Tannie Nyboe when put before a judge next  Wednesday. Police have appealed Tadzio Müller's release and he will be put in front of a judge again on Monday.

Climate Justice Action - media team.


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