Bicycle caravans to the G8 – summit

Bicycle caravans to the G8 – summit

G8-Summit protest will begin with the start of the first bicycle caravan from Budapest in 5th of April

From 6th to 8th June 2007 the G8 will meet in Heiligendamm near Rostock (Germoney). A lot of creative actions have been (and will be) prepared, such as bicycle caravans to mobilise protests in the run-up of the meeting.

So far, 4 routes have evolved from the idea to travel to the G8 by bike from all over Europe:

  • The "shake-G8-bikeride" will go from Budapest (5. April) via Györ, Bratislava, Brno, Wroclav, Poznan, Schwedt to Wittstock.
  • The "Gr8chaoskaravaan" will go from Brugge via Brussels, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Münster, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Hamburg, Gorleben to Wittstock.
  • The Scandinavian caravan will go from Rovaniemi - Stockholm (23-04) via Linköping, Jönköping, Malmö, Copenhagen, Odense, Flensburg, Hamburg to Wittstock.
  • The bycicle caravan from Berlin, will start at 21.5

The four caravans will meet on the planned military bombing territory "Bombodrom" near Wittstock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern at the end of May and participate in the actions there. Further they`ll join the protests around Heiligendamm.

What the people of caravan want
On their way they want to spread information about and fight against the politics of the G8 and the effects of global capitalism. For that we are planning information events and creative direct actions with local groups. By doing so they' ll try to link the global politics of the G8 with local struggles and build networks.

The caravan as a space for experiments
The cyclists don't want to take part in the whole neoliberal circus and the division of people for example along racist criterias and economic exploitability. They consider the caravan as a place for experiments in which they can realize their ideas and ideals (even if only temporarily). They want to create a non-hierarchical structure during their ride in which we can learn and act in a self-organised manner. They want to make it possible for all people to participate regardless of money, bicycle, physical condition or papers. They want to use our time together for exchange and to build networks with various local groups from different backgrounds.

"Come in multitudes and bring bicycles, let's take ride with many people collectively! You should bring along between one day and two months time - and an interest in self-organisation and creative actions. join the ride, be it from Budapest, Brugge or anywhere else.", says Franz Farin from the caravan Info Office in Rostock, Germany

Don't fight (only) the players - Fight the game !!!

For more infos visit:

East caravan: fahrradkarawane07 [at]
If you want to get in contact to people of the east-caravan and arrange meeting at their starting point, please contact the phone 0036706356398
West caravan: gr8chaoskaravaan07 [at]
Scandinavian caravan: scandinaviacaravang8 [at]
caravaninfo-office: Mr. Franz Farin, available under 0049 - 179-6268785, Rassmussenstr. 8, 18106 Rostock, Germany