Press release

G8 2007 Heiligendamm, Germany

Additional bike caravan from Scandinavia to protest against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany Create 1, 2, many bicycle caravans

Two weeks to go until the official protests against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm begin with the start of a bike caravan from Budapest on April 5th. Since today it is certain that apart from the east-caravan from Budapest(Hungary) and the caravan from Gent (Belgium), which has been in planning for a year now, there will be three more caravans starting out in Dresden, Berlin and even Stockholm. Especially the bike ride from Scandinavia, starting date April 25th in Stockholm, going via Norköpping, Linköpping, Malmö, Kopenhagen to Hamburg is a clear demonstration for the ongoing internationalisation of the protests against the politics of the G8", says Franz Farin from the caravan information office, Rostock of the caravans.

The last leg from the intended bomb release area Bombodrom in Wittstock to the blockade points of the airport Rostock Laage will be particulary interesting because here all 5 bicycle caravans will unite. "With several hundred participants this caravan will probably be the biggest one of the last years",Farin explains.

With the concept of the bicycle caravans the participants want to mobilise against the G8 summit in the towns along the route and also temporarily live as a solidary collective in differentiation to the capitalist society.

eastern caravan: fahrradkarawane07[AT] 0036706356398
western caravan: gr8chaoskaravaan07[AT]
scandinavian caravan: scandinaviacaravang[AT][

caravan information office, Franz Farin, partwise available, by 0049-179-6268785
Rassmussenstr. 8, 18106 Rostock, Germany

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