
16.12.2009 Kopenhagen -- Pittsburgh

- Police Beat Delegates Trying to Join Protest Outside COP-15

- Police fire tear gas and arrest protesters who try to storm Copenhagen summit

- Police target CJA spoke people

- Friends of the Earth among activists barred from Copenhagen conference centre

- Massive attack on the freedom of press

- Klima-Aktivisten stürmen Podium in Kopenhagen

- Intensive Überwachung von Kritikern der UN-Verhandlungen

- In Stahlkäfige gesperrt

- Polizei nimmt 160 Gipfelstürmer fest

- Pictures protest and police COP15 16 December 2009

- Pictures protest and police COP15 16 December 2009

- Pictures protest and police COP15 16 December 2009

- Release Tadzio Mueller and the other climate prisoners!

- ACLU Sues Pittsburgh For Harassment, Intimidation

Police Beat Delegates Trying to Join Protest Outside COP-15

Today, 100 COP-15 delegates – led by two members of the Bolivian government delegation, and dozens of members of organizations from the Global South and Indigenous groups – marched out of the Copenhagen climate talks and tried to join the People’s Assembly at the Reclaim Power protest outside, only to be blocked and severely beaten by Danish police (who were working closely together with UN security).

The police cracked down incredibly hard on the Reclaim Power protest today – both inside and outside the Bella Center – but they didn’t prevent the protest from being an incredibly powerful and formative moment in the global movement for climate justice.

More: 091216/2

Police fire tear gas and arrest protesters who try to storm Copenhagen summit

Police fired tear gas and made at least 200 arrests today as thousands of climate change activists tried to breach security at the UN environmental summit in Copenhagen.

Groups of protesters arrived at the summit as world leaders including Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe gathered for a final push towards an agreement to tackle global warming and had planned to storm the venue, including the main negotiating hall.

But they were stopped at police barricades as they arrived at Bella Centre, the sprawling conference venue on the outskirts of Copenhagen.

More: 091216/2

Police target CJA spoke people

Following yesterday's arrest of Tadzio Muller after the Climate Justice Action press conference, and about four more spokespeople were violently snatched out of the crowd today. At 18:00 a CJA press conference will address the arrests of the media spokespeople that aim to limit their freedom of speech.

As was reported yesterday, a CJA activist and spokes person, Tadzio Muller was violently snatched by police minutes after he left a Climate Justice Action press conference at the Bella Centre, where COP15 is held. The conference presented the rationale behind today's Reclaim Power! action, that aimed to take over the climate conference for one day, and turn it into a people's assembly. Some mainstream media has since branded Tadzio as the "leader" of CJA, which is blatantly rubbish, while others relay a more balanced view, and echo fears that the police is trying to silence dissent by targetting spokes people.

More: 091216/2

Friends of the Earth among activists barred from Copenhagen conference centre

Friends of the Earth international, Avaaz, Tck Tck Tck and other mainstream environment coalition groups were refused entry to the Copenhagen conference centre this morning without being given any reason.

The Bella Centre is the focal point for climate activists who are aiming to invade the summit today. Around the city, some 150 arrests have been made this morning as part of an intensification of security to keep the lid on actions in the conference centre as the first of 115 world leaders arrives in Copenhagen amid the major protests.

In a separate development, hundreds of non-government groups are to be individually banned from the centre or have their numbers slashed from tomorrow to make way for world leaders. Only 1,000 people from civil society will be allowed in to the conference hall tomorrow, and 90 on Friday.

More: 091216/2

Massive attack on the freedom of press

Two German reporters from Rostock, Germany were arrested whilst working. The young women, both 23 years old, were reporting for the German Association of Free Radio (BFR). A review resulted in the remand of both in custody until the 23rd of December at the latest. The association strongly condemns the massive restrictions on the freedom of press and demands the immediate release of the two colleagues.

More: 091216/2

Klima-Aktivisten stürmen Podium in Kopenhagen

Der streng gesicherte Weltklimagipfel in Kopenhagen wurde heute unterbrochen. Sicherheitspersonal musste eingreifen.

«Klima-Gerechtigkeit jetzt!» riefen die beiden Aktivisten - eine Frau und ein Mann - mehrfach. Sie eroberten die Bühne in der Haupthalle des Bella- Konferenzzentrums nach einer Rede des senegalesischen Präsidenten Abdoulaye Wade. Anschliessend wurden sie von Sicherheitsleuten weggebracht.

More: 091216/2

Intensive Überwachung von Kritikern der UN-Verhandlungen


CLIMATE JUSTICE ACTION (deutschsprachiges Team)
Kopenhagen, 16. Dezember 2009

* Update zur Verhaftung von Dr. Tadzio Müller in Kopenhagen am 15.12.

Der am gestrigen Tag verhaftete Sprecher von Climate Justice Action wurde heute dem Haftrichter vorgeführt. Dieser Haftprüfungstermin verlief für ihn negativ. Der Arrest wurde um drei Tage verlängert. Bei dem Haftprüfungstermin wurden auch Protokolle von abgehörten Handygesprächen und sms-Nachrichten vorgelegt. Bereits in den vergangenen Tagen hatten sich vor allem bei deutschen Aktivisten die Anzeichen gehäuft, dass ihre Telefone überwacht werden.

„Wir hatten bereits in den vergangenen Tagen den Verdacht, dass unsere Telefone abgehört werden. Zudem wurde ein Aktivist ständig von Zivilpolizisten verfolgt“, berichtet ein Aktivist von Climate Justice Action. „Menschen die eine politisch kritische Position haben, werden durchleuchtet wie Strukturen Organisierter Kriminalität. Dänemark befindet sich auf dem abschüssigen Wege zum Überwachungsstaat. Offensichtlich dient sich die dänische Polizei ihrer Regierung als politische Polizei an.“
More: email 091216/2

In Stahlkäfige gesperrt

Emily Apple, Guardian

Nur wenige haben sich gegen die Polizeiaktionen während des Klimagipfels in Kopenhagen gewehrt, doch massive Repressionen erfordern massiven Widerstand

In Großbritannien haben wir seit langen ein Problem mit Polizei-Präventionen. Ich selbst war bereits davon betroffen und bin dagegen zu Felde gezogen. Das Ausmaß, das mit 1.000 Festnahmen am Wochenende in Kopenhagen erreicht wurde, überschreitet aber bei weitem alles, was ich in Großbritannien bisher erlebt habe.

More: 091216/2

Polizei nimmt 160 Gipfelstürmer fest

Tausende demonstrieren friedlich, einige Dutzend wollten zum Tagungsort durchbrechen. Die Polizei setzte Schlagstöcke und Pfefferspray ein. Sie nahm 160 Protestler fest.

Die dänische Polizei hat ihren harten Kurs gegen die Demonstrationen im Rahmen des Klimagipfels fortgesetzt und eine erste Erstürmung des Kopenhagener Tagungsorts abgewehrt. Medienberichten zufolge setzte die Polizisten Hunde und Pfefferspray gegen eine Gruppe ein, als Beteiligte den Zaun um das Messezentrum Bella Center überklettern wollten.
More: 091216/2

Pictures protest and police COP15 16 December 2009


Pictures protest and police COP15 16 December 2009


Pictures protest and police COP15 16 December 2009


Release Tadzio Mueller and the other climate prisoners!

To: The Danish Parliament

Over the past week, tens of thousands of people from across the planet have taken to the streets of Copenhagen demanding real and just solutions to climate change. But on the streets, as well as inside the UN Climate Change Conference, delegates and ‘outsiders’ alike are doubting that the conference will reach a deal that isn’t a disaster for most of the world.

Inside the Bella Centre, where the UN delegates are meeting, numerous critical voices have been marginalised through technical and procedural manoeuvres. Others, like Friends of the Earth International, have had their accreditation revoked. Outside, the policing of protest has been consistently draconian and occasionally brutal.


ACLU Sues Pittsburgh For Harassment, Intimidation

Civil Rights Group Says City Suppressed Free Speech During G-20

PITTSBURGH — The American Civil Liberties Union has announced it’s suing the City of Pittsburgh over official’s treatment of protesters gathered for September’s G-20 economic summit.

Protesters and police clashed during the event, which brought world financial leaders to the city’s downtown for meetings about issues affecting the global economy.

According to a news release from the ACLU, the group is suing the city and police officers for what they say were efforts to thwart peaceful protest.
