
15.12.2009 Kopenhagen

- Police raid of Bolsjefabrikken


- Heute: Verhaftung von Sprecher von Climate Justice Action

- Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen - Aktivist Tadzio Müller festgenommen

- How will you defend democratic rights for climate activists during the rest of COP15?

- Repression COP15: Demonstration in Hamburg

- Report from Cop-enhagen

- Copenhagen: 194 arrested after protesters set fire to barricades

- A Copenhagen activist speaks: 'I was afraid I would go back to the cages'

- Pictures protest and police COP15 15 December 2009

- Pictures protest and police COP15 14 December 2009

- Pictures protest and police COP15 14 December 2009

- Christiania angegriffen

- 150 arrested as police fire teargas at protesters

- Why co-operate with Copenhagen cops?

- German police call for demonstrator database

- Klima-Gipfel-Krawall - Deutsche Chaoten machen aus Kopenhagen Kloppenhagen!

Police raid of Bolsjefabrikken

A report from the police raid of Bolsjefabrikken (the Candy Factory).

The police came suddenly and unannounced at about 4:45 p.m. and invaded Bolsjefabrikken (the Candy Factory). Between 50 and 100 cops entered the place. First they took the activists down to the basement for about an hour, while the police roamed around the building. When the activists asked what the police was doing, they were told: “They aren’t doing anything, just looking around”. The police claimed that they had two different police groups. One group who was going to decide whether to arrest people or not and another group that would search the place afterwards. So for an hour there was officially no search and the activists weren’t allowed to watch what the police were doing.



PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release
Tuesday December 15th 2009
Contact international media: +45 50669028

Danish police have teargassed climate activists in Copenhagen after a debate organized by Climate Justice Action, which included journalist Naomi Klein, and had a strongly critical approach to the UN talks. The police attacked protesters with tear gas, dogs, flash bombs and indiscriminate arrests. (1)

Oskar Dresling, who was attending the debate before the attack, said: "There was no reason for this attack. The police have raided Christiania before, but this was clearly an act designed to intimidate, harrass and terrorize the climate activists assembled in Copenhagen. They think that by attacking us while we party, we'll be afraid to come out on the streets this week.


Heute: Verhaftung von Sprecher von Climate Justice Action

Climate Justice Action (deutschsprachiges Team)
Kopenhagen, 15. Dezember 2009

* Dänemarks Regierung setzt auf politische Repression gegen Klimaschützer

Heute gegen 15:30 Uhr wurde einer der Sprecher von Climate Justice Action, Tadzio Müller von der Berliner Gruppe gegenstromberlin ( in Kopenhagen außerhalb des UN-Konferenzgeländes von drei Zivilpolizisten verhaftet. Climate Justice Action plant für den morgigen Mittwoch die Aktion zivilen Ungehorsams „Reclaim Power!“.


Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen - Aktivist Tadzio Müller festgenommen

Einer der führenden Köpfe des Protests gegen den UN-Klimagipfels, Tadzio Müller, ist in Kopenhagen festgenommen worden. Die Polizei will ihn “bis auf weiteres” inhaftieren. VON CHRISTIAN JAKOB

BERLIN taz | Die dänische Polizei hat einen der führenden Köpfe des Protests gegen den UN-Klimagipfels in Kopenhagen verhaftet. Gegen 15.30 Uhr wurde der deutsche Klimaaktivist Tadzio Müller vor dem Eingang des Bella Centers, in dem der Gipfel stattfindet, von drei Zivilpolizisten festgenommen.

Müller ist einer der Sprecher des “Climate Justice Action”-Netzwerks. Dieses hat für Mittwoch dazu aufgerufem, zum Tagungsort zu marschieren und das Gelände mit Mitteln des zivilen Ungehorsams für einen Tag zu besetzen.


How will you defend democratic rights for climate activists during the rest of COP15?

Press Release

All political parties in the Danish parliament and the police have been invited to a meeting open to the media with people from Africa, Asia and Latin America as well as Northern countries concerning democratic rights of climate demonstrators during the rest of COP15. See below.


Repression COP15: Demonstration in Hamburg

Hallo liebe Mitstreiter_innen für ein antikapitalistisches Klima,
wie Ihr vermutlich mitbekommen habt, findet in Kopenhagen momentan der sogenannte COP 15 (Klimagipfel) statt. Zu Protesten in diesem Zusammenhang haben unterschiedliche Bündnisse aufgerufen und mobilisiert. Siehe z.B.:

Wie zu solchen Anlässen üblich, machte sich auch die Staatsmacht (-in diesem Fall Dänemarks) bereit zum Gefecht, indem sie ihren Repressionsapparat in Form von eigens zu diesem Anlass verabschiedeten Gesetzen in Stellung brachte.


Report from Cop-enhagen

The signs up all over the airport and various places elsewhere in town are calling it Hopenhagen, but everybody I know is calling it Cop-enhagen, which seems far more appropriate. The international media has been giving this lots of coverage, and rightly so. Of course much of the media is unable to walk and chew gum at the same time, so other things, such as the reason the protests are happening in the first place, can get lost.


Copenhagen: 194 arrested after protesters set fire to barricades

Tear gas thrown at demonstrators like ‘huge grey wave’ during raid, as concerns grow of police crackdown

Almost 200 people were arrested late last night after protesters set fire to street barricades in a central Copenhagen neighbourhood. Protesters hurled fire bombs at riot police who responded with tear gas, officers said.

But pressure is growing for Danish police to account for their tactics, after four days of demonstrations have seen the controversial “kettle” tactic used three times, and more than 1,500 arrests, with 200 official complaints already filed.


A Copenhagen activist speaks: 'I was afraid I would go back to the cages'

Tomas Lundström was held for over 11 hours without charge in the Vallby ‘prison’, where he says police used violent tactics

I came to Copenhagen to protest against the undemocratic and ineffective climate talks and to stand up for climate justice. On Saturday, I joined together with 100,000 other people to march to the Bella centre. I was in a section of the march calling for “System Change Not Climate Change”, together with people from all over the world who are sick of fake corporate solutions like carbon trading, and want to see real climate solutions that deliver justice to the global south.

Not long into the event, the police suddenly cut off a large section of the march – about 1,000 people – for no obvious reason.


Pictures protest and police COP15 15 December 2009


Pictures protest and police COP15 14 December 2009


Pictures protest and police COP15 14 December 2009


Christiania angegriffen

Diese Nacht wurde die Freistadt Christiania von der Polizei angegriffen.

Nachdem sich das Vorgehen der dänischen Bullen in den letzten Tagen durch menschenunwürdigsten Verhalten, Schikane und Gewaltexzesse auszeichnete, kam es heute ( in der Nacht vom 14.-15. Dezember) zu einem neuen unvorhersehbaren Höhepunkt. Die seit 1971 existierende Freistadt Christiania wurde von hunderten Bullen geräumt und anschließend besetzt.
Ab ca. 22:30 Uhr begannen die Bullen Christiania zu umstellen, als Reaktion auf die Verbarrikadierung der Eingangstore. In der nächsten Stunde versammelten sich rund um Christiania Wasserwerfer, Räumfahrzeuge, ca. 15 deutsche Einsatzfahrzeuge, Hubschrauber, drei Hundestaffeln und Hunderte Cops.


150 arrested as police fire teargas at protesters

Danish police cordoned off an area of Copenhagen last night and used teargas for the first time during the climate change conference.

Officers arrested about 150 people after repeatedly firing teargas into a party organised by climate change protesters. Witnesses accused officers of a heavy-handed response.

At 1.20am police lifted the blockade of the Christiania area of the city and allowed about 2,000 people to leave.

One witness said that he had been dancing at the party, which had been addressed by the writer Naomi Klein, when riot police with dogs stormed in.


Why co-operate with Copenhagen cops?

Few of us fought back against policing at the Copenhagen protests, but mass repression requires mass resistance

We’ve long had a problem with preventative policing in the UK – it is something I have been subject to, and have campaigned against. However, the level of repressive policing displayed in arresting more than 1,000 people at the weekend in Copenhagen far exceeded anything we have experienced in this country.


German police call for demonstrator database

A German police union called for the creation of a Europe-wide database of violent demonstrators on Tuesday, following incidents on the fringes of the UN global warming talks.

Danish police have detained 1,500 people at protests around the climate change conference in Copenhagen since it began on December 7, most of whom have been released without charge.


Klima-Gipfel-Krawall - Deutsche Chaoten machen aus Kopenhagen Kloppenhagen!

Brennende Barrikaden in Kopenhagen – 300 deutsche Chaoten festgenommen – Polizei fordert zentrale „Krawall-Touristen-Datei“

Von Franz Solms-Laubach

Deutsche Chaoten mischen den Weltklima-Gipfel auf!

Militante Umweltschützer aus ganz Europa haben in Kopenhagen gestern Abend brennende Barrikaden außerhalb der alternativen Siedlung Christiania errichtet.

Polizisten, die die Flammen löschen wollten, wurden von den brutalen linken Chaoten mit Molotow-Cocktails angegriffen.

Mittendrin: Krawall-Touristen aus Deutschland!
