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Hello everybody,

we want to invite all of you to our next dissent+x-meeting to bremen.

The meeting will be from Friday, 19th of january 2007 5 p.m. untill Sunday, 21th of january, 2 p.m.

Details on the planed course, about the already announced working-groups (Ags)and everything else you will find further below.

Before we come to the technical things, we – as the bremer anti-g8-plenary and hosts- want to introduce shortly the most topical and urgent points which we could and -from our point of view- should discuss in january.
We don`t want to anticipate the agenda too much, which is decided -as it is known- not until Friday evening on the prelude plenary. But we want to introduce very shortly, which points -from our present impressions- of the leading discussions should become a bigger meaning for the meeting in january.
With this invitation we want to spare ourselves the trouble to conclude again the way things stand at the moment in each discussion. If you want to reread it, you should look over the minutes of the last meeting in Osnabrück.
Until the G8-summit 2007 in Heiligendamm it is less than 4 months when we meet up in bremen. After the last dissent+x-meeting in Osnabrück some things have been pushed forward, others are -as far as we know- unchanged open. Since the summit is temporaly coming closer, following points are due to be dealt with –from our point of view- should be discussed in the plenary respectively should be discussed and brought together in smaller working groups (AGs)
(without claiming completeness):
The question of one or more camps, spectrum-predominant or not, as well as the question, how the situation with places/spaces for camps is to be dealt with. And the question what to do, if there are no places resp. if they aren`t definite beforehand (fighting for/occupy, where, how and when).
The dissent+x-meeting should communicate about the plans for the prelude-demonstration, but especially about the plans for the Thursday-demonstration.
Tied to this is –from our point of view- the question of the relation resp. the participation of dissent+x on the general Hannover G8-coordination-circle resp. the G8-co-circle.
Further important points, which should be dealt with and discussed by the plenary are the themes: decentralised actions/blockades, mobilisation and actions beforehand and the international mobilisation.
So far, the mixture of our proposals and impressions on discussions and wishes for discussions at the moment.
About the working groups (AGs) more further below.

Now we come to the
friday, 19.01.2007
17:00 - 20:00 arrival
20:00 - 22:00 prelude-plenary (1): infos and exchange

saturday, 20.01.2007
9:00 - 10:00 breakfast
10:00 - 12:30 plenary (2)
12:30 - 14:00 lunch
14:00 - 16:00 AG-phase 1
17:00 - 19:00 AG-phase 2
19:00 - 20:30 dinner
20.30 AG-phase 3 (as possibility for AGs, which need this time)

sunday, 21.01.2007
9:00 - 10:00 breakfast
10:00 - 14:00 plenary (3)

For our concrete room-plans we need the feedback of all working groups (Ags)that want to meet up in bremen.
Please send us as fast as possible a mail for your room and time-needs. Without your informations our necessary preparation would become complicated.
Looking from the last meeting we`re expecting following working groups (Ags):
- activist trauma
- anti- repression
- blockades
- Bombodrom/Rostock-Laage/anti-militarism
- demonstration(s)
- bicycle-karawane east
- bicycle-karawane west
- global agriculture
- migration
- video-aktivists
- infotour
- infopoint
- camps
- finances
- decentral actions
- women-lesbian-transgender network
- internationale mobilisation/network(international AG)
- antisexist contact and awarenessgroup
- convergence-center-rostock

Up until now only following AGs have announced to come:

- global agriculture
- international mobilisation/network(international AG)
- convergence-center-rostock
- antisexist contact and awarenessgroup
- infopoint
- bicycle-karawans/-actions (east and west)

All of the other AGs should contact us as soon as possible.

The dissent+x-meeting in Bremen will start on friday, 19th of january 2007 at 17 o`clock resp. at 20 o`clock (prelude plenary).
The place for arrival on Friday and for the prelude plenary will be the rooms of the “Spedition” at the goods depot(“Güterbahnhof”) in bremen.

Short description fort the journey:

By train:
You walk out of the main train station, direction: inner city/centrum (Innenstadt/Zentrum). As soon as you leave the train station building you turn right and than straight forward (circa 600 m), you walk between the oversea-museum (“Überseemuseum”) and the train station buildings and pass an unrestrained train-crossing. As soon as you`ve passed the train-tracks(and walked about another 100 meters), you find on the left and right hand side long streching and not to high reaching store-buildings with loading-ramps. There you`ll find on the left hand side our plenary place (and info-point resp. people, who`ll give you informations and answer questions).
By car:
At the bremer cross („Bremer Kreuz“) you`ll take the A 27, direction „Bremerhaven“ and leave the motorway on the 2nd departure (“Bremen Vahr”). From there you`ll drive further on to the city-center („Zentrum“) resp. later main train station (“Hauptbahnhof”) taking the following roads:
„Richard-Boljahn-Allee“ (later called) „Kurfürsten Allee“
(at the end of the „Kurfürsten Allee“ you turn left into the)
„Schwachhauser Heerstrasse“
(you stay on this road until the end resp. until circa 100 meters after the train underpass, than turn right into:)
“Außer der Schleifmühle”
(until the next crossroads, than the street will be called)
„An der Weide“
At the end of the street „An der Weide“ you`ll see on the right hand the main train station (“Hauptbahnhof”). But you take a left turn, drive circa 50 meters , turn right into the
You follow this road circa 400 - 500 meters and turn behind the
“Cinemaxx-Kino” right. Now you drive another 150 meters and turn than left (there isn`t a way straight forward anyway) and drive over an
unrestrained train-crossing.
Now you park your car because you`re there.(for detailed despription from here look under: by train). We don`t know for sure, if and at what time you can park for free in this area. If you can`t, you have to look for another parking place nearby resp. ask the people at the info-point for possibilities.
The infopoint in the „Spedition“(Güterbahnhof) will be occupied on Friday from 17 o`clock. You`ll get important informations about the AG-rooms, peoples kitchen (volxküche), where to sleep... there.

In the next days we`ll send another topical invitation, in which you`ll find th place of the info-point on Saturday, place and times of the cafe...

If you know people in bremen, please ask for a place to sleep yourself. Bring with you anyway sleeping bag and a mat and (if possible) also a plate and cutlery.
Also you should think about when and where the next dissent+x-meeting should take place beforehand, so that we don`t have to think and ask about it for the first time at the bremen meeting.

So much for now, see you soon and lots of greetings

Bremer Anti-G8-Plenary