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Conclusion report of 1-8 October anti-capitalist resistance days against the IMF and WB summit

We are informed that on 7th of October while we were sieging İstanbul from all sides, the IMF and the World Bank meeting had to be finished in a haste. So we, as the ungovernable of resistanbul, gathered here to announce our own riotistanbul decisions against the so-called Istanbul decisions of the governors.

We are announcing our own economic and social program which is both a proposal for a libertarian anti-capitalist way of life that we have already started to create in different sectors of society, as well as a proposal for a way out of global capitalism. Our program consists of a series of resistance and counter-struggle tactics that can dig down the roots of the capitalist world system that has colonized all parts of our life.

Pic: Leaflet

-Strikes in and occupations of in all sorts of workplaces against the repression and exploitation of all managers and directors,

-Factory occupations aiming at the self-government of workers,

-Occupation of all sorts of workplaces and creation of collective solidarity forms so as to create workplaces without bosses.

-Organization and creation of syndicates and confederations supporting small and local agriculture and permaculture against the agricultural monopoly and the ecological destruction.

-Collectivization and occupation of land against the impoverishment of the farmers and forced exile of peasants from the villages and their lands.

-Occupation and resistance movements for the creation of autonomous spaces with autonomous municipalities.

-Occupations of buildings and public spaces against homelessness created by urban gentrification and creation of communal living structures in the liberated spaces.

-Development of alternative and local production systems against the capitalist exploitation of nature based on the imposion of consumption.

-Supporting of any sort of individual and collective migration for the abolishment of borders that create ethnical, national and cultural separations and hostility. Spreading the motto of ‘no border’ so as to emphasize the brother/sisterhood of the humankind and our common struggle against capitalism and the state system.

-Transformation of the education systems by working with student councils for the creation of free education spaces ; occupations of schools and universities against commercialization of education and education systems based on class discrimination.

-Support of all propaganda and art-sabotage against the commercialization of art and culture. Creation of our own free spaces for increasing the expressive art movements of anti-professionals.

- Manifestation of the rising voice of the women’s movement against violence towards women, gender discrimination and gender oppression.

-Creation and organization of a counter-culture that questions the male identity against the gender oppression and dominance of gender identity of men in collaboration with the feminist movement that will question machismo through individual male identity.

-Spreading the anti-authoritarian cultural values against the family pressure over children and youngsters.

-Resistance against the discrimination, exclusion and violence against lesbian, transvestite, transsexual, bisexual individuals to be able to say we exist with our differences against transphobia and homophobia.

- Mobilization for a global antiwar movement against wars supported by states and capitalists and militarism disciplining every aspects of our lives; abolishment of any sort of military service obligatory or paid.

In an age when life is being colonized and controlled by the powers, ways of resistance are being multiplied through the development of imagination , courage and solidarity. For this reason creation of a horizontal network of all different social struggles and connection of all resistances will be the goal of social movements for the coming years.

Resistanbul Committee of the Ungovernables

Source: http://resistanbul.wordpress.com/2009/10/09/conclusion-report-of-1-8-october-anti-capitalist-resistance-days-against-the-imf-and-wb-summit/


imf_istanbul_report.pdf  [IMF Istanbul Report]  application/pdf  164.1 KB