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Information about the Bombodrom action day on June 1st, 2007


As perviously announced, we plan to settle in the Bombodrom area in the Kyritz-Ruppin Heathlands on June 1st, 2007 in an action of civil desobedience. It is our aim to clearly show our rejection of war and training for war. In case the police should try a strategy of escalation, we will not take part in that. We have our own script. The whole thing is to happen in a cool, committed and very pink way. You find the call for action and important background information under www.g8andwar.de.

Here comes some practical information:

How to get there (see map)

If possible please arrive until May 31st, because that night there will be meetings with info about the plans for the action.
Those who can only arrive on June 1st should try to make it to one of the meeting points by noon. Those who come after 2.30 pm should call the info phone to ask for news where to meet (0174-3558963). Please consult this webseite again shortly before the action to see what has changed. There will be Information at the meeting points. We plan to have an info point at the former Pink Point (on the road between Schweinrich and Lutterow) throughout the toime of the action. Infotelefon.

How to get to the camps (opening May 29th)

Car: From Berlin A 24 Berlin-Hamburg, exit Neuruppin, direction Rheinsberg, but in Gühlen-Glienicke do not take the turn to Rheinsberg but go straight on to Flecken Zechlin. At the entrance of the village turn right, direction Zechlinerhütte, go through the village, at the end follow signs to Luhme. In Luhme turn right to Heimland, there turn left into the street called Heegeseeweg.
From Hamburg take the A 24 Hamburg-Berlin, exit Wittstock, direction Rheinsberg, in Flecken-Zechlin go straight on at the first crossroads and continue towards Luhme as above.
Train: to Rheinsberg station. From there it’s 12 km to Luhme. Go by bike or arrange to be picked up, or take the Bus 785 to Flecken Zechlin, dep. 11.22/13.49/16.45/18.20, (ca 30 – 40 min)
Or: train to Neuruppin/Rheinsberger Tor and bus to Flecken Zechlin
Dep: 11.42/13.02/14.02/15.02/15.42/16.42/ (ca 30 – 40min), from there arrange to be picked up.
Cars: From Berlin to Flecken Zechlin as above. At the entrance of the village turn right and just follow the road, at the end of the village turn left to Zempow. In Zempow at the church turn left and then go straight on. From Hamburg A24, exit Wittstock/Pritzwalk, through Wittstock first towards Röbel, then, still inside town, turn right and pass trhough Berlinchen, Sewekow, Buschhof, follow signs to Zempow. Turn right at the entrance of Zempow.
Train: Mirow (14 km, no bus connection), Rheinsberg (Bus 785 to Flecken Zechlin, 793 from there to Zempow) or Wittstock (Bus 746)
Car: From Hamburg or Berlin A24 exit Neuruppin, follow signs to Rheinsberg. In rheinsberg follow signs to Zechlinerhütte.
Train: Rheinsberg, Bus 788 direction Großzerlang till Zechlinerhütte
Car: From Hamburg or Berlin A 24 exit Neuruppin, drive towards Neuruppin and turn left to Bechlin, Kränzlin, Darritz, Wahlendorf. Behind Wahlendorf turn right to the L18, follow it towards Wittstock until you reach Katerbow.
Train: Netzeband, from there 3km (walking/byicycle)
Car: From Berlin or Hamburg A24 exit Abfahrt Wittstock, follow signs to Rheinsberg, via Babitz to Schweinrich, there turn left (to Dranse) at the entrance of the village. After 300 m follow the sign to the Naturcampingplatz am Blanschen“.
Train: Wittstock Dosse, bus 747 to Schweinrich, dep.09:05, 15:05, 16:03, 17:05.

Arrival on the action day June 1st
If possible, come to the rallying points in Schweinrich und Neu-Lutterow in cars or with bicycles to be mobile.

Car: From Berlin or Hamburg A24 exit Abfahrt Wittstock, follow signs to Rheinsberg, via Babitz to Schweinrich, there turn left (to Dranse) at the entrance of the village. After 300 m follow the sign to the Naturcampingplatz am Blanschen“.
Train: Wittstock Dosse, bus 747 to Schweinrich, dep.09:05, 15:05, 16:03, 17:05.
There will be group taxis waiting at the station at 11.00, 12.00 und 13.00 with 8 places for 17,00 Euro alltogether. To order a taxi at other times please call 03394/712321)

Neu Lutterow:
Car: From Berlin A 24 Berlin-Hamburg, exit Neuruppin, direction Rheinsberg, but in Gühlen-Glienicke do not take the turn to Rheinsberg but go straight on to Flecken Zechlin. Turn right (dir. Wittstock). Neu-Lutterow lies left of the road, go on until you come to the rallying point where the street meets the Bombodrom border. From Hamburg via Schweinrich (s.a.) towards Flecken Zechlin, the street leads (legally) through the Bombodrom area. The rallying point is where the street leaves the military area.
Train: Rheinsberg, bus 785 to Flecken Zechlin (dap 11.22, arr 11.49) or Neuruppin, bus 787 to Flecken Zechlin (dep 11.42 , arr 12.20)
From Flecken-Zechlin there will be a Taxi or Shuttle to Neu-Lutterow.

Water/toillets/food: Please, please let hte camps know in advance wiht how many peole you are coming, so that we can organize what will be needed.

Ferienland Luhme, Heegeseeweg 8 & 9, 16837 Luhme, freke@t-online.de,
Bioland Ranch Zempow, Birkenallee 12, 13837 Zempow, topinambur@zempow.de,
Naturcampingplatz “Am Blanschen”, Ute und Jürgen Erfurth, 16909 Wittstock OT Schweinrich, 033966-60395, 0173-5844500, info@campingplatz-blanschen.de
Camp Katerbow: Johannes Oblaski, Tel. 0171-2195136
Zechlinerhütte: Ferieninsel Tietzowsee, Zur Tietzowsiedlung 7, 16831 Zechlinerhütte, Tel.:033921/70228, ferieninsel.tietzowsee@t-online.de. You can book huts for 4,5 or 6 people – so: Organize!
Costs for camping 2 Euro (Schweinrich 3 Euro) per person and night, beds (Luhme, Zechlinerhütte) 5 Euro.
In Luhme there is a wheelchair-compatible appartement. In Zempow and Katerbow there will be wheelchair-accessible toiltes. Unfortunately there are sand roads everywhere which make it hard to move in wheelchairs.
All camps have toilets, water and a kitchen.

For the action, please bring the food you need, and especially remember to carry enough water with you. We will try to arrange for voküs or merchants o sell food at the rallyes.

Meeting points
Clown Army (wendlandclown.twoday.net, traumzirkus@web.de or 0175 9620785,): Bioland Ranch Zempow
Lebenslaute (www.Lebenslaute.de): Schweinrich
X-tausendmal quer (x1000malquer.de), meeting point for people who want to form affinity groups that will stay together for block g8: Schweinrich
antipat/queer/feminist (queercamp@gmx.de): Schweinrich
bicycle caravans (www.g8-bikerides.net): Katerbow
euro marches : (www.euromarches.org/deutsch): Zechlinerhütte
People who do not plan to join one of these groups, and especially people with cars please go to Luhme.

Important to bring:
Tent, sleeping bag, plate/bowl and cutlery, walking shoes, raincloths, torch, compass, enough containers for water. As for mobile phones, D2 is the net that works around here.

Rules to observe on the Bombodrom:
No fire, stay on the roads, do not touch ammunition or parts of it, do not go near the red flags which mark dangerous spots. The Bombodrom area Flora-Fauna-Habitat and partly also a natural park. Please be attentive and respect animals and plants.

Ermittlungsausschuss (EA)
The EA collects information about arrests etc., tries to find out where people are, get them a lawyer if necessary etc. Please call the EA if you get arrested or if you see others getting arrested. Please do not forget to call again when you get out. Phone 030-6922222.

24/5 arrival of eastern bicylce caravan
Monday 28/5 Arrival of Lebenslaute in Schweinrich
Tuesday 29/5: Camps open
Tuesday 29/05 and Wednesday 30/05: 8pm information about the campaign “Bomben Nein-wir gehen rein” („No bombs – we go in“) in the camps
Thursday 31.5. Info- and culture day
6pm plenary of clown army in Zempow
7.30 pm prior concert of Lebenslaute in Rheinsberg (church), “G-Dur statt G8 – Polyphon gegen´s Bombodrom”
8.30 pm Info about action of civil disobedience on 1st June in all camps and in Rheinsberg
Friday 1/6 Action day „Every target is a home“
Exhibition : The initiative „Ferien vom Krieg" (holiday from war) wants to present signatures of children in war areas who signed a peace appeal.
From noon on: Info, food and speeches in Schweinrich and Neu-Lutterow,
14.30 rally to Pink Point, then go-in and building pink pyramids, concert of Lebenslaute, we plan to stay overnight
from 4pm vigil and info point at the former Pink Point

Samstag, 2.6. Demonstration in Rostock
7am breakfast at Pink Point, then departure to Rostock from Schweinrich. We’ll fill all the cars, and there is a limited amount of places in busses. To reserve a place in a bus please send 12,00 Euro to the account of Sonderkonto Sichelschmiede, Raiffeisenbank Ostprignitz-Ruppin, BLZ 160 619 38, iban de811606193800016061938, account no. 1621661 Purpose: Bus 02.06. Make your reservation before May 25th. The receipt/printout of your transaction is your bus ticket.

Our lawyers say that in case police should arrest people at the bombodrom in “Unterbindungsgewahrsam” (arrest to prevent people from committing crimes), they would have to let them go once the action day is over.

Bündnis No War No G8
Infotelefon 0174-3558963

