
Flammende, kommunistische Grüsse, haben wir bei der MAN in Otelfingen hinterlassen, für die vier in Berlin verhafteten Genossen und Marco Camenisch der sich im Hungerstreik befindet, hinterlassen. Ihnen wird die Mitgliedschaft in der "mg" (Militante Gruppe) vorgeworfen. Damit greifen wir die Aktion gegen MAN auf, an der die Drei beteiligt gewesen sein sollen.
Während drei der Genossen angeblich auf frischer Tat ertappt wurden, wurde dem vierten sonstige politische Arbeit zum Verhängnis. Er soll in seinen Texten Begriffe, Ausdrücke und anderes verwendet haben die die "mg" ebenfalls verwendet hat, in ihren Erklärungen und den sonstigen Publikationen. Dies haben die Chergen des Kapitals mittels Auswertung von Internetverbindungen und der Verfolgung von Google-Anfragen rausgefunden. Dass die thematisierung von beispielsweise Stadtentwicklung die Verwendung von ähnlichen oder gar gleichen Begriffen voraussetzt oder zumindest begünstigt scheint klar. Der vierte Verhaftete und die "mg" haben dies thematisiert. Für den deutschen Staat ist dies allerdings schon Beweis genug, dafür ist der Paragraph 129a (terroristische Vereinigung) schliesslich da. Kritisch sein macht gefährlich! Er wurde inzwischen wieder auf freien Fuss gesetzt, die Anschuldigungen bleiber aber bestehen.
Ein Gespräch zwischen John Holloway und Vittorio Sergi
Lieber Vittorio,
Die Geschehnisse am Ende der Anti-G8-Demonstration am 2.Juni in Rostock, als es zu einem Ausbruch anhaltender und gewaltsamer Kämpfe zwischen einigen DemonstrantInnen (dem sogenannten Black Block) und der Polizei kam, haben mich beunruhigt und herausgefordert. Ich hatte Kritik an der Gewalt des Schwarzen Blocks, verspürte aber auch das Bedürfnis zu diskutieren und zu verstehen. Ich denke, eine Menge Leute auf der Demo empfanden das Gleiche - Kritik, aber eher den Wunsch darüber zu sprechen und zu verstehen als zu verurteilen (es gab natürlich auch andere, die die Aktion einfach verurteilten, aber das ist nicht meine Position).
Ich wollte speziell mit Dir darüber diskutieren, denn ich weiß, dass Du mittendrin warst in der Schlacht und weil ich sehr großen Respekt vor Dir habe und ich denke, dass wir aufrichtig und ohne Disqualifizierungen miteinander diskutieren können.
1) Laß mich Dir erklären, wie ich die Demo erlebt habe
Im Mehringhof,
Gneisenaustr.2a, 2.Hof, blauer Salon+ Veranstaltungsetage.
(U6 oder U7 Mehringdamm)
Freitag 18-19 Uhr:
- Tagesordnungsvorschlag ergänzen, diskutieren, umstellen. (im blauen Salon)
- Freitag 19 Uhr:
EA-Veranstaltung zu den aktuellen 129a Verfahren im Clash (die Kneipe im Mehringhof, Gneisenaustr.2a)
Samstag 12 Uhr Afganisthandemo)
Schlafplätze und Übersetzungen werden vor Ort organisiert.
Frühstück gibt es nicht.
Freitag Abend: Abstimmung der Tagesordnung
Samstag 15:30-19 Uhr:
- Kurzberichte aus den einzelnen Modulen
[zeck 139]

Die rosa roten Panterchen:
“In Gefahr und höchster Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod”
Unter diesen Motto haben sich die Revolutio- nären Zellen 1983 in einem längeren Text mit der Friedensbewegung und den weltweiten ökono- mischen und politischen Umbrüchen auseinander- gesetzt, die heute auch als Globalisierung verstanden werden. Zur Strategie der radikalen Linken sagten sie damals u.a., “wir müssen aus der fatalen Abhängigkeit von dem Friedensbünd- nis herauskommen und eigene Fronten aufmachen. Die Anlehnung und Orientierung an Themen und Verlaufsformen des Protest gegen die Stationierung bedeutet eine politische wie praktische Einengung, aufgrund derer sich die erklärten Ziele in ihr Gegenteil zu verkehren drohen. ... Solange eine radikale Massenbewegung nicht in Sicht ist, die im Widerstand gegen imperialistische Vernichtungsstrategien zugleich die Machtfrage stellt, bleibt uns keine andere Wahl: Unsere Politik muss weiterhin auf eine Stärkung der Linken, auf ihre Radikalisierung und erweiterte Militanz abzielen. ... Die Transformation der “bürgerlichen Demokratien”, die aus dem politökonomischen Umwälzungen resultiert, wird die legalen Handlungsspielräume der Linken weiter einengen, zumal dann, wenn die Bedingungen selbst eine Radikalisierung des Widerstandes erfordern. Dass die neuen sozialen Bewegungen keinen Schutz darstellen, in dessen Schatten sich Militanz organisieren lässt, hat die Friedensbewegung hinlänglich bewiesen. Eine radikale Linke, deren Selbstverständnis darin besteht, Widerstand immer wieder neu zu ermöglichen, muss sich eigene Strukturen von Subversion und Illegalität schaffen, um unberechenbar, unfassbar, unbesiegbar zu bleiben.”
From the 10 to the 15 of August will take place the second edition of the free and alternative camping in the social center Mezza Canaja, in Senigallia (AN) on the italian Adriatic coast.
The place is 5 meters from the Adriatic sea beach and is an autonomous and squatted social center.

After our participation in the protests against g8 in June in the frame of the Global Meeting Network we want now to open another space for sharing, discussion and having fun together. On the thirteenth of August we will talk about the last G8, for valueing the future prospective concerning on European movement.
We invite all the collectives, groups and individuals that want to share with us some days to continue together the construction of radical and rebel anti-capitalist movement in Europe. |
There is the possibility to bring vans and tents in a wide green space just in front of the beach. Just little money cooperation for logistic and food will be needed.
Bureau of Counter Information - 26. of June 2007
As in the former years the 8 representatives of the capitalist world said good by at their summitshow in Heiligendamm with balloonlike promises, without any obligations. This is true at least for the public reations issues, that helped to propagandistically prepare the summit, to present the G8 as rescuers of the world and good Samaritans. The vague declarations of good will for more money put into development, into AIDS-help and so on made it hard even for the most uncritical journalists of the bourgeois media to sell the summit as a success.
For this show they bunkered themselves behind fences for more than 100 million euros, secured by 17 800 thugs payed by the state, and by the military. On 40 squarekilometers aroun Heiligendamm the german government established a situation similar to war: While it is said to be still in the process of discussion to call in the military for inner conflicts, soldiers are already preventively put into action on our streets, in the air and on water against the inner resistance, equiped with machine guns, armoured scouting tanks, battle helicopters and warships. They were positioned on bridges, crossroads, fields paths and they bringing in troops to the fields with helicopters. Tornados, which are used in the war in Afghanistan, rumbled over the camps in low level flight as well. Breaking the constitution? The elite doesn´t care. Only some left politicians and journalists scandalized this breakthrough of militarisation of society.
Tadzio Mueller & Kriss Sol
It is nice to have our victories once in a while. Sitting at the campfire in Reddelich with thousands of people after a week of protest we were not quite sure whether the collective euphoria permeating the camps was simply the result of one too many sleepless night (and day), or whether it was true that we had won once again: won as we had in Seattle, won as we had in Prague, even in Genoa.
To some extent, it is possible to argue that Heiligendamm was indeed a victory. First of all, some 10.000 of us forced over 16.000 police and over 1000 soldiers to retreat to the sea- and airways, we partially disrupted the logistics of the summit (journalists, crucial to the event, reported being stuck on boats for several hours, delegations were delayed, etc.), and people all around the country and the world were made aware of our actions and blockades, in other words, of the presence and significance of our movement. These are significant successes. First: to push the state, according to one (conceptually insufficient) definition the institution that holds the legitimate monopoly of violence in a given territory, away from that territory, into a small enclave, onto boats and helicopters, is in itself highly significant. For what could 'revolution' look like if not the constant pushing back from our everyday lives of the power of capital and the state? How far will they have to flee? It is only six years ago that the G8 stopped meeting in major cities and moved to the supposedly quiet countryside. In Europe at least, this obviously does not prevent the emergence of massive resistance. What will be their next step? Giving up the principle of rotation and establish a fixed G8 meeting place in the Sahara? Wherever they will go, our will to intervene and make their meetings if not impossible, then at least very difficult, will remain.
FOCUS News Agency ROME26 June 2007
The head of the Italian police, at the centre of a storm about police violence at the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, has been fired, the government said Monday. The summit was marked by clashes between anti-globalisation protestors and police, during which one demonstrator was killed. There have been many allegations of police brutality. Last week the Italian media reported that Gianni De Gennaro, 59, was under investigation by the Genoa prosecutor’s office for “incitement to false witness” in the context of an investigation into events at the 2001 summit. Some hours before news of the replacement of De Gennaro, Prime Minister Romano Prodi had said he would not be given a further term of office once the present one expired, but gave no reasons.
Earlier this month a police officer Michelangelo Fournier, a former aide to the police chief in Rome, admitted that several of his colleagues had been guilty of excesses at the summit. He recounted how four officers had beaten up a girl with a blood-soaked head at a school where the demonstrators were sleeping.
Ein für die Internationalen Brigaden konzepiertes Positionenpapier um die Dinge beim Namen zu nennnen die stattfanden in und um Rostock im Sommer 2007.

Be it as it may – whether we like it or not, There seems to be no other way – so Let´s go on fighting pigsystem
Plan B continua – Vive la commune des brigades internationales A text written in the hope of an empowering self-critical debate in autonomous and anarchist circles about what happened and what didn´t happen during the protests against the g8… one swallow doesn´t make a summer
There it was again for a moment: the exalting feeling that we really can attack sometimes, that we are lots, at least here and now courageous and determined. A spirited beginning, a promising prelude. besides legitimate critique of friendly-fire-rocks thrown from row 57 (and the regret that we didn´t make it into the inner city): after Rostock many people I met were quite pleased with the resoluteness of the black block, a twinkle smiled at me from so many eyes. No-one would be able to misinterpret this symbolic challenge of capitalism into an appeal to those in power.
Fault Lines interviewed Josh Wolf and Gabe Meyers, the two people targeted by the federal and local authorities after the July 8, 2005 Anarchist Action Anti-G8 demonstration in San Francisco. Anti-capitalist protests and demonstrations against the G8, WTO, and other institutions that represent neo-colonial domination and corporate globalization have always been met with more aggression and hostility than normal marches for peace. Granted, these demonstrators are often much more militant. With a police officer injured and a police car damaged, the authorities felt a need to subpoena and prosecute.
Fault Lines: The consensus is you were committing an act of journalism, and were protected under the California Shield Law. In some interviews you said that the Feds were on a witch-hunt. What kind of witches do you think they were after?
Josh Wolf: It seems they were after anarchists and anarchism in general. But it also seems like a multi-level attack on civil dissent, and on anyone who demonstrates against this administration going all the way up to the US Attorneys who were fired. Which couldn’t be that much farther from anarchism.