Pressemitteilungen » Strasbourg Baden-Baden 2009 » NATO 2009 Aufrufe  

Anti-Militarist Network days of action announced: 3-6 April 2009

No To War! A Call To Action!

At the beginning of April 2009 NATO meets in Strasbourg to celebrate its 60th anniversary. This is no time to celebrate. This is a time to take action. The movement against militarism in the UK is building.

Collective actions in response to the recent attacks on Gaza have shown the potential of the anti-militarist movement to mobilise and affect both the public consciousness and those directly complicit in the murder of innocent people.

Dozens of universities were occupied, arms manufacturers were blockaded across the country, police failed to control angry demonstrators from attacking companies with links to Israel, EDO in Brighton had a quarter of a million pounds worth of damage inflicted on its factory during a decommissioning action and Carmel-Agrexco which sells products from illegal Israeli settlements was targeted during one of its busiest times of the year.

Bild: Direct Action

We call on all those who took part in action for Gaza in the last few months, along with those who didn’t, to take action against militarism.

The Anti-Militarist Network calls on all those across the UK who oppose the military to take action against the armed forces and the arms trade on the weekend of the Strasbourg NATO summit. Its time to move from anti-war protest to anti-war resistance.



The Anti-Militarist Network was created on November 30th 2008 during an anti-militarist gathering in Edinburgh. It aims to provide support across the network between campaigns and groups across the UK, and organise to resist the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Edinburgh, November 2009. The network has the following principles.

• The AMN organises along the principles of autonomy and non-heirarchy
• We embrace a diversity of tactics
• We will not condemn other peoples actions

The network makes decisions at gatherings. If you would like to be part of the growing network and you agree to our principles then you should come to the next gathering which will take place in Brighton on the 2-3rd May, the weekend before the Smash EDO street party on 4th May 2009.
