Pressemitteilungen » Heiligendamm 2007 » G8 2007 deutsch » Gruppen und Kampagnen » NoWar+NoG8  

Short info about g8 action day against militarism, war and torture

dear friends and comrades,

we quickly want to inform you about the preparations for the g8 action day against militarism, war and torture - about the blockade of the malitary airport rostock-laage at the 5th of june 2007.

After the first meeting discussed and agreed on the call for an actionday, last meeting focussed more on the concrete organization of the 5th of june. We want to enable as many people as possible to come close to the airport.


That´s why we will officially announce places for political demonstrations to the police that can be used as meeting-points [such 'legal' places can be useful to get to an area in the first place, as the right to take part in political events is especially protected - seen from a different angle certain preventive law and order laws allow the police to send you away from interesting regions for security reasons if there is no such point]. One of these points will be the entrance to the military airport/air base. There will be given the latest information, speeches and smaller concerts. To create movement, there is also the idea of having protest marches between these places. As the police is talking about "a spacious / wide-ranging cordon around the airport" we will press for a talk of cooperation with the police soon to get to know more about their plans.

We will set up the organizational frame for about 8 hours, from late morning to early evening. We call for groups to think of manifold manifestations and actions - to use this frame to block the airport and the arrival of the g8. Even if we try to provide food and drink through mobile volxküchen, it wouldn´t be a bad idea if everybody thinks about necessities like that as well. Up to now transport of lots of people to the airport as well as financing of the infrastructure are open questions.

you can find more detailed information on:

Next federal meeting will take place at the 21st of april in berlin-kreuzberg, bethanien, mariannenstrasse 2.
Before that you have the chance to meet us on the BUKO and the Rostock III Conference for information and workshops on the actionday in Rostock-Laage.

The berlin coordination circle will meet again on the 27th of march already at 7 p.m. in bethanien.

