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UK G8 Presidency Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting, Sheffield 15th - 17th June 2005

The UK Presidency of the G8 - Justice and Home Affairs


Work on Transnational Organised Crime

After the 1995 Summit in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a group of experts was brought together to look for better ways to fight international crime. In 1996, this group (later known as the «Lyon Group») produced Forty Recommendations to combat international crime that were endorsed by the G8 Heads of State at their Summit Meeting in Lyon in June 1996. «Subgroups» of the Lyon Group thereafter were formed to address specific crime-related issues (e.g., legal processes for evidence-sharing, high-tech crime, and immigrations fraud and human trafficking). In December 1997, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno hosted the first-ever meeting of her counterparts from the G8 countries and the Ministers issued their first joint Communiqué which endorsed the work of the Lyon group. The last three Presidencies of the G8 have hosted meetings of Justice and Home Affairs ministers. The Home Secretary will host a Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial meeting in Sheffield 15-17 June.

Changes following September 11, 2001

In October 2001, senior representative of G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministries met in Rome to discuss steps for the G8 to take to combat international terrorism and decided to combine the G8’s Lyon Group (fighting transnational organised crime) and the G8’s Roma Group (fighting international terrorism). Since that time, the Lyon/Roma Group has met three times annually in joint session. While continuing important work to combat transnational organised crime, the group uses its resources to combat terrorism through such avenues as enhancements to legal systems, transport security, and tools for investigating terrorist uses of the Internet.

Meetings under the UK Presidency of the G8, 2005

The UK will convene 3 meetings of the Lyon / Roma group. These will be in January, April and November. They will be chaired by senior officials from the Home Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The Home Secretary will host a ministerial meeting on 15-17 June 2005 in Sheffield.

G8 Transnational crime and Counter-terror objectives in 2005

The 2005 objectives combine work on the inherited agenda and a number of new initiatives. There are nearly 100 separate projects. The key areas of work are:

As lead country for counter-narcotics work in Afghanistan, the UK will continue to seek co-ordination of the G8 support for this work

The completion of several initiatives to enhance international travel security

International co-operation in combating immigration crime, with an emphasis on document fraud

International law enforcement co-operation, focussing on child protection, the expanded use of DNA and the international illegal trade in firearms

International co-operation in combating high-tech crime

Shared assessment of the threat from international terrorism and co-operation to counter the treat

The reinforcement of the principles of judicial co-operation and mutual legal assistance in the investigation and prosecution of transnational organised crime and terrorism

Further information will be available soon and this page will be updated accordingly.

If you would like to find out more about G8 please visit the website at www.g8.gov.uk.

If you would like more information on Justice and Home Affairs or the Home Office please visit the Home Office website at www.homeoffice.gov.uk


Source: www.libertysecurity.org