Workshop: Unemployed in movement
The network of unemployed in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the campaign against obligation removals introduce themselves.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern belongs to the states of germany with the highest numbers of unemployed persons. With the workshop activists from the region will present their projects. To the questions belongs:
How can unemployed persons be organized?
How is the relationship to a government in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in which also the "Linkspartei" co-governs?
How does the activists deal with the fact that also neo-nazis with racistic solgans hope for agreement by unemployed persons?
One of the emphasis of the country wide unemployed protests is the fight against the effects of Hartz IV. Belonged to it there is also the threat to loose the flat if it´s more expensive than it´s defined by the legislator. In Berlin and other cities unemploed persons organized with left activists to the "Kampagne gegen Zwangsumzüge nach Hartz IV" (campaign against obligation removals after Hartz IV). Anne Allex, publisher of the "Schwarzbuch gegen Hartz IV" (black book of Hartz IV) and co foundress of the "Kampagne gegen Zwangsumzüge" in Berlin will report on the work and its perspectives.
Subsequently we want to discuss together how the unemployed person initiatives can be involved more strongly into the resistance against the G8 commit in Heiligendam.
Thursday, August 10th, 2006, 5 pm - 7 pm
Organized from:
international communists and unemployed person initiatives