International Call
The leaders of the 8 most powerful nations of the world have one big meeting every year, where they discuss the most important developments of the world´s economy and politics. The huge influence of these nations means that decisions of the G8 meetings have direct and massive results for large parts of the world. Their politics stand for exploitation, poverty, social attacs and migration control. Our vision of the world is different from this. We want to build up a just world with equal rights, which is orientating itself towards basic human needs and away from overwhelming exploitation, exclusion and power.
In 2007 the governmental leaders of the G8 are meeting in Northern
Germany, at the Kempinski Grand Hotel in Heiligendamm on the Baltic Sea.
For years, the protests against those meetings have become symbolic
places of a collective and broad-based call of "Ya Basta"- its enough.
The protests in Prague, Gothenbourg, Genoa and elsewhere up to those in
Gleneagles and St. Petersburg stand for multi-sided experiences at the
topic of internationalism. We want to analyse and reflect the protest of
2006 in Russia, as a defined stage of our mobiliation aginst the 2007 G8
We developed the idea of the Camp Inski 2006, one year before the actual
G8 meeting will take place, to be able to have a continuity in praxis
and theory. There we want to discuss the inhuman, neoliberal
restructuring of the world, as well as exchange ideas about
international and very different pratices of resistance. We want to use
the experiences and energies of recent years up to 2007 for organising a
broad, resolute and effective inernational resistance.
We think of Camp Inski as a public space for the use of many groups
including the trade union left, anti-racist groups,
grassroots-movements, refugee self-organisations, attac, the autonomous
left, anarchists and others. However different all those people will be,
we all have the desire for a different world. We are united in the fight
for a globalisation of
emancipation and human standards, which are in total opposition to the
ideas and demands of the global capital. We want to work for basic human
needs and against overwhelming exploitation, exclusion and power. In this
sense Camp Inski should be a place for meeting, for exchange and for a
space to discuss our different perspectives.
Besides a good life at the lovely baltic sea Camp Inski, the anti-G8
camp should include protests, including civil disobiedience where
practical. There are lots of local possibilities to tie into our
actions. Migration, anti-fascism and the resistance against militarism
and war are just some of the topics that will play a role at the Camp
Inski. But we want more, because the neoliberal restructuring of the
world is multi-sided. So is our resistance and our forms of resistance.
Thats why we call for an active participation in the camp with workshops, actions and discussions.