Pressemitteilungen » Seoul 2010  

Seoul, South Korea: More Security Preps for G20 Summit

South Korea held a launching ceremony for the G20 Police Security Unit on Monday ahead of the summit in Seoul this November.

In May the Seoul Metropolitan government announced a set of plans to support the G20 Summit’s safety.

About 17,000 policemen demonstrated various drills coping with possible terrorists or violent protests near the summit venue and hotels where the leaders of 20 countries will be staying.

Water cannons, armored vehicles and explosive disposal vehicles were mobilized for the drills demonstrated during the ceremony.

Pic: Seoul

[Sa Gong-il, G20 Planning Committee]:
“I believe that this comprehensively examines our police’s security capacity, and helps to strengthen our determination to concentrate on the G20 summit in Seoul.”

As chair nation of the group of major economies in the world, South Korea will not only set the agenda for the meeting but will also lead the members in finding solutions to the global financial crisis.

Police and security units have demonstrated various types of anti-terror drills ahead of the summit in hopes of quelling rumors of possible provocations from the North.

North and South Korea are still technically at war since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in truce without a peace treaty.



Pic: Seoul