Pressemitteilungen » Hokkaido 2008 » G8 2008 Worldwide Actions  

Anti-G8-Soli in Hamburg (Germany)


200 people demonstrated on Saturday July 12th in Hamburg against repression at japanese G8 summit in Sapporo. Police showed up with 5 water cannons. Finally the march happend without bigger problems. See


San Francisco kara no Han G8 Shashin


Posted by ticker | 14 Jul, 2008
San Francisco kara Han G8 no shashin o okuri shimasu. Doozo tanoshinde-kudasai!

Protesters dressed as injured Japanese demonstrators at G8 in solidarity with those harassed/interrogated/jailed around the events related to the recent Summit in Hokkaido.

Raging Grannies kara See:


Solidarity action Seoul, Korea


Solidarity action in Berlin (Germany)


On 12 July at 17:00 a demonstration was held in front of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin to protest against police violence and arrests during the Japanese G8 Summit. A number of "Kamikaze" paper airplanes dutifully served their one-time mission by flying over the Embassy fence to deliver the clear message onto Japanese soil (all Embassies are considered soveriegn land) that we demand immediate release of all those imprisoned during the G8 protests.
Banners were also there to say "Send Prisons to Hell! Freedom for Political Prisons", and demading an end also to German's repressive paragraph 129a "Anti-Terrorist" law. Another banner called for an end to repression in Japan.


Buttermilk assault at McDonalds, Berlin (Germany)


J12: International call for solidarity actions against G8 repression


Free the arrestees! Protest against police state and capitalist summit! Take simultaneous actions on Saturday 12th July (en) (日本語)

Three of our friends were unjustly arrested at the demonstration against the G8 summit on 5th July 2008. One of the arrested (vid,ja) is an indymedia activist who is organizing sound actions and a member of the G8 Media Network. The police used overwhelming violence. For instance, they stopped the sound truck forcefully, three [1] [2] [3] policemen broke the truck window with their clubs, (vid,ja) and they viciously dragged out the driver. This situation was exposed as Japanese police brutality once again, reported by independent media.

Source: weiter...

Solidarity Action Tomorrow in Osaka!


There will be a solidarity action tomorrow to raise support for political prisoners: the 23 people that have been arrested in the wake of the recent riots" in Osaka, and the four people arrested for demonstrating against the G8. Where: Osaka (Central) Station When: 3pm, Saturday, July 12th For more background on the arrests in Osaka, please visit these links:


Demonstration J12 in Hamburg (Germany)


There will be a demonstration on Saturday J12 in solidarity with the prisoners from July 5th in Hamburg. Hamburg activists call out on “FIGHT G8 – FIGHT CAPITALISM!” and proposing a route for the action starting at Landungsbrücken. See


Solidarity Demonstration in Salzwedel/Germany

At 6 pm on the 9th of July 30 people assembled in the german town Salzwedel (21.000 inhabitants) in a spontaneous solidarity demonstration with activists facing severe police repression for their protest against the ongoing G8 summit in Japan. The demonstration which was fairly black with some pink spots - the front banner being held by activists with bandannas pulled up - moved through the centre of the town and informed passers-by about the events in Japan via numerous banners and speeches held through a megaphone. After a while (mostly motorised) police tried to escort the demonstration but were repeatedly shaken off.


Demonstration in Minsk (Belarus)


On July 9th there was a demonstration held in Minsk. 20 activists demonstrated without registrating in the city, covered by 8 clowns. In the participatory meeting participated 40 people. Due to heavy repression activists fear participating in non-registrated demonstrations. Police can hold activists for 3 days, people risk losing their jobs. “Nobody should stand alone with their problems”. See


Eat the G8 in Iceland!


The G8 summit will be held from July 7 to 9 of this year, at Toya-ko lake in Hokkaido (Japan). In solidarity with the worldwide plan of actions held against the kind of globalization promoted by G8 and the repression of Japanese police against activists, an action also took place in Reykjavik Saturday July 5.
Beginning a few months ago, the energetic and enthusiastic Icelandic Food Not Bombs group has been serving food for free every Saturday in the center of Reykjavik. This is definetely a succesful activity where not only the homeless people from Reykjavik, but also the Saturday afternooon shoppers, passersby and promenading tourists find their way to a healthy vegan lunch, prepared with ingredients which are not any longer considered as worthy for consumption by our throw-it-away society.

Source: weiter...

G8 solidarity action for Food Sovereignty - Portugal


Last Friday, July 4th, a group of activists occupied the building where the Japanese Embassy was located on a 6th floor, in Lisbon - Portugal. Holding a 6 metres where it read “G8 at the table, One Planet starving”, with the objective of exposing the real consequences of the anti-democratic neo-liberal policies of the G8, and their fake recipes for the current world crisis: food, climactic and social.
Blocked in emergency ladders, in the building main hall 10 feet high, managed to hold the 40 feet banner for three hours, right in front of the Japanese floor. The group responded to the Via Campesina call-out for the action day for “Food Sovereignty”, joining the worldwide opposition to the G8.

Source: weiter...

Japan: Ainu march on G8 summit

In the concluding event of ten days of anti-G8 protests, hundreds of activists from protest camps established in the area of the summit marched in a demonstration organized by the Ainu, the disenfranchised indigenous population of Hokkaido Island. The march was surrounded by several rows of police the entire time. Protesters held signs in English and Japanese reading "No G8" and "Japan is a police state." (Media G8way, July 9).

The New York Times confirmed that at a July 8 march of some 200 at the Hokkaido fishing town of Date, demonstrators "quickly found themselves outnumbered by the police, who formed a moving cordon around them." (NYT, July 9)

Source: weiter...

"Poor people's summit" in Mali urges G8 to deliver promised aid

The summit of the poor," which is taking place in Katibougou, Mali, has urged the world's richest countries, currently meeting as the G8 in Japan, to keep their promises regarding aid to Africa, according to news reaching here. As the Mali meeting, popularly known as the poor people's summit, entered its first day Monday, speaker after speaker took as wipe at the G8 leadership, notably criticizing the world's nations of making grand "announcements" in a bid to "clear their conscience."

Source: weiter...

Spontaneous demonstration in Magdeburg (Germany)

Yesterday, Tuesday July 8th, there was a spontaneous march in the district Stadtfeld of Magdeburg. 30 people walked in solidarity with G8 protests in japan shouting “No G8”, “Yuppies out” and threw colour eggs to some luxury flats. See


Fight song for the G8

A fight song for all who raise their voices in dissent

Hello everybody. It's the start of the G8 and I wanted to let everyone know that we have put up (for free download) our song "The Siege". It's our fight song for all of you who are fighting the hypocricy and injustice perpetrated by the G8 and other organizations of repression. Put it in your digital player, copy it, pass it around! Listen to it while you're doing what you need to do to get out the message. We want to be the fuel for your fire! We can't be with you in Hokkaido physically but we're with you in solidarity.

Source: weiter...

More Photos of "Plan C" demo in Croydon Saturday 5th


Some Photos from the demo in Croydon last Saturday.

For Freedom of Movement, Freedom to Protest and against the G8! See:


Demonstration in Lindau (Germany) July 5th

There was demonstration Lindau/ Bodensee to support protests in Japan. 60 people (which was estimated as much, organizers awaited some 40) demonstrated 2 hours. The action was organized by the G8-alliance that was created for last years G8 in Germany. See german report:


Video G8: Demostrations in Kyoto and Tokio


The group is in japan to participate and report on the evolution of resistance.
Videos Demostrations in Tokio and Kyoto:

Source: weiter...

Challenge to the G8 Governments

Below is the statement of more than 100 international, regional, national, and local organizations and individuals, challenging the G8 governments to acknowledge their responsibility for the food and climate crises and the continuing problem of debt, and take decisive action to:

Cancel all illegitimate debt;
Stop financing projects and policies that contribute to climate change;
Respect the efforts of South countries to reverse the harmful policies that have led to the food crisis;
Ban speculation on food prices;
End the practice of using loans and debt cancellation to impose conditionalities;
Pay restitution and reparations for the huge ecological debts owed to the South; and,
Facilitate the return of stolen assets kept in the banks in the G8 countries.
This sign-on statement was initiated by the Jubilee South – Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS-APMDD).

Source: weiter...