Pressemitteilungen » Hokkaido 2008  

International Preparation against G8 in Japan

[Infotour Working Group | Gipfelsoli Infogroup]

Press Release
Saturday 6th October 2007

  • Infotour in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong

This week, activists from the “Infotour Working Group” embarked on their trip to
Asia. A number of meetings and events are planned to foster closer contact
between the Anti-G8 protest movements in Asia and Europe. At the beginning of
July 2008 the G8 summit will take place in Hokkaido. In Japan, a coalition of
counter-globalisation, anarchist and ecological groups are preparing protests
and actions. Also in Europe there are calls for resistance to the summit.

The “Infotour Working Group” of the radical left “Dissent network” organised
hundreds of information events in Europe in preparation for the 2007 G8 summit.
These mobilisations contributed to the broad protest movement in Heiligendamm.

“We are delighted that people in Japan and its neighbouring countries are
interested in the experiences of previous summit protests”, one participant of
the Infotour said. “When we return, we, together with Japanese activists, will
be reporting back on the preparations against the G8 summit in Japan”.

The Japanese G8 critics are particularly interested in making contact with
groups in Italy, which is where the G8 summit will take place in 2009.
Following large protests in the last years, the G8 meeting will be forced to
convene on a military base on a small island near Sardinia.

Both in Japan and in Italy antimilitarism will play a large role in the
preparations for the protests. In both countries there have been massive
protests against both US and NATO military establishments in recent months.


  • Infotour Working Group,
