Pressemitteilungen » Heiligendamm 2007 » G8 2007 deutsch » Gruppen und Kampagnen » Sozialforen  

Invitation networking meeting on the topic of the G-8

On occasion of the G-8 planned for 3006 in St. Petersburg (Russia) and 2007 in Heiligendamm (Germany) and the necessary mobilisation for Europe-wide protests, there will take place on the eve of the next European preparatory assembly for the ESF on January 6 in Vienna a networking meeting on the topic of the G-8.

The meeting will take place on the premises of the EPA. The exact time will be communicated beforehand.

With solidary greetings

Attac Germany, Initiative Social Forum, Germany

2007 Europe-wide protest against the neoliberal world elite

For a broad mobilisation against the G-8 meeting in Heiligendammm

In June, there will take place in Germany - in the Baltic sea resort Heiligendamm near Rostock - the next scheduled G8 summit after Edinburgh and St. Petersburg. Poverty, indebtedness, environmental destruction, war, attacks at social and democratic basic rights - that is the catastrophic balance sheet of the neoliberal policy of the eight most powerful economic nations.

We think that a broad European counter-mobilisation is also necessary against this summit in order to protest against the humanity- despising policy of this self-named global elite and to make visible the alternatives offered by the social movements. We take reference in this endeavour from the experiences of the summit mobilisation of Genoa, Evian, and Edinburgh.

The mobilisations of the movement for global justice were the most successful, when it was possible to reach unity without ignoring the thematic differences and the different action forms. In Germany, already now civil society groups and networks are preparing a comprehensive political alliance.

Our goal is a broad social alliance process at the European level in order to protest against the G-8 summit and its policy. We support the appeal by the assembly of social movements that took place after the First Social Forum in Erfurt.

We propose to the Assembly of the Social Movements in the wake of the Fourth Social Forum in Athens to prepare a European call to mobilisation for a broad protest against the G-8 summit 2007 in Germany.

Initiative Social Forum, Germany
Attac Germany
Hugo Braun Journalist
Feldstr. 34
D- 40479 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49 211 674980