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Berlin IC meeting agenda

Dear friends,

Concerning the IC agenda, we suggest the following work schedule:

_May 29th (morning) from 10 am noon _

Accreditation, payment of the solidarity fund, IC Working Groups and
Commissions meetings

May 29th (evening) from 2 to 6 pm

Seminar on WSF assessment

_May 30th and 31st- from 9 am to 7 pm _

- Presentation, agenda approval, information from WGs and Commissions

- WSF process in 2008 towards 2009

- Expansion

- Facilitation

- Communication

- Resources

- Debate and next steps

  • On the night of 29th, it was arranged by the local host organisations
    a meeting with Karin Kortmann, Parliamentary State Secretary at the
    Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, from 6 pm to
    8h30 pm, with IC members. The proposal is that she gives a brief
    presentation on Germany government’s position for G-8 meeting and then
    open a round for questions and comments made by IC members.
  • German organisations also booked a slot for an workshop at the G-8
    alternative meeting’s program (from June 5th to 7th), in Rostock. We
    could take advantage of this space to organise a dissemination activity
    about WSF process in 2008.

It is in charge of IC to decide the activity format. We suggest that the
Strategy Commission prepare a proposal. We should know who from IC will
be in Germany up to those dates.

  • Other moments that could be used for the mobilisation towards WSF 2008:

- Assembly of Social Movements (June 1st, Rostock)

- Assembly of the Youth for the right to land and the right to farming
(June 2nd, Rostock)

  • Everybody probably knows that a huge anti-G-8 demonstration is
    scheduled for June 2nd, Saturday, in Rostock (it takes 3 hours to reach
    there by train from Berlin)

WSF office in Brazil is systematising an agenda of events that will take
place simultaneously to the demonstrations against G-8, and soon will
circulate that on the IC lists, as well as disseminate through the
website. Organisations interested in include its event in this agenda
can send the information to IC list or to the email .


Brazilian Collective Responsible for WSF Office