Pressemitteilungen » Elsewhere » Climate  

Via Campesina call for mobilization

Don't trade off climate!

Food sovereignty can cool down the earth!

Thursday 11th December at 13:00, and

Friday 12th December at 8:30

at the entrance of the conference center on Grunwaldzka Street, Poznan

Opportunities for media interviews

Up to now, UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change) has been more about opening business opportunities for so-called green economy than about really reducing carbon emissions. Agrofuel, carbon-trading and climate-ready seeds are only examples how climate negotiations are misused to facilitate the take-over of natural resources to the benefit of corporations. Both people and climate are affected by these false solutions.

If they want to take seriously the crucial issue of climate change, UNFCCC and governments have to discuss the real causes of climate change. They have to start recognizing their mistakes and failures and to tacckle the real root of climate change: the corporate-based, greedy model of development and its spreading all over the world. They have to start considering the real alternatives promoted by social movements: food sovereignty (which is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems), the relocalisation of production and the development of local and renewable energy.

Join the two demonstrations, on Thursday the 11th and on Friday the 12th, to denounce false solutions to climate change and to express that real alternatives are possible and urgent!

Everyone is welcome!

Press will be able to interview peasant leaders from Asia, Latin America, Africa, Central America and Europe. Good picture opportunities.

Press contacts in Poznan:

Morgan Ody: (+48) 666 396 502 (from the 7th of December)

Anna Witowska (english or polish):(48) 692 392 160

Source: email