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Toronto: Fire Works For Prisons Demonstration during G20 (more details)

When: Sunday, June 27 2010 at 5pm

Where: Bruce Mackey Park (Dundas and Wardell) in Toronto’s east end

What: A Demonstration Against Prison. Anarchists are organizing this as a part of the larger mobilization in opposition to the G20 meetings.

Prison is everywhere; it is nothing more than a reflection of the society in which we live. It is a daily threat and reality that has permeated every facet of society. With the deepening of surveillance, the integration of police forces, the increased use of private security, the existence of courts, repression and isolation, the walls of prison are already built around us. If we don’t accept this miserable life offered to us, they’ll always have room for us in their overcrowded cells.

Pic: Poster

In the streets, prisons, psychiatric institutions, detention centres, there are those who do not come to peace with their exploitation. We desire to stand with comrades and accomplices who refuse to accept this reality, who refuse to be defeated by the System, who taste freedom in the ashes of prisons. We want to shed our fear and together confront the prison apparatus. We want to expand our solidarity in struggle against prison. We want people to join us and directly confront the systems of social control. We want to be everything prison isn’t: uncontrollable, joyful, creative…

We are encouraging people to come organized with intention, to make this project their own. Bring what you want to the demo: plans, noisemakers, banners, chants, and above all your passion for freedom. Confrontation is welcome.

Keep the date marked off, we’ll see you in the streets!

About the anti-G20 convergence: http://g20.torontomobilize.org

Source: http://fireworksforprisons.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/toronto-fire-works-for-prisons-demonstration-during-g20-more-details/


fireworks1.pdf  [Fireworks for Prisons Poster]  application/pdf  6.9 MB
fwfpweb.pdf  [Fireworks for Prisons Flyer]  application/pdf  4.2 MB


Pic: Poster