Sexism in the flora

the radical left in the nineties has also intensely discussed about patriarchism and sexism, especially in her own rows. in the flora there also were led these discussions. awhole row of them concentrated on the behaviour of a few certain men; we cannot and won`t redraw them here. but there are a few conflicts connected with the flora that have to be mentioned.the realisation of the flora over her own horizon (???) was determined by that positions in the deíscussions about sexism.

the exponation “world war II” in summer 1990 a few members of the eventgroup organized an exponation of comic stories from american drawers in the flora. one of the stories took place in new york with the main character being a loser, who hangs around in new york, sleeps with a prostitute and then gets beaten up by her dealer. One drawing shows the sexual act, there could also be seen the penis. that image was being sticke over (???) with foilk and the penis was cut off. the responsibility for that was taken by the womens group, wich pointed to the flora as one more area of sexism. the people organizing the exponation (???) from his point tried to claim an open discussion which couldn´t take place.In spite of that there appeared a lot of flyers which moved in between ignorance against sexism, common ´mis- and disunderstanding and the reproach of against-lustism (???). Not such a few of those involved in the discussion soon leaved the flora. The author of the flyer “some men” was being thrown out, the organizator of the exlplonation frustratedly draw back and all kind of wowenLesbianprojects even increased their going-on-distance towards the flora.

sunny to clouded: there´s a skandal in town since the end of the 1980s there was a group of cologn comedians touring around the country which liked to make jokes about scene-intern brutalities, which even was noticed by the opponent`s press. in fberuary of 1994 “sunny tu cloudy” once more had a life act in the flora. their programme in that time included a persiflage of the lindenstraße, a german daily soup, in which one of the protagonists (Father Beimer) is being penetrated by a brush. some of the present women and men wer not only surprised /irritated by tat scene, but also by the reactions of the overwhelmingly male public. they yelled at te scene with “deeper, deeper” and so on. the by that irritated people climbed on to the stage, at thze beginning just for declaring that in their eyes a lot of shit was going on. The consequence of their interrumping fun was in fact that they had to leave the stage like being on a flight (?). following to that they together with some other of the present persons insisted on stopping the event. the discussion was mainly being reduced to the fact that there was being offended a scene of rape in the action. In other towns – like hannover – there were actions (??) against the band. in hamburg there was an escalation of the situation when a feminst censorian commando attacked the fan´s shop St. Pauly with butter sour (???) and posters becuas in the fans newspaper ÜBERSTEIGER they criticized the actionism against “sunny to clouded” .That led to a rapture in the complete scene. those who in “sunny to clouded” saw a (speerspitze???) against against-lustism and political-correctness-thinking on one hand and on the other the party who claimed that the whole event proved the sexism in the scene and the missing dicussion about that. and in the middle the majority of uninterested and indifferent.

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