Pressemitteilungen » Heiligendamm 2007 » G8 2007 english » G8 2007 Repression english  

Collective legal action 07. June - "Wichmannsdorf Wood"

During the 2007 G8 summit in Heiligendamm estimated 200 people who were on their way to protest actions and demonstrations were arrested in a forrest near the protest camp Wichmannsdorf on the pretext of “participation in a burning barricade” and “flight from the police”. The people were outside of the special zone were all actions, demonstrations and gatherings were disallowed. It was decided to take collective legal action against the detention measures and treatment by the police. We want to use this list to discuss the proceedings, inform about lawyers advice etc.

We will coordinate our efforts via a mailing list. Please subscribe to the list to participate in the legal proceedings. To subscribe, write to sammelklage-subscribe [at] . You will then receive an automatic confirmation mail that you should answer to be subscribed. If you have problems handling the list, please write to sammelklage-owner [at]

We haven’t confered with the legal team yet but they have already published a statement about the conditions in the detention centres: (german)

On Indymedia a report has been published, parts of which deal with what happened in the Wichmannsdorf forrest: (german)
