Pressemitteilungen » Heiligendamm 2007 » G8 2007 english  

Camping against the G8

Camping 07

Summer 2007, Heiligendamm

G8 – Give up!
You are already encircled by our tents!

For the time of the protests against the G8 summit at Heiligendamm, we
from the camp working group as the infrastructural basis for several
thousands of activists have organised three camps in Reddelich close to
Bad Doberan, in Rostock and in Wichmannsdiorf close to Kühlungsborn. For
the organisation of this basis for 12-15000 activists there had formed,
already starting in fall 2006, a heterogeneous circle of activists
gathered in the camping group.

The Camping Group considers the camps it organises as spectre-overarching
sites. They are supposed to offer activists from different groups the
possibility for spending the night, for retreat, for meeting with other
activists, for common debates and preparations for action.

For the communication of up-to-date information and as coordination point
for workshops, actions and so on, there will be an information point on
each camp.

In order to make possible a solidary together we expect of the camp
participants that they take their orientation from corresponding values:
dominating, discriminating behaviour as expressed by sexist, racist and
anti-Semitic behaviour is not welcome on the camps. The camps may be
understood as fields of experimentation for left-wing socialisation.
Accordingly, all participants are expected to show responsible behaviour
as well as a constructive way of dealing with internal conflict lines.
People who obviously sympathise with discriminating ideologies and strive
for social concepts implying inequality between people should not enter
the camp.

In the light of our anti-capitalist goals, we shall organise the camps on
a largely non-commercial basis. There is in other words no commercial
service relationship; the infrastructure of the camps must be organised by
all activists together. Everybody should feel obliged to put hands on in
certain situations him- or herself.

Yet, there is no correct life in the wrong one: a few infrastructure
services such as supply with electricity, water, toilets, large tents etc.
are not a product of collective appropriation processes, but must be paid
for. The information tents shall accept a camp contribution of ca. 5 Euro
per day for financing the infrastructure. It holds: camping should not
fail because of money, but the camps should also not fail because of

In our vision of a different, better world, ecological perspectives as
well should play a role; accordingly, we expect from participants a
conscious dealing with land and environment on the areas that in part have
been put at our disposal by private persons free of charge. A respectful
attitude is also owed to the owners whose lands border on the camp sites.
The negotiation team of the camp group has had to lead many conversations
in order to get the campsites now obtained. The houses and businesses
bordering on these areas belong to people who are rather open to the idea
of protests and camps.

Self-organised camps are no package holiday! The camps are do-it-yourself
occasions! They only function if everyone helps instead of only consuming!
It is everybody’s task to turn these meadows into camps!

Arrival and information

At every camp, there will be an information tent at the entrance. At the
information tent or the “concierge”, you will obtain essential information
on camp structure and the action days and pay your camp contribution.
During camping time, the “concierge” will be the central drop-in and
informational hub for camping matters: problems, emergencies, schedule of
helper shifts, workshop plans etc. The concierge will also have a phone
number that will be published in time on the website.

For information on the situation outside of the camps, on the anti-G8
actions and news around the summit, there will be a network of information
points that will also be available at the camps at Reddelich and
Wichmannsdorf. In Rostock, you will find the information point at the
station or at the convergence centre.

Taking decisions on the camps

In the large plenary tents, there will regularly and also for special
reasons be organised camp plenary sessions. These plenaries are the
central decision-making bodies both as far as daily camp life as well as
urgent decisions (for instance dealing with the police) are concerned.
Barrios and large contact groups should send at least one or two persons
to the plenary and then feed-back what was talked about (delegate
principle). That way, we shall be able to make decisions faster.
Unfortunately, there is not enough space for all campers in the plenary
tents. Nonetheless, who wants to come to the plenary, should be allowed to
do so.

Build-up and take-down of the camps

The camps will be built up beginning May 19 (Wichmannsdorf) and shall be
open starting June 1. But also the tents will not build themselves up by
themselves: we still need many hands that will support us with the
build-up and take-down and that will keep the camp running during the
summit protests. The enrolment point for helpers, starting May 19, is the
protest school at Evershagen or the camping sites. You will find a list
with tasks during build-up and take-down here: Register there!


Concepts need to be worked out for the camps on how to protect them
towards the outside against unwelcome visits (mainly police and Nazis).
For that purpose, there will be night and day shifts that will keep
central points in view. For these, shift plans will be posted daily: Enter
your names! In case of the conflicts on the camps, there should be
structures to deal with them and to mediate. However, people are still
urgently required here. Please report on that matter as well.

For those concerned by sexualised violence and sexist discrimination, the
Antisexist Contact and Awareness Group will offer support. It will have a
contact tent on the Reddelich camp and at the same time be available
around the clock by phone under the number 0176 67 44 06 46. It works for
the concerned in a partisan way. These need not tell anything. All that is
said will remain anonymous, and the group does nothing that the concerned
does not want to be done.

Press and media

The press group can be reached under the address A
phone number will be announced in the press section of the website under . Journalists are asked to
consult the press group. Especially BEFORE filming on one of the camps!


Water, juices, soft drinks, coffee, tea, beer and wine will be available
in the camps. The beverages will be bought centrally by the camp structure
that will sell them as well. This will be one of the few sources of income
for the financing of the camps. Therefore, all sales of beverages are
supposed to pass by that structure. Barrios may buy beverages in the
central beverage storage facility against a commission or a down payment
and resell them.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, no alcohol shall be sold on the camps, because
blockading with a hang-over is no fun!

High-percentage alcohol should generally not be sold at all.

Material and tools

We shall try to collect material and tools at a central place and to rent
them. Bring everything that you can spare in terms of useful material
either as a gift or as a loan. Moreover, there will be a material exchange
at this place. Please leave a message there if you want to share material
there with others.


We shall try to put in place a transport service in order to link the
camps to one another. This also depends on your cooperation. Register for
a shift as driver of a small bus (a normal driver’s licence is sufficient)
or put your minibus at our disposal. There will be a drivers’ tent in
Reddelich to organise all of this. We also need bus drivers and large
busses. If you can spare the bus you came in for a while, please let us

You will find a car-riding exchange at the camping information tent. He or
she who wants to register ahead of time as driver or put a car at our
disposal should write an e-mail to

Substantive issues

The camps should not only be a place sleep. They will also be a space to
talk, to build networks, to discuss, to work on contents and to prepare
for the protests. For that purpose, there will be several workshop tents.
You will find the most recent information on these workshops at the camps
at the camping information points. A programme schedule is in planning. If
you want to offer something substantive yourself or want to contribute
something to the general cultural ambience (cinema, theatre, small art
forms etc.), please report at the camping information tent.

At this point, you may already announce your event at:


For independent reporting towards the outside as well as internal
information, there will be Indymedia tents. Moreover, in Reddelich, there
will be stationed a transmission truck of the free radio networks for our
own radio broadcasting.


Drinking and use water will be available at various points on the camps.
There will also be connections to the electricity network. A cell phone
recharge station is planned; please bring multipurpose plugs for that
purpose! For sanitary comfort you will find toilets at decentralised
locations on the camp and at a few more central points wash facilities and
showers (cold water). An independent medical team will also offer basic
health services.


The camps will be divided into barrios, meaning tent city districts.
Barrios function like small camps within the camps. They are built up by
groups who themselves decide on structure and equipment. Therefore, they
may be of different sizes and organised in different ways. If you want to
set up a barrio yourself, please report under for the
planning. We may only come up for the basic equipment described above, if
you want special equipment, for instance your own connections to water
supply, please organise them yourselves. Please consider that we shall
need help from the barrios already in the build-up phase.


In a walking distance from the Reddelich camp and in the Rostock city
harbour, the culture working group will organise concerts with renowned
artists. In the Rostock camp, there will moreover be a small arts
programme in the central circus tent. You will find the programme online
at . Other
initiatives plan various cultural events on the camps; therefore, open
your eyes and ears!


With two large and several smaller soup kitchens (in German Voküs) each,
we shall take care of good food for everyone. These kitchens, on the basis
of their long experience with collective cooking, will always offer
vegetarian, almost always vegan food. The soup kitchens work according to
the donation and do-it-yourselves-together principles: please cook along
and pay your way. The food stuffs are not yet covered by your camp
Please bring along, if possible, your own dishes and knives, forks and
Please consider that if there are very many people on the camp, the food
by the soup kitchens will not be sufficient. Please bring your own food
for such cases.

Camp contributions and donations

The camps won’t be commercial! With the sole exception of the firms of
which we rented large tents, sanitary equipment etc., nobody will make a
buck on them. The camps are supposed to be based on our autonomous
self-organisation and on a solidary redistribution of costs. That means
concretely: everybody helps in a forceful and also in a financial way to
realise the camps. The high costs come about as result of renting large
tents, toilets, washing installations, insurance, transport costs etc.
Therefore, there has to be a voluntary camp contribution. As a voluntary
benchmark, we recommend 5 Euros per person and day. The contributions will
be collected at the camping information points. In order to give us money
right away to pay urgent bills, you are welcome to transfer the camping
fee already in advance. That would help us a lot. You will find the
account number further below.

The camps will only function if all participate! Camping should not fail
because of money, but also not our camps!

Contact and account numbers

G8 Camping Group
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
10243 Berlin


Account numbers:
Association Kuckuk: Within Germany: Account number: 454 88 01
03│Postbank of Berlin BLZ 100 100 10
>From abroad: BIC: PBN KDE FF │ IBAN: DE 49 100 100 100 45 48 80 103


Reddelich Camp
Suhring 1-30, 18209 Reddelich

The Reddelich camp is located on a developed, yet barely used small
industrial centre in the small village of Reddelich, three kilometres West
of Bad Doberan. Reddelich can be reached easily by way of federal road
B105 that passes directly in front of the camp and by railroad. Here 3000
to maximally 5000 people will find a place.

The neighbours who will partly be almost completely encircled by us are to
a large extent very favourably disposed towards the camp and open-minded.
Please take care that they can live with us a well. Especially delicate
are the agricultural use land such as the large rape field to the West of
the camp. Please respect the barriers in that direction. We shall also
have to pay the damages to the fields around the camp.

Around the circus tent, where the plenaries take place, there will be a
common area, where the information point and the camping information
booth, the workshop tents, the child care area, a bar, the legal team, the
Indymedia tent, the first-aid team and the bike repair workshop will be
located. Around that, there will be grouped the various barrios, meaning
the districts of the tent city.

For the Reddelich camp, the culture working group will organise a
large-scale programme with renowned artists and groups (line-up under ). The large
concerts will take place in a walking distance, but not directly on the
camp so that it does not become too loud.

In order to take into account different needs let all vegetarians and
vegans be advised that right next to the camp area at Reddelich, there is
a butchery. Who cannot imagine camping in this vicinity, should rather
contemplate one of the other sites.

How to get to Reddelich?

By public transport:

>From the Reddelich railway station, it is only seven minutes walk to the
camp. There shall be signs to the camp. Every hour from 4:12 a.m. to 8:06
p.m., there are trains from Rostock; from Wismar from 4:42 a.m. to 20:42
p.m. (at respectively 30 minutes travel time). Whether there will be a
shuttle from Rostock to the camps is not yet out-

By car:

The camp is supposed to be car-free. Please only unload and then park on
the parking lots. Inhabited cars may of course enter the camps.
>From Rostock: Take B105 in direction of Bad Doberan, after Bad Doberan
follow the B105 three kilometres until Reddelich; at the exit of the
village, there is the camp.

>From Hamburg: Take A20 until the exit of Kröpelin, direction of Kröpelin;
in Kröpelin, switch to the B105 in the direction of Rostock until the
village entry of Reddelich. Alternatively: Take the A20 until the exit at
Bad Doberan, go into Bad Doberan and there take B105 in the direction
Kröpelin/Wismar, follow the B105 3 kilometres up to Reddelich; at the
exit of the village, there is the camp.

>From Berlin: From A19 at the Rostock crossing, switch to the A20 in the
direction Wismar/Lübeck, until exit at Doberan, go up to Bad Doberan and
there to the B105 in the direction of Kröpelin/Wismar; follow the B105
for 3 kilometres until Reddelich. At the exit of the village, there is
the camp. Alternatively: take A20 up to the exit of Kröpelin, direction
of Kröpelin; in Kröpelin switch to the B105 in the direction of Rostock
until the village entry of Reddelich.

Rostock Camp, “Fish Harbour”
Am Grenzschlachthof 1, 18069 Rostock

At Rostock, The camp is the so-called limit butchery, an abandoned
industrial area on the river Warnow. The site offers space to about
5000-6000 people. On the Rostock camp, there will be the necessary
infrastructure (electricity, water and sanitary installations, self-built
showers). In Rostock as well, it is possible to construct barrios or small
tent villages. There are several soup kitchens on the camp that provide
for warm meals. In the Indymedia tent, it is possible to surf in the
Internet. Workshop tents offer space for discussion. A large circus tent
is built up for the plenaries. The music programme is styled by the
Hedonist International and the culture working group. In the circus tent
on the camp, there will take place an interesting programme of small art.
Renowned artists have already agreed to be there.

The Rostock camp as well offers space and room for leisure activities:
organise cinema, provide for child care, potter about in workshops,
organise your own bars in your barrios. Form gangs!

How to get to Rostock?

By public transport:
Use the S-train (fast city train, all stations are marked with a green S)
up to S-R. Bramow or S-Marienehe also from the direction of Rostock
central station in the direction of Warnemünde. From S-station Marienehe,
cross the tracks, then keep to your right, cross the empty parking lot and
follow the streets “Fischereihafen” and “Schlachthofstr.” until you see
the signs to the camp. >From S-station Bramow go out on to “Schwarzer Weg”
in the direction of the harbour, then turn left on “Schlachtstr.”,
continue to follow the camp signs.
By car:
Switch from the A20 to the A19 or stay on the A19. Coming from the
direction of Berlin, take the exit Rostock South to the left into B110
-Tessin Str. At the railway bridge, turn right at the crossroads into
“Verbindungsweg” until it stops at a traffic light. Take your left across
“Vorpommernbrücke”, along the harbour past the socialist monument (two men
look towards the horizon). After about 400 metres, at “Werftplatz”, turn
to your right to Werftstr. (ruins of a part of the docks), then continue
straight ahead to Carl-Hopp-Str. and then into “Schlachthofstr.”. Where
the street makes a small turn, you will see the camp site your right. We
shall try to organise parking lots close to the camp.

Wichmannsdorf Camp/Kühlung
In the “Kühlung” hills on the Hoppenberg, 18230 Kröpelin (Wichmannsdorf)

The camp site is a meadow 6 ha in size in the midst of the hills of
“Kühlung” (which literally means “Cooling”) on the Hoppenberg close to
Wichmannsdorf (community of Kröpelin), just to the South of Kühlungsborn.
With the consent of the mayor of Kröpelin, a farmer has leased us the land
for constructing our camp. It offers space for 1500 to 3000 people.

The preparatory group from anti-nuclear contexts will provide for meeting
and workshop tents; an Indymedia tent and an information point will
guarantee that we stay at the centre of events. The “mobile music” truck
from Wendland is the scene for artists of all kind.

Next to an idyllic meadow with view on the Baltic coast, we promise you a
couple of days of intensive self-organisation. There will be an
infrastructure with popular kitchens, prefabricated toilets, a sanitary
area etc. Please take care yourself to bring sleeping bag, isothermal mat
and a tent.

Please bring with you: sleeping bag, isomat, a tent, silverware and dishes
for the soup kitchen, foodstuffs, bucket or water cans, pocket lamps,
maps/compasses, bikes, balls of wool.


How to get there?

Unfortunately, the camp cannot be reached by public short-distance transport!

By car:

  • From the South: On highway A20 (Wismar/Rostock); Exit Kröpelin, continue for about 15 km to the North until Kröpelin, from there by way of the 122 (“Reriker Chaussee”) in the direction of Boldenshagen, and after 5 km to your right to Wichmannsdorf, straight ahead through the village in the direction “Zur Ostsee” and then yet another 1 km on a gravel road up Hoppenberg.
  • From Kühlungsborn: from L11 (Schlossstr.) shortly before the “Kühlung”, turn to your right on “Am Holm”, cross the forest and pass the hill in the direction of Hoppenberg.

Please bring along

You’ll need in any case:

  • tents/isomats/sleeping bags
  • clothes
  • toiletries
  • towel
  • medication you need
  • food rations for emergencies
  • rain coat etc.

You might bring along:

  • camping cooker (and gas cartridges)
  • plate, mug, knife, fork and spoon
  • towels
  • multi-purpose plugs for the cell phone recharge station
  • adapter plugs for foreign appliances
  • pocket lamp
  • ultra-low frequency radio (useful for following translations at meetings=
  • normal radio
  • walkie-talkie
  • compass
  • map (plan of Rostock and map of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania)
  • small block-note and pen
  • repair kit for bikes

It would be magnificent if you brought:

  • pair of binoculars
  • blankets
  • first-aid kit
  • sowing equipment
  • tea candles and marmalade glasses
  • fire extinguisher
  • water can
  • tools
  • gardening tools
  • buckets
  • large tents/sun shades/pavilions
  • extra sleeping bags/tents/isomats
  • generators
  • cars/busses/trucks

Better leave that at home:

weapons of all kinds


Camping 07