Pressemitteilungen » Heiligendamm 2007 » G8 2007 MediaG8way » english  

Action Map of the G8 protests

Media G8way | Gipfelsoli Infogroup

Press Release for Immediate Release
Thursday, August 9th 2007

  • Mapping the history of the G8 resistance

Anti G8 protesters from Germany and abroad have released an “Action Map” of the protests and actions against the G8 that took place in Germany at the beginning of June this year.

Different groups have been adding to the map that collates the massive and diverse protests, direct actions, blockades and other events that took place during the week of action against the G8 and the politics they represent. The map contains different icons that indicate where and what kind of action occured. The individual icons are linked to texts, films or pictures about the actions.


Previously unpublicised actions include a direct action against the multinational corporation Caterpillar, clowns actions and numerous barricades such as the sealing off of one access road to Heiligendamm with fast drying cement.

“There was so much happening that week, and many events went almost unnoticed”, Hanne Jobst from the Gipfelsoli Infogroup explained, “many of the actions were at no point reported or commented on by the authorities or the companies affected.”

The map is also a contribution to future mass protests like the Anti-G8 mobilization in Japan next year, or the year after in Italy. “People can see how the interplay between mass and direct actions worked in and around Heiligendamm and use this experience to shut down the next G8 summit, the next WTO meeting or the next nuclear waste transport”, Jo Smith of the international press group Media G8way added.

To view the map: