bicycle caravan

Routes, Timetable etc. you will find at wiki - bicycle caravans...

Bike 'n Action – bicycle Gr8Chaoskaravaan against G8
With the slogan “wheels for change- ensure capitalism becomes history” one of the five bike caravans is starting towards Rostock to participate in the protests against the G8 summit (June 6th-8th in Heiligendamm).[more...]

G8 Fahrradkarawane - Video

G8 summit / Utrecht(NL): last bicycle caravanist finally released after over 48 hours arrest
Pressrelease by the bicycle caravan info office in Rostock

After a surprising and completely unwarrented arrest of around 100 bicycle activists and members of the "Gr8chaoskaravaan" western european anti G8 bike caravan on Saturday the last arrestee was finally released last night.
Arrestees report of police violence and ill arrest conditions. Caravan protests strongly against the disproportionate police action. Legal consequences for both activists and police. [more...]

Bicycle caravans to the G8 – summit

G8-Summit protest will begin with the start of the first bicycle caravan from Budapest in 5th of April.
From 6th to 8th June 2007 the G8 will meet in Heiligendamm near Rostock (Germoney). A lot of creative actions have been (and will be) prepared, such as bicycle caravans to mobilise protests in the run-up of the meeting.
So far, 4 routes have evolved from the idea to travel to the G8 by bike from all over Europe. [more...]

Press release
G8 2007 Heiligendamm, Germany

Additional bike caravan from Scandinavia to protest against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany Create 1, 2, many bicycle caravans[more...]

Newsletter "shake g8 bikeride"

In your hands you hold the first newsletter of "shake g8 bikeride". It`s the attempt to keep you up to date of the preperation process. A lot is happening decentral and self- organised and having a summary isn't that easy.[more...]