
MODEL G8 is a simulation of the real G8 summit

The MODEL G8 Youth Summit scheduled to take place from April 2 until May 2, 2007 - before the actual G8 summit - to provide an independent input from young academics to the conference and give a young audience insights into the way the G8 summit works and the decisions taken there.


The 4-day conference will be staged in the renowned Hertie School of Governance. About 80 young academics from all over the world will take part in the simulation and the cultural program.

The G8 countries’ delegations consist of 8 members, the other delegations of 2. It will be the delegations’ task to draw up a final communiqué on the issues on the G8 agenda. To achieve this, the respective ministers convene in panels to work out the chapters, which will later be discussed and decided upon in plenary session.

The work of the panels will be guided and briefed by experts supplied by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). The final communiqué will be presented to the German Federal Government and to the heads of state and government at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm.

The observing countries (Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa) as well as the EU and UN delegations will attend and provide an input to the head-of-states panels and respective minister panels.

Additionally, the program offers possibilities to experience the cultural and political life of Berlin.

The Japanese delegation will take it from here, as promised by the Keio University Tokyo, and organize the next G8 Youth Summit in Japan. Thus, we hope to establish a network of young experts to provide lasting and regular input and ensure the continuation of the G8 Youth Summit project in other countries in the future.

