
Court Support for G20 'Conspiracy' Defendants

Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Time: Court starts at 10 am
Location: 2201 Finch Ave. W
Also on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=263745827004444

Community organizations, friend and supporters- this is the first Court Support callout for the G20 ‘Conspiracy’ Defendants- 17 community organizers who are being charged for conspiracy around the G20 protests, last June 2010.

From June 21st to June 27th 2010, tens of thousands of people mobilized on the streets of Toronto to resist the G20 meetings. We mobilized for Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination, for migrant justice and an end to war and occupation; for climate justice; against income inequality and for community control over resources- this work has not stopped just because the G20 elites have left town.

We dared to challenge the illegitimate fence that separated the rich and powerful elite conspiring to an agreement of global austerity from the people on the streets who inevitably are meant to bear the brunt of these policies. We reclaimed power, we shook the fence, and we broke through the police lines. Many of us faced or witnessed the largest mass arrest in Canadian history- 17 members of our communities were charged with conspiracy for merely challenging this global austerity agenda. We need to stand by our friends and allies who face such criminal charges- criminalization of dissent is not something we will tolerate and we must stand in solidarity with those who are criminalized for just that.

Please join us on Tuesday, November 22nd at 10am at 2201 Finch Ave. West court house, to show solidarity with our 17 friends and allies who have been criminalized for their dissent. Our movements will not be deterred by the prison walls they try to build around us!

Please also join us afterwards for a rally and march at St. James Park. Details forthcoming.