

Syed Hussan, 26, an organiser with No One Is Illegal-Toronto and the Toronto Community Mobilization Network was swarmed by a group of plain clothes police-officers, thrown into an unmarked van and driven away on the morning of Saturday, June 26th, as part of a ‘preventative’ mass arrest of community organizers before the largest day of G20 summit protests even began.

Following his release on extremely restrictive house arrest conditions, Hussan has been unable to get his work permit renewed and is facing inadmissibility proceedings even though he has a study permit application pending. In the coming weeks, Hussan may require immense public and political support to stop possible deportation and we will be updating you accordingly.

Right now, there is an urgent need for financial support. Please donate to Hussan’s Immigration Defence Fund through Paypal or cheque by clicking here.

Canada, like other G20 countries, uses militarized borders, temporary work programs, and a violent police system to keep migrants in precarious conditions. Those that organize and resist for justice and dignity for themselves and their communities face repression, intimidation and deportation.

Over the years, we have seen again and again brave and courageous migrants without full status, refugee claimants, undocumented people and temporary workers be targeted, criminalized and deported. We remember Wendy Maxwell Nzinga, Mohamed Cherfi and countless others that have faced criminal and immigration repression.

As people that organize for justice, as members of migrant justice, anti-poverty, indigenous sovereignty, feminist, disability rights, queer, and environmental justice movements, we know that our communities are constantly targeted. The Harper minority government has used funding, illegal laws, and administrative and criminal tactics to silence critics and organizers.

We cannot allow our strongest voices to be silenced. We cannot allow immigration status to limit people’s ability to organize publicly, politically and openly. It is in this spirit of mutual aid, of collective strength, and an unwavering commitment to all political prisoners, that we ask you to support Hussan’s fight for justice and status in the fight for status and justice for all.

Please also Support the G20 Defence Fund! Visit http://g20.torontomobilize.org/support