
26.6.2010 Ontario -- Genua -- London

- New police powers could create legal trap for protesters
- Secret law passed by Ontario government gives police special powers during G20
- Judge allows police use of sound cannons with limits
- Toronto G20 summit: car with extra gas and weapons found; arrest made
- Second arrest made in G20 security investigation
- Kanadische Polizei nimmt Terrorverdächtigen fest
- G8/G20 – Einreiseverbot für alternative Berichterstatter
- Genoa G8 appeal, Diaz school raid high ranking police officers convicted on appeal
- Statewatch Analysis: Shock and anger at the violent policing tactics used at the G8 Summit - Part One


We make no demands on the violent repressive rich men that come to ourcity this week.
We ask nothing of the oppressive, illegitimate and non-representative G8,G20 and B20.
We expect only lies from the incompetent, banks, corporations and the so-called G20 leaders.

The worlds we wish to live in will be of our making.
Our hopes and our rage will shatter injustice where ever it arises.
Our courage, our solidarity and our unity will create transformative solutions.

Our asks, our demands and our expectations are directed at ourselves.
Be strong, have hope, fight with love.
We call upon all our communities,

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Source: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/node/311

New police powers could create legal trap for protesters

Lawyers to assist demonstrators expected to be arrested for following legal advice that is no longer accurate

Kirk Makin

Lawyers and civil libertarians are scrambling to set up emergency legal help for a deluge of G20 protesters expected to be arrested over the weekend for heeding legal advice that is no longer accurate.

Experts sympathetic to their cause say protest groups had no inkling the police would be granted sweeping new powers to detain, search and arrest them. They said that by asserting what they believe to be their rights, the protesters are walking straight into a legal trap.

“The risk is that people are misinformed now,” said Nathalie Des Rosier, general counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. “Police never mentioned their intention to use these powers. Certainly, it was manipulative. And that’s wrong.”

Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/g8-g20/news/new-police-powers-could-create-legal-trap-for-protesters/article1619146

Secret law passed by Ontario government gives police special powers during G20

Keith Leslie

TORONTO – Extra police powers to arrest people during the G20 summit, secretly granted earlier this month, had critics likening Ontario to a “tin-pot dictatorship” Friday.

A regulation allowing police to stop and search anyone coming within five metres of the summit site’s security fence — and arrest them if they fail to show identification — was passed June 2 by a committee of cabinet.

Still, the new rules only came to light after a 31-year-old man was arrested Thursday and detained for five hours.

The law, which includes penalties of up to two months in jail and a $500 fine, went into effect on Monday. It expires next Monday, after the G20 wraps up in Toronto.

Source: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/secret-law-passed-by-ontario-government-gives-police-special-powers-during-g8-20--97155269.html

Judge allows police use of sound cannons with limits

Toronto police will be allowed to use sound cannons with some restrictions to disperse G20 protesters, a judge has ruled.

Civil liberties advocates and activists had requested that a court impose an injunction to prevent police from using a device known as Long Range Acoustic Devices.

Toronto police will be able to use the LRAD’s voice function, but may only use a function which emits an ear-piercing pulse once every thirty seconds, Justice David Brown of the Ontario Superior Court ruled Friday.

“It’s an important aspect of keeping people safe in our city, including protesters. We believe it is safe,” police chief Bill Blair said Friday.

Source: http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100625/sound_cannon_ruling_100625/20100625/?hub=TorontoNewHome

Toronto G20 summit: car with extra gas and weapons found; arrest made

Toronto G20 summit is the scene where a car, laden with gas cannisters and weapons inside, was found near the summit site.

By Rob Gillies

Police say they’ve made an arrest after searching a car and finding containers of gasoline and weapons near the G-20 summit site.

Police spokeswoman Nathalie Deschenes said Thursday there was an array of unspecified weapons in the car. A police hazardous unit is going through the car.

A chain saw and a cross bow were seen next to the car after police pulled it over. Police flagged the Hyundai Elantra after deeming it suspicious.

Source: http://www.csmonitor.com/From-the-news-wires/2010/0624/Toronto-G20-summit-car-with-extra-gas-and-weapons-found-arrest-made

Second arrest made in G20 security investigation

A second person has been arrested as part of police investigations into G20 security.

Toronto Police say they have arrested Kristen Peterson, 37, of Toronto, and charged her with possession of an explosive device and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose.

The arrest came after Toronto police and Ontario Provincial Police conducted searches at a home in Toronto, a property in the township of Tiny, near Midland Ont., and a property in the Township of Lake of Bays.

Police won’t say what prompted Wednesday’s arrest, but it comes just a few days after a second person was arrested on similar charges. Byron Sonne, 37, faces several charges including possession of explosives, weapons dangerous, intimidating a justice system participant and mischief.

Source: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20100624/G20-security-arrest-100624

Kanadische Polizei nimmt Terrorverdächtigen fest

Wenige Tage vor dem G-20-Gipfel haben Ermittler einen Mann verhaftet, der einen Anschlag im Zentrum von Toronto geplant haben soll. Bei einer Razzia in seinem Haus fanden die Polizisten Waffen, er soll auch Sprengstoff besessen haben.

Ottawa – Die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen bei den Gipfeltreffen der G8 und G20 in Kanada sind enorm: Etwa 20.000 Sicherheitskräfte werden am kommenden Wochenende im Einsatz sein, eine gewaltige Summe von 760 Millionen Euro ist für den Schutz der mächtigen Gäste vorgesehen. Denn das Treffen könnte das Ziel von Terroristen sein.

Ein Mann wurde nun festgenommen, der einen Sprengstoffanschlag geplant haben soll. Der 37-Jährige sei bei einer Razzia in einem Haus im Zentrum von Toronto festgenommen worden, teilte die für die Sicherheit des Gipfeltreffens zuständige Polizeieinheit ISU mit. Der Einsatzort sei nur wenige Kilometer vom Veranstaltungsort des G-20-Gipfels am Samstag und Sonntag gewesen.

Source: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,702481,00.html

G8/G20 – Einreiseverbot für alternative Berichterstatter

Das Internet erlaubt freien Informationsfluss. Mit relativ einfachen Mitteln lässt sich eine Webseite gestalten, die weltweit abrufbar ist. Abgesehen davon, dass nicht jede Online-Quelle vertrauenserweckend ist, dass journalistische Sorgfaltspflicht oft im Hintergrund bleibt, die „freie Meinungsäußerung“ erlaubt, sich auszudrücken. Der Leser darf urteilen. Einige alternative Nachrichtenseiten erfreuen sich internationaler Beliebtheit. Die Mitarbeiter sind den Behörden bekannt. Einige von ihnen versuchten nun, nach Kanada zu reisen, um den beiden Gipfeltreffen so nahe wie möglich zu sein. Das Vorhaben endete am amerikanisch-kanadischen Grenzübergang.

Source: http://theintelligence.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1004:g8-g20einreiseverbot-fuer-alternative-berichterstatter&catid=63:international&Itemid=108

Genoa G8 appeal, Diaz school raid high ranking police officers convicted on appeal

On 18 May 2010, the third section of Genoa appeal court overturned the acquittal of several high level police officers present at the raid on the Diaz and Pascoli schools during the G8 summit in July 2001. The Diaz school had been made available by the city council as a dormitory for demonstrators, whereas the Pascoli school hosted a media centre, the Genoa Legal Forum, Indymedia and other activist media groups, as well as providing office facilities. One police official who was a defendant in the case, MF, described the scene that he witnessed as a "Mexican butchery". 93 people were arrested, 75 were taken to Bolzaneto where they suffered further violence in custody after the indiscriminate violence they were subjected to in the school (see Statewatch vol. 18 no. 4).

Source: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2010/jun/03italy-genoa-g8-appeal.htm

Statewatch Analysis: Shock and anger at the violent policing tactics used at the G8 Summit - Part One

Trevor Hemmings

The policing of the G20 summit in London in April 2009 has been severely criticised following an allegation of manslaughter and 270 complaints of police assault. Part I of a report on what happened and its aftermath The London G20 summit of world leaders at the ExCel conference centre on 2 and 3 April 2009 was headlined as a platform for international cooperation in the face of global economic disaster. The “greatest gathering of leaders since 1946” 1 was estimated to have cost £19 million 2, less than a quarter of the cost of the 2005 Gleneagles summit, and a price apparently considered to be value for money by participants hoping to adopt a rescue plan for the global banking crisis. However some leaders, such Brazil’s President Luis da Silva, pointed out that it was the behaviour of western financiers that had brought the economy down in the first place. (download pdf at statewatch.org)

Source: http://www.statewatch.org/analyses/no-99-g8-london.pdf