
Anti-G20 group slams 'excessive' policing

About 20 members of community organizations who plan to protest during the G20 summit held a news conference Tuesday to speak out against what they're calling police intimidation.

They carried signs and gave speeches on Bremner Boulevard near the south entrance of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. World leaders will be meeting at the centre for the June 26-27 summit.

Some demonstrators said they knew of activists who had been intimidated by police talking to them, but gave no specific examples.

Pic: Toronto

Greg Thomas, a member of the Toronto Community Mobilization Network, called on police to back off.

"The excessive arming of the police force, the demonization of Torontonians, the G8/G20 bully pulpit has created a dangerous power imbalance," Thomas said. "We are here today to call on our leaders to get off the pulpit."

Thomas also complained about security measures, saying Toronto streets are "on lockdown." He and other speakers said the money being spent could be better used for community-based programs.

There were at least 40 police officers on foot, bicycle, in cars and on horseback surrounding the demonstrators at the event.