

JUNE 8 2010
222 Bremner Boulevard, Metro Toronto Convention Centre 10AM – 1130AM

Bring Large Placards and Signs Describing the Worlds We Wish to Live In

We’ve spent the last eight months knocking on doors, talking to families, friends and neighbours, arranging transportation and accommodation, gathering food, sleeping bags and tents and supporting over a dozen actions that will take place between June 21-27, 2010. Thousands of people are planning to attend these events that will showcase the world we wish to live in.

Throughout all this, the G20 leaders have remained in hiding, while their lackeys, the Toronto Police, the RCMP, CSIS and now the Integrated Security Unit have harassed and intimidated organizers, bought themselves CAD $1,100,000,000 worth of weapons, fences and goons and made plans to turn the city into a residents’ nightmare.

Pic: Stencil

Of course, for us, this isn’t about the cops, it’s about the G20’s anti-people and anti-environmental policies. So on June 8th, we are going up to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre with large placards describing the world we wish to live in. A world with Indigenous Sovereignty and Self-Determination, Environmental and Climate Justice, Migrant Justice and an End to War and Occupation, Income Equity and Community Control over Resources, Gender Justice and Queer and disAbility Rights.

We invite everyone to join us with their own signs and placards. And your own cameras and recorders. On a walk through the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The G20’s policies impact our communities everywhere – our resistance is also everywhere.

NOTE: Speakers at this event include people who have faced police intimidation and violence, organizers from the summit legal project and community organizers.