
Toronto Community Mobilization Network speaks out against police use of Sonic Cannons during the G20 Summit

Toronto Community Mobilization Network condemns Toronto Police’s purchase and planned use of sonic cannons for “crowd control” during the G20 summits taking place in Toronto this June.

Instead of listening to the growing movement against the G20, governments are using the police and weapons as a tool to criminalize dissent and scare ordinary people from uniting. The so-called world leaders and their security army fear that the messages of justice movements will be heard in Toronto, that the truth will be told about the G20’s policies of violence and destruction.

“People have the right to have their voices heard about the injustices they face every day. Purchasing sound guns is a method to scare people from joining protests and organizing in their communities,” says Adonis El-Jamal, member of the network.

“Sound guns, a ‘protest pen,’ and a $900 million security budget makes it clear that security forces and the Harper government are trying to silence the growing opposition to G8 and G20 policies,” states Farrah Miranda of the Toronto Community Mobilization Network.

Pic: G20 Pittsburgh

In previous G20 summits, police have been armed with TASERS, stun grenades, and other devices for crowd control. “G8 and G20 countries are causing people to live in fear every day through war and occupation, poverty, and lack of access to social services. By purchasing sonic cannons, security forces are imposing one more way for people to live in fear,” says Miranda.

Sound gun technology has been deployed in Iraq as an anti-insurgent weapon, and the sonic weaponry is also being used on protesters in Honduras. Seattle Weekly reports that this weapon could easily be used as a torture tool if one doesn’t already think this is its only use.

Sound guns can reach volumes which surpass the pain threshold, causing permanent damage to hearing. Peoples’ money has been used to purchase four sonic cannons which will remain as a permanent weapon in the Toronto police force after the G8 and G20 meetings. Police have admitted that these tools will be used in “any future large gatherings,” indicating that the Toronto police force will be willing and ready to use these after G20 summits.

“Sound guns can permanently damage hearing. These weapons that blast loud noises, are being used to silence protesters and civil society,” says El-Jamal. “The police are not justified in buying or using sound guns. These pain-inflicting weapons will no doubt impose indiscriminate harm on Torontonians and all people in their vicinity."

For more information:
Contact Toronto Community Mobilization Media Liaisons
Email: tcmn.media@gmail.com
Phone: 647 454 2443
Website: http://g20.torontomobilize.org

The Toronto Community Mobilization Network is a network of community organizations of people of color, Indigenous peoples, poor and working class people, women, queer folk and disAbled peoples coming together to support mobilizations for Indigenous Sovereignty and Self-Determination, Environmental and Climate Justice, Migrant Justice and an End to War and Occupation, Income Equity and Community Control over Resources, Gender Justice and Queer and disAbility rights through protests, creative actions and educational events.