
Toronto streets get more surveillance cameras for G20

Jennifer Yang

Police began installing 77 more closed circuit security cameras around downtown Toronto Friday in preparation for the upcoming G20 summit.

They will remain up and in use until “the completion of the event, when there’s no longer an issue of security,” said Toronto police Const. Wendy Drummond.

The cameras are “similar to other ones we’ve deployed in the past,” Drummond said. “They’re going to be very recognizable. They will be clearly marked with ‘police’ on them.”

Drummond said the installations will occur over the next few weeks, with the first cameras going up Friday along Adelaide St. The exact locations will be disclosed to the public once they are installed, Drummond said.


Police will use the CCTV cameras to record and “relay visual information about an event unfolding in a given area over time.”

The cameras come in addition to 18 that had been installed in the Entertainment District prior to preparations for the G20. Each will have a prominent sign listing a phone number for people to call with questions or concerns, Drummond said.

“They’re very recognizable,” she said. “There will be no confusion over what they are.”

The G20 summit will take place June 26-27 at the Metro Convention Centre.

Drummond said installation of the cameras is governed by police procedures, the Criminal Code and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

The cameras are also in compliance with guidelines outlined by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, she said.