
7.5.2010 Ontario -- Seoul -- Cannes -- Heiligendamm

- Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit
- Tausende Augen für kanadische Polizei
- Police monitoring social media in anticipation of G20 protests
- G8 protesters to get list of dos and don’ts
- Queer G20 Call-Out
- CLAC 2010 Anti-capitalist Reader
- Pictures protest and police Halifax 26-28th April 2010
- G20 summit Toronto: Heightened security zone worries prompts help for homeless
- Stop the repression on migrants in the name of G-20 summit
- G20-Gipfel in Cannes im Juni 2011
- G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm - Wurden die Bushs in Deutschland vergiftet?

Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Dana Gabriel

The G20 summit will be held on June 26-27 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre preceded by the G8 summit which will take place in Huntsville, Ontario. The secretive meetings will be attended by world leaders, finance ministers, central bank governors, along with thousands of other delegates. It will be the largest security event in Canadian history exceeding the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Downtown Toronto will be turned into a security fortress with fences, barricades, checkpoints and street closures thus greatly affecting local residents. While the G8/G20 summits will attract their share of peaceful protesters, other more radical and fringe elements may try to capitalize on the event. Agent provocateurs might also be used whose actions could then justify a police crackdown and as a means to demonize all demonstrators. The G20 summit will deepen police state measures, as well as further integrate local, provincial, federal law enforcement agencies and the military.

More: http://www.prisonplanet.com/police-state-canada-2010-and-the-g20-summit.html

Tausende Augen für kanadische Polizei

Matthias Monroy

Laboratorium zur Entwicklung und Erprobung polizeilicher und militärischer “crowd control”: der Doppel-Gipfel von G8 und G20 ruft Polizei, Militär und private Sicherheitsdienste auf den Plan

Gipfelproteste und internationale Sportereignisse sind Laboratorien zur Entwicklung und Erprobung polizeilicher und militärischer “crowd control”. Nach den olympischen Spielen wollen sich im Juni die G8 und G20 in Kanada treffen. Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen für den Doppel-Gipfel sollen mit mindestens 131 Millionen Euro zu Buche schlagen.

Zwei Jahre vorher und damit ungewöhnlich früh hatte die kanadische Regierung als Tagungsort für den diesjährigen G8-Gipfel das Golf-Ressort Huntsville im Bundesstaat Ontario bekanntgegeben. Nach der sogenannten “Finanzkrise” und dem Wiedererstarken der [extern] “Gruppe der zwanzig wichtigsten Industrie- und Schwellenländer” (G20) ist Kanada auch Ausrichter des halbjährlichen G20-Treffens. Für beide Gipfel werden Buchungen von rund 50.000 Hotelbetten erwartet, darunter für Delegierte, ihre “Entourage” sowie Journalisten und Service-Mitarbeiter.

Um die “Sicherheitsarchitektur” beider Ereignisse nicht zu gefährden, wurde der ursprünglich ebenfalls im kleinen Huntsville geplante G20-Gipfel nach Toronto, Hauptstadt des Bundesstaats Ontario und rund 200 Kilometer vom Golfplatz in Huntsville entfernt, verlegt. Die Gipfelchoreographie sieht vor, den G8 am 25. Juni abzuhalten, gefolgt vom G20 am 26. und 27. Juni im Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, wo zahlreiche Großbanken mit ihren Hauptquartieren residieren. Das Protestbündnis Toronto Community Mobilization Network (TCMN) bereitet seit letztem Jahr umfangreiche Demonstrationen und Blockaden vor, gemäß den Organisatoren ist “jede Art politischen Dagegenseins” willkommen.

More: http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/32/32554/1.html

Police monitoring social media in anticipation of G20 protests

While arrests are made at the G8 meeting protests in Halifax, Toronto police say this city should brace for major demonstrations and disruptions during the G20 in the downtown core this summer.

Police say they're tapping social media for tips on major protests to prepare for the meeting of major world leaders in June.

Const. Wendy Drummond says police have dealt with protests organized through social media in the past, and they're taking steps to prepare for the June 26/27 weekend.

"(Social media) allows people to communicate in a lot more different ways. It's just another tool," she says. "The way we police our protests hasn't changed."

More: http://www.cp24.com/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100426/100426_g20_tor_protest_prep/20100426/?hub=CP24Home

G8 protesters to get list of dos and don’ts

Police hope cards outlining rights will keep people on right side of law


Halifax police officers providing security for the world’s G8 development ministers here next week will meet protestors with a special card to explain everyone’s rights.

While it’s no Hallmark greeting card, it is a more civilized way to advise demonstrators what they can and can’t do, as well as detail what cops will act upon.

“This is something new we’re going to try,” said Halifax police spokesman Const. Brian Palmeter.

“It’s an attempt to educate, so everybody understands what their rights are.”

And officers hope the written information will act as a deterrent to some of the fiery protests that have broken out at previous meetings of world leaders in Halifax, when demonstrators clashed with officers clad in riot gear.

More: http://thechronicleherald.ca/Metro/1178936.html

Queer G20 Call-Out

The G20 is invading Toronto from June 25th to 27th, 2010. This is a callout to militant queers everywhere; trans people, dykes, homos, faggots, cocksuckers, and genderfuckers: come to ATTACK!

We all know why the G20 needs to be opposed: world leaders getting together secretively to make destructive global capitalist advances from behind closed doors. The G20 represents the interests of the forces which oppress queers on a daily basis, from the state and police as tools of repression to fundamentalist, right-wing Christian agendas, to enabling more corporate power and environmental destruction.


More: http://mostlywater.org/queer_g20_callout

CLAC 2010 Anti-capitalist Reader

This paper is the product of a collaboration between various collectives and individuals associated with the Anti-capitalist convergence 2010 (http://clac2010.net). This new alliance, which is only loosely connected to the former CLAC, was created between January and March 2010 in response to the call-out put out by the Toronto Community Mobilisation Network (http://attacktheroots.net) for a community, anti-capitalist, mobilisation against the upcoming G8 (Huntsville, On.) and G20 (Toronto) Summits, on June 25, 26 and 27.

CLAC 2010 is made up of groups and individuals linked to the Montreal PGA-Bloc, the Anti-G20 Students’ Coalition (http://rage2010.net), the Anti-G20 Radical Feminists’ Coalition and various other anti-capitalist organisations from the greater Montreal area. Through the early discussions that led to the creation of CLAC 2010, a central concern raised by many participants was to make sure that this alliance be more of a popular education campaign and a long term effort to consolidate local anti-capitalist struggles than merely a punctual counter-summit mobilisation. This paper is a direct response to this concern.

Download Reader (pdf, 3MB): http://www.gipfelsoli.org/service/get_file%3Ffile=Coup_de_semonce_2010_final_web.pdf

More: http://www.clac2010.net/reader

Pictures protest and police Halifax 26-28th April 2010

More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Repression/Ontario_2010/Ontario_2010_Pictures/8355.html

G20 summit Toronto: Heightened security zone worries prompts help for homeless

Social agencies working to ensure 400 transients not swept up on protests, mass arrests

Liem Vu

Calvin – also known by his “street brothers” as “Poppa Smurf” – will have to leave his corner at Front Street West and University Avenue in less than 8 weeks to make way for world leaders.

The G20 Summit is coming for two days. He’s been there for 12 years.

“It drives me crazy. Why should we be subjected to a higher power coming in? Why should we be kicked off of our corner?” he says.

More: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/heightened-security-zone-worries-prompts-help-for-homeless/article1559715/

Stop the repression on migrants in the name of G-20 summit

On May 4, 2010, the Ministry of Justice announced the on-set of the “intensified crackdown period” beginning in June 1, 2010 until August 31.

According to their released copy, the guidelines will be advertised in newspapers starting May 6, and will end on May 30, 2010. Afterwards the “Intensified Crackdown” begins on the 1st of June until August 31, 2010.

The government is once again offering the voluntary departure program to the undocumented workers within this period. They claim that all migrant workers who voluntary leave Korea within this period will be exempted from paying a fine for overstaying and will be exempted from a 5-year immigration ban in Korea.

They also said that the workers who voluntarily leave will be able to take the korean language test.
The employers are also encouraged to surrender their undocumented workers so that they can be exempted from paying the fine of up to 20 million won. They will also be able to hire EPS workers that would replace their lost manpower.

More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Repression/Seoul_2010/8364.html

G20-Gipfel in Cannes im Juni 2011

Frankreich plant weit voraus: Der erste G20-Gipfel unter französischem Vorsitz soll im Juni kommenden Jahres in Cannes stattfinden. Zentrales Thema werde der Kampf gegen Steuerparadiese sein, berichtete die Zeitung «Le Figaro» (Dienstag). Frankreich wolle seine Partner überzeugen, Länder mit Sanktionen zu belegen, die sich nicht an die von der OECD aufgestellten Transparenz-Kriterien halten. Die französische Regierung hatte kürzlich angekündigt, sich im Rahmen ihres G20-Vorsitzes auch für die Einführung einer Devisensteuer zugunsten des Klimaschutzes einzusetzen. Die nächsten Gipfeltreffen der führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer sind im Juni in Kanada und im November in Seoul geplant.

More: http://www.greenpeace-magazin.de/index.php?id=55&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=76081&tx_ttnews[backPid]=54&cHash=2193586540

G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm - Wurden die Bushs in Deutschland vergiftet?

Ex-First-Lady Laura Bush erhebt in ihrem Buch schwere Vorwürfe

Was für ein Vorwurf!

Die frühere First Lady Laura Bush glaubt, dass sie und ihr Mann, der damalige US-Präsident George W. Bush, während des G-8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm im Jahr 2007 vergiftet worden sein könnten.

In ihren Memoiren „Spoken From the Heart“ (übersetzt: Aus dem Herzen gesprochen), aus denen die „New York Times“ erste Auszüge veröffentlichte, schreibt die Gattin des früheren Präsidenten, wie ein Großteil der Delegation während des Gipfeltreffens plötzlich erkrankte.

More: http://www.bild.de/BILD/politik/2010/04/29/laura-bush-memoiren-first-lady-behauptet/wir-wurden-in-heiligendamm-in-deutschland-vergiftet.html