
Action against the Danish police and the power of attorney

Just like in Strasbourg in April 2009, mass arrests occurred during the climate summit in Copenhagen as well as possible rejection of crossing the border to Denmark in the future.
All this was allowed by a law that was especially passed for the climate summit.
To fight this way of dealing with uprising and the factual abolition of the right of assembly, we need as many affected activists as possible to take action.
Attached is a letter of authorization for the Danish Legal-Support-Team “RUSK”. RUSK is a fusion of alternative left winged students that provide legal support for the activists during and after the climate summit.

Transparent Rote Hilfe HGW

This letter of authorization allows RUSK to file a suit against the arrest, rejection to cross the border to Denmark, etc. in your name. Please attach a separate and signed note if you have experienced extreme circumstances (such as violence and/or sexualized violence, denial to use the toilet, no food, etc.) describing it briefly. RUSK will also need your contact details (number or email address) to be able to get in touch with you.
It's very important that the documents are being to sent to RUSK as soon as possible as claims have to be submitted within 4 weeks from the date an incident happened.

RUSK's address is the following:

Retshjaelpen Rusk
Baggesensgade 6, basement
2200 Kopenhagen north

Phone: 0045 28255320
E-mail: retshjaelprusk@hotmail.com

For further questions or if you need any help, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're in contact with RUSK and ABC Copenhagen and will do our best to support you.



power_of_attorney.pdf  [File for attorneys]  application/xyz  7 KB