Danish police want to imprison the two Danish climate activists Tannie Nyboe and Stine Gry Jonassen. They are both spokespersons from the international network Climate Justice Action.
Tannie and Stine are charged with shouting PUSH outside Bella Center December 16th, when thousands of climate activists were about to push for climate justice.
We wanted to establish a People’s Assembly with representatives of the Global South, NGOs and delegates from the poorest countries to discuss real and just solutions to climate change.
We all shouted! We all pushed for climate justice!
Stine, Tannie and everyone else working to save the climate are not criminals. The real criminals are governments and big corporations who don’t care about climate change – except for how to make profit on false solutions.
When Tannie and Stine are charged with fighting for the climate, then I should be charged too.
I sign this stating that I shouted PUSH together with Tannie and Stine December 16th.