During the protests against the climate summit in Copenhagen by the police utilized flexibly undercover police officers. Thus, undercover police officers mingled among the mass demonstration on Saturday 12/12/2009.
On Monday the 14/12/2009 mingled during the no-border action day undercover police personnel among the protesters and prevented by force, that the crowd dragged the big ballon further.
On Wednesday, the 16.12.2009 during the Reclaim Power action took place undercover police hunt for demonstrators of the green group and arrested people arbitrarily. Within the blue group of plainclothes policemen mingled with the crowd and disguised themselves as journalists or media activists. In a disguised as a journalist, a policeman streamed directly from a video signal into the volume control center.
As a radio journalist and media activist disguised policeman was also in the midst of the crowd when the confrontation in front of the Bella Center held driveway. This undercover police officer called on crowd to defend themselfs was attested by witnesses. When the demonstration was on the way home, there was a diversionary tactic by low level flight with a helicoper and two minutes after that a undercover police unit have an access and arrested a person from the crowd. This unit was the same who protected the big ballon.
The demonstration was several times filmed by a special monitoring car which used IR camera and may be other techniques.