
4.10.2009 Pittsburgh -- Istanbul -- Heiligendamm

- Reclaim your data from the European police authorities!
- G20 Protests Rock Pittsburgh
- Protests at Group of 20 Conference [Photos]
- G20 riots in Pittsburgh – How I organized them via Twitter
- Are We Addicted to Rioting?
- Robocops Come to Pittsburgh...and Bring the Latest Weaponry with Them
- Groggy but not subdued, anarchists hail protest success with little damage
- Peter Nowak über eine Protest-Fahrt und ihre Folgen

Reclaim your data from the European police authorities!

Campaign to exercise the right to access European databases

Aufruf in deutsch: http://euro-data.noblogs.org/post/2009/09/10/hol-dir-deine-daten-zurueck

Throughout Europe, the data of millions of people is stored in information systems operated and checked by the police and and intelligence services as a matter of course. The various national systems are supplemented by centralized databases such as the Schengen Information System (SIS) and databases operated by Europol. In addition, the Treaty of Prüm and the “Swedish Initiative” has led to increasing automation and facilitate rapid data exchange between national systems.

We are no longer talking only about persons convicted for criminal offences. Immigrants are regularly entered in these databases – for having committed the “crime” trying to enter in a European country without obtaining prior permission, for wishing to make use of their right of asylum, or even for simply being a guest for a longer period in a European Union member state. But it is not just immigrants either. EU citizens are finding themselves entered in data retention systems for something as simple as, for example, being caught up in an ID check at a political demonstration or as a result of being ordered by the police to vacate a premises.

More: http://euro-data.noblogs.org

G20 Protests Rock Pittsburgh

News, updates and analysis on the G20 summit in Pittsburgh and associated protests.

See http://news.infoshop.org/article.php?story=2009092501263020#comments

Protests at Group of 20 Conference [Photos]

More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/G20_2009_Pittsburgh_Pictures

G20 riots in Pittsburgh – How I organized them via Twitter

During the recent G20 protests in Pittsburgh a group of on-the-ground participants, residents from Pittsburgh, mainstream and alternative media writers, left-wing activists and regular folks came together to form a virtual community on Twitter. We shared info, were collectively shocked at police violence and plugged important gaps in mainstream coverage of the protests. Here, Mike Gogulski responds to the charge that he was responsible for rioting protesters.

by Mike Gogulski
from NoState.com

More: http://socialistwebzine.blogspot.com/2009/10/g20-riots-in-pittsburgh-how-i-organized.html

Are We Addicted to Rioting?

The G20 is upon us, and though BBC world news featured some of "the troubles" in Pittsburgh, on the ground reports hardly match up with the media-inflation, police-inflation, and activist-inflation of the actual thing. As one who was not present in Pittsburgh, I cannot give a first-hand account. Phone calls with friends on the ground and various independent and corporate-media accounts are my window to the events. But as one who has participated in countless similar events, who didn't attend the G20 due to feelings of disconnection/confusion with my own people, I felt strongly enough to write this.

More: http://news.infoshop.org/article.php?story=2009092714272755#comments

Robocops Come to Pittsburgh...and Bring the Latest Weaponry with Them

By mike ferner

No longer the stuff of disturbing futuristic fantasies, an arsenal of “crowd control munitions,” including one that reportedly made its debut in the U.S., was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week's G-20 protests.

Nearly 200 arrests were made and civil liberties groups charged the many thousands of police (most transported on Port Authority buses displaying “PITTSBURGH WELCOMES THE WORLD”), from as far away as Arizona and Florida with overreacting"and they had plenty of weaponry with which to do it.

Bean bags fired from shotguns, CS (tear) gas, OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) spray, flash-bang grenades, batons and, according to local news reports, for the first time on the streets of America, the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD).

Mounted in the turret of an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), I saw the LRAD in action twice in the area of 25th, Penn and Liberty Streets of Lawrenceville, an old Pittsburgh neighborhood. Blasting a shrill, piercing noise like a high-pitched police siren on steroids, it quickly swept streets and sidewalks of pedestrians, merchants and journalists and drove residents into their homes, but in neither case were any demonstrators present. The APC, oversized and sinister for a city street, together with lines of police in full riot gear looking like darkly threatening Michelin Men, made for a scene out of a movie you didn't want to be in.

More: http://www.opednews.com/articles/2/Robocops-Come-to-Pittsburg-by-mike-ferner-090928-713.html

Groggy but not subdued, anarchists hail protest success with little damage

They weren’t stockpiling human waste to throw at police.

They didn’t set cars ablaze or chain themselves together in “sleeping dragons” with PVC pipe.

The anarchists who police and media had warned for months could wreak havoc on the city during the G-20 summit didn’t exactly fulfill that expectation. Instead, they smashed some windows and turned over a few Dumpsters, flooded the streets of Lawrenceville and staged sporadic uprisings for hours elsewhere, met by a large contingent of riot police at almost every turn.

Some were sprayed with OC gas, others pelted with rubber bullets. Still others were arrested in the demonstrations, which they had spent their summers planning.

More: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09269/1000990-482.stm


Global elites will meet in Istanbul between 28th September – 7th October to discuss their new plans for exploiting all humanity and the world. For this reason we organized an extremely festive action programme.

We’re inviting everyone -who has a problem with capitalism and the global destruction it created – to the streets and calling everyone to make Istanbul hell for the IMF & the WB!


More: http://resistanbul.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/make-capitalism-history

Peter Nowak über eine Protest-Fahrt und ihre Folgen

Cornelia Mannewitz rechnet jeden Tag mit ihrer Verhaftung. Der Frau vom Rostocker Friedensbündnis drohen bis zu sechs Monate Beugehaft. Ihr „Vergehen“: Sie hatte den Reisebus angemietet, mit dem Antimilitaristen aus der Hansestadt und Umgebung im April zu den Protesten gegen den Nato-Gipfel nach Straßburg fuhren. Bei den Ausschreitungen in Frankreich waren zwei Mitfahrer festgenommen worden und sitzen seither in Untersuchungshaft.
Schon im Juli wurde Mannewitz vom Landeskriminalamt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern fünf Stunden lang vernommen – als Zeugin. Bei der Befragung ging es um die Arbeitsweise und Struktur des Rostocker Friedensbündnisses, den Verlauf der Busfahrt zu den Protesten nach Straßburg – und um die Namen der Mitreisenden.
Weil Mannewitz dazu keine Angaben machte, wurde sie im darauf folgenden Monat von der Rostocker Staatsanwaltschaft zur Vernehmung vorgeladen. Dabei wurde die Herausgabe einer Liste sämtlicher Teilnehmer der Busfahrt verlangt.

More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Repression/Heiligendamm_2007/G8_2007_deutsch/G8_2007_Repression/7676.html