
L'Aquila - Let's illuminate the truth

Torchlight procession -- 6th July, at night
Leaving from the Castle at midnight and reaching piazza Duomo at 3:32 a.m.

Three months have passed since the catastrophe struck our land.
We have long felt the need for a moment of sharing through which we could remember our dear ones.

Bild: Berlusconi

Impossible during the official funerals, this moment will now take place in a bright night: through the strength of our silence we will then maintain that we must cast a light on accountabilities, and we will repeat that demanding truth and justice is the best way to keep the memory of our dear ones alive.

Before the international limelights blind Aquila forever, our torches will illuminate the city for one night.

Life goes on, and we will reconstruct it together.

We invite to the torchlight procession all the people who sent us solidarity messages from around the world. If you cannot come to Aquila, light a candle up at 3.32 a.m.

Campaign for 100% Reconstruction Participation Transparency... Justice