Action in Italy

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- 5th July Projections, poetry, actions and demonstration for social reconstruction: Memory, truth and justice
From midnight till 3:32 [bus from Pescara, infoline: 340-3701978 / 085-61106]
- 7th July Forum for social reconstruction
- 8th July “We won`t go!” – Rallye of comitees in the centre against the hippocrit catwalk of G8
- 10th July Countrywide demonstration against G8
- 7th July (11am) Goletta Green initiative against the security decree and in solidarity with migrants, titled “Abruzzo is a sea port, we do not reject”,
Arrival of a delegation of 20 citizens from all over the world
- 7th July (12am) Citizens assembly against security decree
- 8th July (afternoon) Forum “Environmental disasters and development, how to save the future of Appennino”.
- 9th July (afternoon) Guided tour at dumpsides and contaminated sites, agit prop action on "water and commons)
- 4th July NoDalMolin: Actionday of independence of Vicenza [how to go: Bus from Campobasso, Pescara e L’Aquila, infoline: 340-3701978 / 085-61106]
- 7th July Actionday welcoming the G8 (see VVV)
- 8th/ 9th July Diffused actions
- 9th July Rallye in front of detention and identification centre Ponte Galeria
- 4th July Cycling NoG8 in solidarity with the population of Abruzzi
Various cities
- July 8th Initiatives across all cities, to draw a “Map of the crisis” through which territories, communities and social organizations in resistance from Rome, through Naples, Genoa, Padua, Bologna, Milan, Ancona, Palermo and all the others, express its indignation against the crisis, the living, the insecurity, unemployment, environmental devastation, the commercialization of common goods, the militarization
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