- Tight security in Rome as G8 justice ministers meet
- Berlusconi police attacks international meeting in Torino
- Development Ministers' Meeting To Be Held in Rome on 11 and 12 June
- The perfect Wave. 10.000 against G8, charges and fights into the red zone
- Links G8 2009
- German Delegation Tours G8 Summit Sites
- Pictures: Protests in Torino May 19
- Pictures: Protests in Torino May 19 [2]
- Pictures: Protests in Torino May 19 [3]
- Berlusconi police attacks international meeting in Torino
- Demonstration: Against the crisis, against racism
- WTO: Ministerial Conference shall be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 30 November to 2 December 2009
- Police may use water cannon to control violent demonstrations
- G20 Lawyers serve Met with pre-action papers - 'hundreds of thousands' compo
Tight security in Rome as G8 justice ministers meet
Rome - Police sealed off streets in central Rome Friday as Group of Eight (G8) justice and home affairs minister began a two-day meeting covering organised crime and internet child pornography. In the afternoon, ministers from the G8, which consists of the US, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Canada and Russia, were scheduled to discuss problems linked to illegal immigration, including human trafficking.
Other participants at the meeting which is being held at a police training school, include EU Justice, Freedom and Security Commissioner Jacques Barrot as well as international security officials from Interpol and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
More: http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/270880,tight-security-in-rome-as-g8-justice-ministers-meet.html
ROME 29 - 30 MAY 2009
The Meeting of G8 Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs, chaired by Minister Angelino Alfano and Minister Roberto Maroni, will be held in Rome on Friday 29th and Saturday 30thMay 2009, at the International Conference Centre "Alcide De Gasperi" (located in via Pier della Francesca, 3).
The meeting will be attended by 16 representatives of the G8 Member States and other guests, including: the European Commissioner, Jacques Barrot, the Secretary General of Interpol, Ronald Noble, the Executive Director of UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) Antonio Maria Costa, the Director UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute) Sandro Calvani, and the Ministers of the Interior and Justice of the Czech Republic, holding the current EU Presidency).
The meeting will be divided into three sessions.
More: http://www.interno.it/mininterno/export/sites/default/it/sezioni/sala_stampa/comunicati/comunicati_2009/0779_2009_05_22_english_version_G8.html
Berlusconi police attacks international meeting in Torino
Two members of KOE arrested
The Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) and the Coalition of Radical Left (SYRIZA) condemn the brutal and provocative attack of the Berlusconi police against a non-violent protest of students and university professors yesterday morning, Monday 18 May 2009, in Torino. The Italian police attack against the public meeting, which protested the reactionary “University G8 Summit”, resulted in the arrest of students, among them two members of KOE.
The students of KOE, who are also elected officials of their Student Unions with the Left Unity block (respectively in the Medicine Faculty of Creta and in the University of Thessaloniki), were participating in the Counter-Summit organized in Torino by the Italian student movement and progressive university professors.
More: http://napoli.indymedia.org/node/8630
Development Ministers' Meeting To Be Held in Rome on 11 and 12 June
The G8 Development Ministers' Meeting, which was initially scheduled to be held in Pescara in late May, is now going to take place at the Farnesina -- the Italian Foreign Ministry -- in Rome on 11 and 12 June.
More: http://www.g8italia2009.it/G8/Home/News/G8-G8_Layout_locale-1199882116809_Ministeriali.htm
The perfect Wave. 10.000 against G8, charges and fights into the red zone
19th May- Turin- Italy
The Anomalous Wave has invaded the streets, and blocked the cities again, and again has conflicted on the link education-work, starting from the protests against the unsustainable and illegitimate G8 University Summit. In Turin, ten thousands students, moving from the Block G8 Building,decided to march across the centre, sanctioning banks and temporary employment agency, crying again that "We won't pay for your crisis". The whole Wave decided to break into the red zone, not to accept prohibitions to the freedom of movement, and to try to reach the venue of the illegitimate summit of the chancellors' baronial lobby: we protected the demonstration from the charges and we denounce the massive and excessive use of tear gas thrown at eye level against students. Yet another Wave that subverts the G8 University Summit, once again we demonstrate our dissent, day after day in every faculty we build up the autonomous university by the "self reform", we build up the reappropriation of income and the autonomous production of knowledge!
More: http://www.edu-factory.org/edu15/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=166:the-perfect-wave-10000-against-g8-charges-and-fights-into-the-red-zone&catid=34:struggles&Itemid=53#mce_temp_url%23
Links G8 2009
* altrog8 www.altrog8.org
* Bury the G8! www.radicaleyes.it
* Collettivo Autorganizzato Universitario – Napoli http://cau.noblogs.org
* Contra a su g8 http://contraasug8.altervista.org
* Contro il G8 agricoltura www.assemblea.gelohc.com
* Contro il G8 dell’università a Palermo http://palermocontrog8.blogspot.com
* EduFactory http://www.edu-factory.org
* G8 2009 Berlin http://g809.blogsport.de
* G8 Università Torino www.notremonti.org
* G8 University summit http://g8u-summit.jp/english
* Global Project www.globalproject.info
* Indymedia Abruzzo http://abruzzo.indymedia.org
* Indymedia Piemont http://piemonte.indymedia.org
* infoaut.org www.infoaut.org
* krisismaps.info http://www.krisismaps.info/map
* La notte biancha http://nottebiancainonda.blogspot.com/
* Melting Pot www.meltingpot.org
* Milano 23|05|09 http://www.dachepartestare.org
* No G8 Rome http://nog8roma.wordpress.com
* No G8 Sicilia http://www.nog8sicilia.org
* Onda No G8 http://ondanog8.blogspot.com
* Osservatorio Informazione G8 2009
o http://g82009.splinder.com
o www.g82009.altervista.org
* Rappresentanze Sindicali http://sardegna.rdbcub.it
* Red-Net http://www.red-net.it
* Rete Anarchica Antimilitarista www.reteantimilitarista.info
* Rete Catanese http://retecatanesecontroilg8.blogspot.com
* Rifondazione Sardegna http://rifondazionelibera.blogspot.com
* rosso vivo www.rossovivo.net
* Sardigna Ruja http://sardignaruja.altervista.org
* sardinien.com http://www.sardinien.com/blog/labels/g8.cfm
* towardsG8 www.towardsg8-2009.org/events
* Studenti Medi http://studentimedicontroilg8universitario.myblog.it
* TURIN SHERWOOD CAMP ’09 www.sherwoodcamp.net
* Uniriot www.uniriot.org
* Verso il g8 di torino! http://corsari-milano.noblogs.org
* zig.it http://www.zic.it
More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/L_Aquila_2009/G8_2009_Links
German Delegation Tours G8 Summit Sites
The German Government’s representatives toured the Guardia di Finanza Non-Commissioned Officers’ College in Coppito, on the outskirts of L’Aquila, the new G8 Summit venue, today. In line with what is by now the tried and tested programme for the foreign delegations’ preparatory visits, the 10 German delegates, headed by Karl Wokalek, from the Foreign Ministry Protocol Department, were welcomed by the director of the Civil Protection Department’s International Relations Office, Agostino Miozzo.
More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/L_Aquila_2009/7146.html
Pictures: Protests in Torino May 19
Pictures of the demonstration and clashes with police in Torino May 19 2009.
Material taken from mainstream media.
More: http://www.corriere.it/cronache/09_maggio_19/g8_torino_manifestazione_studenti_onda_3106095c-4453-11de-a9a2-00144f02aabc.shtml
More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/L_Aquila_2009/G8_2009_Pictures/7036.html
Pictures: Protests in Torino May 19 [2]
Pictures of the demonstration and clashes with police in Torino May 19 2009.
Material taken from www.infoaut.org, www.globalproject.info, www.ansa.it, http://torino.repubblica.it, www.lastampa.it.
Find more on www.ilgiornale.it and www.uniriot.org and http://nachofoto.com
More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/L_Aquila_2009/G8_2009_english/7107.html
Pictures: Protests in Torino May 19 [3]
Pictures of the demonstration and clashes with police in Torino May 19 2009.
Material taken from www.zic.it, find more via flickr on www.zic.it/zic/articles/art_4643.html.
More: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/L_Aquila_2009/G8_2009_Pictures/7133.html
Berlusconi police attacks international meeting in Torino
Two members of KOE arrested
The Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) and the Coalition of Radical Left (SYRIZA) condemn the brutal and provocative attack of the Berlusconi police against a non-violent protest of students and university professors yesterday morning, Monday 18 May 2009, in Torino. The Italian police attack against the public meeting, which protested the reactionary “University G8 Summit”, resulted in the arrest of students, among them two members of KOE.
The students of KOE, who are also elected officials of their Student Unions with the Left Unity block (respectively in the Medicine Faculty of Creta and in the University of Thessaloniki), were participating in the Counter-Summit organized in Torino by the Italian student movement and progressive university professors.
More: http://napoli.indymedia.org/node/8630
Demonstration: Against the crisis, against racism
Milano May 23 2009
The crisis hits hard, the crisis hits everybody: women and men, Italian and migrants. Among workers, migrants experience a double precarity, they know that their residence permit will not be renewed, that illegality is always a closer threat, and the possibility of expulsion is always present. That is why it’s time to TAKE A SIDE.
The racism of the institutions hits hard: the Berlusconi government, with the guiding role of the Lega Nord, started a true hate campaign. The proposal of a “contribution” to renew the residence permit shows that migrants’ wages are regarded as an available resource to pay the crisis and to fund new Identification and Expulsion Centers (CIE). The institutions try to legitimate their racism calling into question women’s bodies, and allow for the diffusion of popular street patrols and aggressions. That is why it’s time to TAKE A SIDE.
More: http://www.dachepartestare.org/materiali/volantino-manifestazione-23-maggio-inglese.pdf
WTO: 1.Seventh Session of the Ministerial Conference shall be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 30 November to 2 December 2009
In the light of what I gleaned from my consultations on these matters, on 11 May I circulated the draft decision contained in document WT/GC/W/601. This draft decision sets the dates for the Seventh Session — 30 November to 2 December, its venue — Geneva, and its overall theme. Subsequent discussion with delegations indicated the need to review the proposed theme, and after further consultations I therefore circulated yesterday document WT/GC/W/601/Rev.1, proposing as a general theme “The WTO, the Multilateral Trading System and the Current Global Economic Environment”. This document is also available outside the room.
More: http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news09_e/gc_chair_stat_26may09_e.htm
Police may use water cannon to control violent demonstrations
Adam Fresco and Richard Ford
Scotland Yard is to review its policing of violent demonstrations after the G20 protests to see if London needs harsher, European-style methods that could include the use of water cannon.
Sir Paul Stephenson, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said that they would look at the more robust tactics used by other European police forces.
In an interview with The Times to mark his first 100 days in office, Sir Paul also said that a failure to merge smaller police forces had left many unable to cope with serious and organised crime.
More: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article6250732.ece
G20 Lawyers serve Met with pre-action papers - 'hundreds of thousands' compo
Lawyers acting for protesters caught up in last months G20 summit have served the Metropolitan Police with a pre-action notice over their tactics.
G20 protesters subjected to “ketteling” and aggressive police tactics have been told they could receive “hundreds of thousands of pounds” for the way they were treated.
The legal letter landed on the desk of Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson at the weekend from Bindmans solicitors.
More: http://www.thelondondailynews.com/lawyers-serve-with-preaction-papers-hundreds-thousands-compo-p-2922.html